Memorial Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union and
Morrow, Ohio -
Publ. Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co.
physician and surgeon, Delaware, Ohio, dates his birth in Troy
township, Delaware county, this State, September 2, 1855, his
parents being Madison and Jane (Black) Main.
Dr. Main was reared on a farm and was educated in the
public schools. When he was twenty he began the study of medicine
under the instructions of Dr. McCann, Delaware, and in 1877
he entered the Columbus Medical College, where he graduated February
28, 1879. The last year of his college life he spent much of his
time in the office of Dr. D. T. Gilliem, of Columbus. After
his graduation he at once entered upon the practice of his
profession at Bryan, Williams county, Ohio, and there remained five
years. His next move was to Delaware, where he has since conducted
a general practice, and where he has met with eminent success. With
the exception of one year, when he was in partnership with Dr.
Welch, of this city, he has practiced alone.
Dr. Main was married December 30, 1879, to Miss Christina
Schaub, who was born in Switzerland, but who has been a resident
of America since she was quite young. They have two sons, Wilber
J. and Earnest F. Their residence is at No. 99 Williams
Memorial Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union & Morrow, Ohio;
Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, p. 229
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
a prominent farmer and stock-raiser of Troy township, Delaware
county, Ohio, was born here July 8, 1835. His father, James Main,
was a native of Virginia, who came to Delaware county, Ohio, with
his parents when he was two years old and was reared in Troy
township. His life was that of a farmer and stock-raiser. He
married Anna Cole, and they settled in a log cabin he had
built in the midst of the forest. He cleared and improved his farm,
was a hard-working and highly respected man, and during his life
wielded an influence for good in the pioneer settlement where he
lived. He died at the age of sixty-eight years. His political
affiliations were with the Democratic party and for a number of
years he served as Township Trustee without salary, on account of
the township being in debt. He has also served as School Director.
He was identified with the old-school Baptist Church and for a
number of years was a Deacon in the same. It may be said of him
that there were few, if any, better men in the whole community than
James Main. He was the father of nine children, seven of
whom grew to adult years, and to each of them he gave fifty acres of
land, all his property having been acquired by his own efforts and
with the assistance of his good wife. Mr. Main was temperate
in all his habits, never using stimulants or tobacco, and his
liberal contributions to all worthy causes proved him to be a man of
great generosity.
Colonel Timothy Main, the grandfather of our subject,
was also a native of the Old Dominion. It was about 1813 that he
came with his family to Troy township, Ohio, and here the rest of
his life was spent among frontier scenes. He was a great hunter,
and by his jolly and genial nature won hosts of friends wherever he
went. He was a Colonel in the militia.
John Clinton Main was the second born in his father’s
family and is the oldest one now living. His early education was
received in the old-fashioned log school-house near his home, but
his schooling was completed in a frame building. He remained at
home until he attained his majority.
September 28, 1856, he married Deemeann Moses, a native
of this township and a daughter of James and Hannah (Main) Moses,
the former born in Marion county, Ohio, and the latter in Virginia.
She is the oldest of a family of six. Mr. and Mrs. Main have
two children: Florence, deceased, and Cora, wife of
James Vergon, of Delaware township, this county.
After his marriage Mr. Main went to Tama county, Iowa,
but a short time afterward he came back to Delaware county, Ohio,
and for three years continued farming in Troy township. His next
move was to Jefferson county, Illinois. Disappointed in this
location, he turned around without even unloading his wagon and came
back again to Ohio, this time settling in Marion county, where he
purchased a farm and lived for some time, which farm he subsequently
sold at a profit of $700. After disposing of his Marion county
farm, he bought a portion of the tract of land he now occupies, at
first buying eighty acres and subsequently adding to it until he is
now the owner of 300 acres. This is one of the best farms in the
township. Mr. Main is extensively interested in stock,
keeping an average of fifty head of cattle the year round. He has
had his share of misfortunes and has had to pay numerous security
debts, but notwithstanding this he has prospered and is to-day
ranked with the substantial men of his community. For six years he
served as a member of the Infirmary Board. Politically he is a
Memorial Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union & Morrow, Ohio;
Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, pp. 286-287
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
a farmer and stock-raiser of Harlem township, Delaware county, Ohio,
has resided upon his present homestead since the 15th of March,
1875. He was born in Harlem township, December 31, 1838, and is a
son of Abijah Mann, whose sketch appears in Delaware County
History. In the family were ten children of which Mr. Mann
was the second in order of birth. The parents were both members of
the Methodist Episcopal Church and were highly respected people.
The mother died March 15, 1866, and some seven years later the
father passed away. He was a native of New Jersey and the mother a
native of Harlem township, Delaware county, Ohio.
When Silas J. Mann was a lad of twelve summers, his father went
to California, where he remained for two years, and he then began
working by the month in order to help support the family. He made
his home on his father’s farm until he was twenty-two years of age,
and to agricultural pursuits he devoted his energies through the
summer months, while in the winter months he attended the district
schools of the neighborhood. On the 8th of August, 1862, when
twenty-two years of age, Mr. Mann responded to the country’s
call for troops to aid in crushing out the Rebellion, and joined the
boys in blue of Company G, Forty-fifth Regiment Ohio Volunteer
Infantry. On the 4th of July, 1863, he started with his regiment in
a raid after Morgan and traveled 1,400 miles in twenty-eight
days, passing through Kentucky, Indiana and Ohio. Being disabled
while on this long march, he was, on the 23d of November, 1864,
transferred to the Eighth Regiment of the Veteran Reserve Corps,
which was stationed at Camp Douglas, Chicago. There he became a
member of the post band which played for twenty days at the
Northwest Sanitary Fair in that city. The day which brought the
nation its freedom also gave him his independence, for on the 4th of
July, 1865, he was released from military duty. Being honorably
discharged from the service, Mr. Mann at once returned to his
home, and on the 21st of September of the same year was united in
marriage with Miss Julia A. Stansell, daughter of George
Stansell. Her father was born in Palmyra, New York, in 1798,
and died on the l0th of September, 1855; fourteen years later his
wife passed away. Their family numbered nine children, of whom
Mrs. Mann is the sixth in order of birth. She was born October
1, 1841, and by her marriage has two children,—Arthur C. Mann,
born August 14, 1870; and Jasper D. Mann, born February 5,
1876. They also reared an orphan girl, Miss Daisy P. Cochran,
born August 20, 1875, daughter of Thomas and Emma Cochran.
As a means of livelihood, Mr. Mann has always followed
farming and is now the owner of 150 acres of valuable land in Harlem
township. His place is neat and thrifty in appearance and the
improvements found thereon stand as monuments to the enterprise and
progressive spirit of the owner. Between the time of his marriage
and his removal to the farm, Mr. Mann made his home in
He takes quite an active interest in civic societies, holding
membership with Galena Lodge, No. 404, I. O. O. F.; Center Village
Lodge, No. 645, K. P.; and Charles Slack Post, No. 59, G. A.
R., of Galena, Ohio. He with his entire family holds membership
with the Methodist Episcopal Church. In his political views Mr.
Mann is a Republican, and for about seven years has held the
office of Township Trustee. He is also a member of the Board of
Education and was president of the Delaware County Agricultural
Society two years, and also director three years. He was elected
County Commissioner in November, 1888, and was re-elected in
November, 1891, and was appointed to fill a vacancy of nine months
as County Commissioner in 1895. The best interests of the community
find in him a friend and he is the same loyal citizen to-day as he
was when shouldering the musket. He went to the defense of the
Union and followed the old flag until it once more waved over the
united nation.
Memorial Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union & Morrow, Ohio;
Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, pp. 343-344
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |

Francis Marion Marriott |
has assuredly not been uninteresting to observe in the series of
biographical sketches which have appeared in these columns the
varying nationality, origin and early environment of the men who
have made their way to positions of prominence and success. In no
better way could we gain a conception of the diverse elements which
have entered into our social and commercial life and which will
impart to the future American type features which cannot be
conjectured at the present time. We have had an American type in
the past; we shall have a distinctly national character in the
future, but for the present, amalgamation of the varied elements is
proceeding and the final result is yet remote.
The extraction of Francis M. Marriott must be sought for
among the early settlers of Maryland, where for a long period much
of our national history was written. The subject of this review was
born September 5, 1847, in Eden township, Licking county, Ohio, one
of the nine children of Thomas Homewood and Druzilla (McClelland)
Marriott. Thomas Homewood Marriott was born near Utica,
Licking county, Ohio, in the year 1814, being the son of Homewood
and Mary (Ridgely) Marriott, who came from Maryland to Ohio in
1811. Joshua Marriott, great-grandfather of the subject of
this sketch, came from France and settled in the State of Maryland
in the year 1740; his wife, Rachel Ann, née Homewood,
was of English birth.
Reverting with more detail to the life of Thomas H. Marriott,
father of our subject, we find that his position as one of the
enterprising and successful farmers of Licking county was assured,
and that his character was such as gained to him respect and much
local distinction. Always an uncompromising Democrat in his
political views, he instilled into the minds of his children the
principles which he advocated, and so effective was his effort in
this regard that in the later years his sons have never swerved in
their allegiance to these same principles. Incidentally, it is
interesting to note the fact that the subject of this sketch,
Hon. Francis M. Marriott (better known as Frank M.) has
held many positions of trust and responsibility in the gift of his
party. He received his early education in the old log school-house
known as the Kirkpatrick school, located in Eden township,
Daniel Paul, afterward State Senator from Knox county, having
been one of his first instructors in the primitive scholastic
institution. In the year 1864 Thomas H. Marriott removed
with his family to Delaware county, settling in Harlem township on
the farm now owned by his son, the subject of this sketch.
Francis was soon thereafter enabled to attend school at Central
College, in Franklin county, and ultimately to enter the Ohio
Wesleyan University, at Delaware, where he prosecuted his studies,
defraying the expenses of his education by teaching during the
winters and working on the farm during vacations.
He was principal of the high school at Sunbury in the year
1870, and in the spring of the following year began reading law in
the office of Charles H. McElroy, who afterward became Judge
of the Court of Common Pleas. After three months of close
application, Mr. Marriott taught another term of school at
Sunbury, and in the fall of 1871 resumed the study of his chosen
profession with Messrs. Reid & Powell, who comprised one of
the leading law firms of Delaware. Admitted to the bar March 19,
1874, Mr. Marriott almost immediately gained recognition,
being elected Prosecuting- Attorney of Delaware county in the fall
of the same year. As indicative of his personal popularity and of
the confidence in which he is held by the people it may be here
noted that at the polls was rolled up to his credit the handsome
majority of 489 in a county which at that election gave a natural
Republican majority of more than 700.
His professional ability and correct methods secured to him a
clientele which-rendered it expedient for him to refuse a
re-nomination to the office of Prosecuting Attorney, but in the fall
of 1879 he yielded to the importunities of his party friends and
accepted the nomination for State Senator from the sixteenth
Senatorial district, comprising the counties of Licking and
Delaware, and was elected to that office in October of that year.
During his two years’ service in legislative halls he stood as a
leader in the Senate, his counsel being always regarded as wise and
conservative, while upon parliamentary questions his decisions were
considered as practically ultimate. His care and consideration in
the discharge of the responsible duties of his official position
gained him the respect and highest confidence of his collegues [sic].
Having been selected by the Democratic members of the Sixty-fourth
General Assembly as one of the committee to go to Washington for the
purpose of presenting to the National Democratic Committee the
claims of the Ohio Democracy for the holding of the national
convention of the party in that State, he, with the support of the
other members of the committee, did such effective work in
furtherance of the cause as to secure the holding of the convention
in Cincinnati in 1880. To this convention he was unanimously chosen
as a delegate from the ninth Congressional district, composed of the
counties of Knox, Morrow, Hardin and Delaware. In April, 1884, he
was appointed by Governor George Hoadly as one of the three
managers of the Intermediate Penitentiary, was reappointed in 1885,
and has ever since held that position (except for two years under
the administration of Governor Foraker) receiving commission
from Governors James E. Campbell and William McKinley.
Mr. Marriott’s devotion to his profession and his marked
aversion to political life have proved sufficient to deter him for
accepting other political preferments which have been urged upon him
by constituents. His success in a professional way has been
pronounced, and offers the best evidence of his capability in this
line. He is a strong advocate with the jury and concise in his
appeals before the court. Much of the success which has attended
him in his professional career is undoubtedly due to the fact that
in no instance will he permit himself to go into court with a case
unless he has absolute confidence in the justice of his client’s
cause. Basing his efforts upon this principle, from which there are
far too many lapses in professional ranks, it naturally follows that
he seldom loses a case in whose support he is enlisted.
As touching the professional career of our subject there is one
case which so clearly shows the animus of the man and which stands
in example of the broad charity that is his and the extent to which
he will lend his influence for the sake of justice alone, that we
cannot refrain from reverting to the same in this connection.
Giacoma Pallotta was indicted and put upon trial on a
charge of “shooting with intent to kill.” He had spent the day in
Delaware attending strictly to his business, that of scissors
grinding. In the evening, he, in company with his uncle, went to
the Hocking Valley depot, intending to go to Marion. While waiting
for the train he accidentally shot a man by the name of Feenan.
He was arrested and indicted on the charge of shooting with intent
to kill as above. There was great excitement at the time, and he
was placed upon trial while the public mind was greatly inflamed.
Mr. Marriott was in no way connected with his trial. Hon.
Gil Barger, of Columbus, defended him before the jury, and made
a most able defense, but he was convicted and sentenced to five
years’ imprisonment in the Ohio Penitentiary. Mr. Marriott
heard the trial carefully listened to all the testimony, and thought
the verdict and imprisonment unwarranted. The prisoner’s counsel
not prosecuting the case further Mr. Marriott voluntarily
took up the case, had the testimony transcribed and filed a petition
in error in the Circuit Court to the judgment of the Common Pleas
Court. Pallatta had in the meantime been taken to prison and
was serving his sentence. He did not know that his case was being
prosecuted and never did know until Mr. Marriott telegraphed
him the action of the Circuit Court and he was released from prison
after haying served about six months of his sentence. Pallatto
was a poor fellow; a stranger in our country, spoke our language
very imperfectly; in fact could hardly make himself understood at
all. He had no means to employ counsel and no friends who were
willing to assist him, and our subject took up his defense, purely
as an act of justice and charity, looking only for his reward in
that time when the Great judge shall say, “Inasmuch as ye have done
it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto
Following is an extract from the brief presented by Mr.
Marriott in the celebrated case, the same offering the portion
of the argument referring to the testimony given at the trial. The
brief discussed the law of the case at length, but the Circuit Court
reversed the case solely on the ground that the evidence did not
warrant the jury in rendering a verdict of guilty:
“How a jury could conclude and ‘find beyond a reasonable doubt’
from the testimony in the case, that the defendant purposely shot
Feenan is beyond the power of our minds to conceive, and we here
invite the court to a careful and close examination of the testimony
as given.
“Can the verdict be explained except upon the grounds of a
prejudice against the defendant, possibly because he is an Italian,
and stood friendless and alone amongst strangers, in a strange land.
“At the time of this trial and for some time previous, the
public mind was and had been inflamed by published accounts of the
wickedness of the Italians in different sections of the country, and
the popular mind was so wrought up that a mere word would be
sufficient to incite mob law against Italians wherever found in this
country; and beyond a doubt the jury partook of this prejudice and
were influenced in their verdict by it.
“We assert with confidence that had an American citizen of
Delaware county been placed upon trial for exactly the same offence
that Pallotta was charge with, and had exactly the same
testimony been produced here, precisely the same state of facts, the
jury would have acquitted him without going from the jury-box. The
shooting was without any motive whatever, so far as the testimony
disclosed. No words were spoken between the defendant and the man
shot; they had never met before, no provocation is shown to have
been given either by Feenan or any one else. The act of
shooting was entirely motiveless,—it cannot be accounted for upon
any other ground than accident,—and this is what the defendant says
it was. That it was purely accidental,—not intended,—is consistent
with every word of the testimony given upon the trial and shown by
the testimony of the defendant. When a crime is committed we
instinctively and naturally look for the motive which impelled it;
in this case we look in vain for motive; not even a shadow of a
motive is disclosed. Wharton, in his treatise of the
criminal law, on page 121, uses the language:
“ ‘No doubt when a tender mother kills a child or a friend
kills a friend, and nothing more than the fact of killing is proved,
we may be led to infer misadventure, accident’—for we have the sworn
testimony of the defendant, corroborated by all the evidence of the
case, to prove the shooting to have been accidental.
“The defendant stands before the jury with the presumption of
innocence in his favor, with which the law surrounds and shields
every person charged with crime, until that presumption is removed
by clear, unequivocal, positive proof of guilt; and this proof must
be so strong that there does not remain a reasonable doubt of guilt
before that presumption is removed.
“If the testimony can be reconciled consistently with the
innocence of the defendant, it is the duty of the jury so to
reconcile it, and declare him innocent. So jealous is the law in
guarding the liberty of the individual that it will not allow that
liberty to be invaded or taken from him until every doubt of his
guilt has been removed by strong and convincing proof. In this case
we claim that there is an entire absence of testimony proving the
guilt of the defendant, that he intentionally committed the crime
charged against him or that he intended any wrong whatever; on the
contrary the testimony shows that the unfortunate act which has
deprived him of his liberty was purely accidental, and we say
therefore that he is wrongfully deprived of his liberty. Let us
calmly and dispassionately review the testimony as the record
presents it and as it was presented to the jury upon the trial.
“Giacoma Pallotta, in company with his uncle came to
Delaware on the morning of the 18th of August from the city of
Columbus, where he was then making his home and where he had been
for more than six years. He was not a tramp or beggar, but is shown
to have worked at honest labor in the city, when work could be
obtained; and when he could not find employment where he made his
home he would go into the country and try and earn an honest penny
by selling scissors, knives and pistols, and by sharpening scissors
and knives. So far as the testimony shows he was peaceable and
law-abiding; he had never been arrested in his life, nor had he ever
before this unfortunate occurrence been charged with any crime.
Witnesses who had known him for six or seven years and whose
standing in the community where they live has never been questioned,
and whose reputation for truth and veracity has never been doubted,
say of him that he is honest, industrious, peaceable and
law-abiding. No witness lifts his voice to speak aught against him
or casts a shadow upon his life up to the moment of the unfortunate
act for which he was tried. He spent the day in Delaware, plying
his occupation till evening, when he went to the railroad depot west
of the city with the purpose of taking the evening train for
Marion. If he spoke an unkind word during the whole of that day to
a living soul it is not recorded in the testimony, and was not
disclosed in the trial of the case to the jury. He went peaceably
about the town, earning an honest dime wherever he could, until the
hour of his leaving for Marion, and while waiting for the train
which would carry him from Delaware he is asked by a young man who
is waiting for the train to sharpen his knife, which he cheerfully
did and then returned it to him.|
“The testimony shows that after handing the knife to its owner,
the young man, who sat down by Feenan on a bench and began to
wipe the knife off on his shoe, the defendant reached in the box of
his machine and took out a revolver, took two steps toward the
persons who were sitting on the bench, and shot. The man who was
the unfortunate victim of the shot was Feenan. They had
never met before, had never spoken a word to each other; there had
been no quarrel between the defendant and any person there on that
occasion. Nothing had occurred, so far as the testimony discloses,
to provoke the defendant to make the most innocent assault of words
upon any person on that occasion, or during the day. The shooting
cannot be explained consistently with the defendant’s guilt and it
cannot be reconciled on any other hypothesis than that it was
accidental and the result of misfortune.
“The conduct of the defendant after the shooting,—what he said
and did,—is not inconsistant [sic] with his innocence and is
easily explained when the surroundings are taken into account. He
was in a strange country among strangers, knowing little of our
customs or laws; he evidently thought his life was in danger, and he
was ready to act upon the suggestion of the only friend he had, and
when that friend told him to flee he was quick to act upon the
suggestion and ran for his life. But notice his conduct. How at
variance with the conduct of a desperado,—reckless man that he must
have been if he had intentionally shot Feenan. To what place
of refuge did he flee? Why! with his pursuers close upon his heels,
all the time in plain sight, he crawled under a pig pen.
“Think of this would-be murderer deliberately shooting down a
fellow, in broad daylight, at a public place, with numerous persons
around—then running to a pig pen and crawling under it; and when the
persons come up, he crawls out trembling and says, ‘I did not shoot
the man.’
“Mervin Kuhns, the Fostoria murderer, would scarcely
have shown such courage and daring. Yet because of his fleeing and
the contradictory statements he made to the town marshal, his feeble
statement of innocence is rebutted and he was properly convicted.
They say moreover that he was not excited, that he was remarkably
cool for a man who had shot another,—and this is claimed in face of
the fact that the defendant crawled under a pig pen to hide from an
excited mob who were calling out: ‘Get a rope and hang him.’ He
must have been very deliberate and composed when he made to the
marshal the statement claimed. Besides, there is great doubt as to
what he did state to the marshal, or at least of what he meant to
state, for the marshal says himself it was hard to understand what
he said and he even had to get an interpreter to talk to him before
he could understand what he meant.
“That the defendant was shocked and horrified at what he had
unintentionally done, when he saw that he shot Feenan and saw
the blood flowing from the wound, is perfectly apparent from his
conduct which followed. Instead of doing that which a desperate
criminal would have done, to wit: retained the revolver as a defense
against arrest, he threw the pistol down and fled to a pig pen. He
did not know and could not tell how the shooting occurred. One
thing he knew and has always asserted,—that is, that he did not
intentionally shoot; and had no purpose of doing Feenan or
any one else harm; and this is decisive of the case. And now,
having presented these views, we are willing to rest the case with
the court.
“I did not appear for the defendant in the trial below. I have
never spoken to him, I never saw him until brought into court and
arraigned upon the indictment, and I have never seen him since he
was conducted from the court room after his trial. I was present at
his trial and listened to the testimony given to the jury.
“I was impressed (as were others) with the insufficiency of the
evidence to warrant a verdict of guilty. I heard the verdict of the
jury and was astonished at the same. I thought then as I think now,
that it was not warranted by the testimony, and so believing, I,
without promise of reward or the hope thereof, filed informally a
motion for a new trial. Counsel who tried the case below not
appearing, the motion was over-ruled and sentence pronounced. I
then thought it was the duty of some member of the bar to present
this case to the court upon the record and give the defendant one
chance at least for his liberty, so I have brought the case before
the court and now plead the cause of the ‘stranger within our door,’
and ask for him at the hands of this honorable court, a careful and
unprejudiced review of the case (which I know it will give), and
when I have secured that for him, I have done only that which I
would wish another to do for me or mine should misfortune overtake
me or them.”
The marriage of Mr. Marriott was celebrated December 31,
1874, when he was united to Miss Flora Minges, daughter of
John E. and Lydia Minges, of Peru, Huron county, Ohio. Our
subject and his wife have had four children, one of whom is
In his fraternal relations Mr. Marriott is prominently
identified with the Masonic order, having taken all the degrees of
both the York and Scottish rites, and having served as Master of
Hiram Lodge, No. 18, F. & A. M., and also as High Priest of Chapter
No. 54, Royal Arch Masons, at Delaware, Ohio.
Memorial Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union & Morrow, Ohio;
Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, pp. 35-40
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
a Baptist minister, of Oxford township, Delaware county, Ohio, bears
the name of one of his ancestors, who was among the earliest
settlers of this county.
The elder Benjamin Martin came, with his large family,
to Delaware county, Ohio, about the year 1813. He was a native of
one of the Eastern States, and came to Ohio from Virginia, first
settling in Ross county, and two years later removing to Delaware
county, and taking up his abode in the woods of Troy township, where
he and his sons improved a farm, and where he made his home until
the time of his death, which occurred in 1852, when he was well
advanced in years. He was an ordained minister of the Baptist
Church, and gave most of his time to the work of the ministry.
During the war of 1812 he went to the front and did valiant
service. Financially he was successful, and he left his family in
good circumstances. He married Margaret White, a native of
Virginia, and the following are the names of their children:
James, deceased; Neamiah, a Baptist minister, deceased;
Welcome, deceased; David, deceased; Jefferson;
Polly; Hannah; Lydia; Grace; Elijah,
deceased; and Ludlow, deceased.
James, the oldest of the family, was the father of our
subject. He followed fanning in Troy township, this county, where
he accumulated and improved a large amount of property. He was
married in 1823, in Troy township, to Dorcas Main, and they
had a family of seven children, five of whom are living, viz.:
Benjamin; Eleazer, who is engaged in farming in Kansas;
Neamiah, a resident of Troy township; Saburs, of
Oxford township, this county; Valentine, deceased; James,
of Troy township; and Margaret, deceased. Five of these
brothers, Eleazer, Neamiah, Saburs, Valentine and James,
served in the late war, and the last four were in Company C, One
Hundred and Forty-fifth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, serving 115 days.
Benjamin Martin was born in Troy township, this county, June
23, 1825. He was reared to farm life, and was educated in the
public schools, remaining at home until he reached his majority. To
the 100 acres of land his father gave him he added forty acres more,
and from the time he was twenty-one he devoted his energies to the
improvement of this tract. At the time he came into possession of
it only about seven acres of it were cleared. This clearing was
probably the first that was made in the township. Here he erected a
small frame residence and began life for himself. He was married,
in 1848, to Caroline Main, a daughter of James and Eurana
Main, and they settled in the little home he had prepared. As
the years rolled by, and prosperity attended his efforts, he
increased his landed estate until it amounted to 350 acres. Of late
years, however, he has disposed of some of this property, and now
retains only 260 acres. His farming operations have been
characterized by good management and have been attended with
success. He is a stanch Republican, and has held various local
offices, such as Township Trustee, Assessor, etc. For several years
he served as Justice of the Peace, and in the spring of 1894 he was
again elected to that office.
His first wife died in 1864, leaving three children,—Rosett,
deceased wife of Peter Schoof; Eneas, a farmer of this
county; and Byron, deceased. Mr. Martin married
again, in 1865, Miss Mary A. Clifton, a native of Perry
county, Ohio, and a daughter of John and Sarah (Miller) Clifton.
She was born at Thornville, and, when about eleven years of age,
came with her parents to Delaware. Her parents are now deceased.
Mr. Martin and his present wife have three sons, Welcome
C., Walter B., and Joseph C.
Mr. Martin has been a member of the Baptist Church since
1839, and since 1876 has been an ordained minister. Twice a month
he preaches in his home church, and the other Sabbaths of the month
he fills a charge in Fayette county. His sterling qualities and his
true Christian character commend him to the people among whom he
labors, and who entertain for him the highest esteem.
Memorial Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union & Morrow, Ohio;
Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, pp. 210-211
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
L. D. McCABE, D. D., LL. D.,
was born at Marietta, Ohio, January 7, 1817. His father though
not wealthy, was a prominent citizen of that city, esteemed and
widely known in his church, where his integrity, Christian activity
and religious fervor gave him great influence. His mother, the
daughter of an eloquent minister, the Rev. Alexander McCracken,
possessed even stronger and more remarkable qualities than her
husband. At the tender age of six he was bereft of both
parents; henceforth the orphan boy was thrown upon his own
resources. Three years after the death of his father and
mother he was taken into the family of Weston Thomas, a
merchant of Marietta. He applied himself diligently to the
general work of the store, and soon became an expert at figures, a
keen observer of men and an accurate reader of human nature.
During the winter months he was allowed to attend the district
school, where he manifested an unusual thirst for learning. At
the age of seventeen he was converted. This was a turning
point in his life. New plans are now formed, and we find him
more studious than ever, even devoting his evenings to private study
under the direction of Miss Siba Buell.
Four years later, having attained his
majority, he gives up mercantile pursuits and enters the Ohio State
University at Athens, at which he was graduated with honors in 1843.
A model student, filled with reverence and love for his instructors,
he devoted his entire time to his text-books. No literary
work, no social diversion, nothing whatever was allowed to interfere
with the prescribed course. Previous to entering college he
had been licensed to preach, and immediately upon graduation joined
the Ohio conference, and was appointed to the Worthington circuit,
which he traveled one year, but owing to failing eyesight he was
compelled to resign. He spent the next winter under Dr.
Mussey’s care at Cincinnati. Upon his return to Athens he
was elected to the chair of Mathematics and Mechanical Philosophy in
the Ohio University. Here he remained until he was elected at
the Ohio Wesleyan University to the same professorship, Mathematics
and Mechanical Philosophy. In this professorship he continued
until 1860, when he was transferred to the department of Philosophy,
and has occupied this chair ever since.
The change was quite acceptable to the
Doctor, as metaphysical studies were now more congenial to him.
In connection with his duties as professor he has been for many
years vice-president, and through several interregnums has conducted
the affairs of the university with unsurpassed skill and ability.
Allegheny College conferred the degree of D. D. upon him in 1855,
and Syracuse University that of LL. D. in 1875.
Dr. McCabe is a great teacher,
naturally brilliant and a thorough master of his subject. His
students can never forget the many flashes of eloquence which often
and suddenly break out in his class-room. He has a vigorous
mind, a vivid imagination and an unsurpassed facility of expression.
He is a most fervid orator, and has no difficulty in swaying an
audience at his will.
Dr. McCabe has been a great writer.
Besides valuable contributions to the periodicals of the church he
has published several books, such as “The Philosophy of Holiness,”
“The Foreknowledge of God and Cognate Subjects,” and “The Divine
Nescience.” His style is clear, concise, direct and profound.
One is never at a loss to understand what he desires to say.
There is no sophistry nor ambiguity in any of his sentences.
His books have been extensively read by thoughtful men on both sides
of the Atlantic. It would be an easy matter to fill several
pages of this book with complimentary words from some of the leading
minds of the nineteenth century, such as
Professor Dorner, of Berlin, Prussia, and Joseph Cook, of
Boston. The world moves slowly,—new ideas are never
welcomed,—nevertheless the Doctor’s views on foreknowledge and
nescience are being more and more accepted; and whether he may
receive due credit or not, his theology will have great influence
upon the revision of creeds now in progress.
The Doctor is the most genial of men; he is
deservedly popular with all classes. Not only with the
students, upon whom he has exerted and still continues to exert most
wonderful influence, but also with the citizens. His personal
qualities have endeared him to an unusually large circle of friends.
His daily life is a constant exemplification of the Golden Rule:
“Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you,
do ye even so to them.”
Source: Memorial
Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union & Morrow, Ohio; Chicago:
The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, pp. 28-29
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
a prominent farmer of Brown township, Delaware county, was born in
Champaign county, Ohio, September 8, 1823, a son of Benjamin and
Aminda (Humphrey) McMaster, the latter a native of Liberty
township, Delaware county, Ohio. The father was a native of Oswego
county, New York, and came to Ohio in 1811, and his death occurred
at the age of ninety-three years. He was a son of Robert
McMaster, a native of Scotland. William A. McMaster, the
subject of this sketch, owns a good farm of 103 acres in Brown
township, Delaware county, Ohio, which contains a comfortable
residence, barns and all other necessary farm improvements. He is
one of the prominent and successful men of his township, and is
respected by all for his honest dealings and sterling worth. Mr.
McMaster was married in this county at the age of twenty-three
years, to Margaret Eaton, a native of Morrow county, Ohio,
and a daughter of David and Elizabeth Eaton. They came to
Delaware county, Ohio, in 1821. Our subject and wife had the
following children: Aminda Norris, A. L., Amelia McDonald, Nettie
Perry (deceased), and Stella. A. L. McMaster was
born November 10, 1848. In 1873, he married Ellen Moore, a
daughter of George Moore. At her death she left two
children,—Maurice E. and Nellie M. In 1889 A. L.
McMaster married Jennie R. Forbs. Mrs. William A.
McMaster died July 13, 1887, at the age of sixty-one years. Our
subject afterward married Louisa Gardner, widow of Joel
Memorial Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union & Morrow, Ohio;
Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, pp. 250-251
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
who for many years was connected with the Ohio Wesleyan University,
of Delaware, and who was one of the best known figures in that city,
was born in Wilbraham, Massachusetts, January 29, 1810, and was
reared on the farm, his father being a New England farmer. During a
portion of each year he attended the common schools of the
neighborhood, and later secured a position in a mercantile
establishment, becoming one of its proprietors ere he had attained
his majority. Soon after, feeling that he was called to a different
vocation, he commenced a course of study preparatory to entering the
Christian ministry. His studies were prosecuted in the Wesleyan
Academy at Wilbraham, Massachusetts, and the Wesleyan University, at
Middletown, Connecticut. Upon leaving the university he was elected
principal of the New York Conference Seminary, located at Amenia,
Dutchess county, New York, and after spending three years at that
place, he accepted a professorship in the Ohio University, at
Athens, Ohio, where he remained until 1842. Then for one year, he
was pastor of a church in Marietta, Ohio, after which he was
appointed agent for the Ohio Wesleyan University and continued his
connection with the same until his death. He served for two years
as agent, fourteen as professor, thirteen as president, and during
the remainder of the time was lecturer on natural and revealed
As a citizen of Delaware he was connected with all those
interests calculated to aid in the upbuilding of the city and with
everything conserving the progress of the county. His first plan,
when abandoning mercantile pursuits, was to enter the ministry, and
this he did, but educational work seem to be his special forte and
in that field of labor he was most successful. It was largely
through his instrumentality that the Ohio Wesleyan University was
placed on a solid financial basis and made to rank with the leading
schools of the State. It was also largely through him that the
cause of Methodism grew to its present standing. His labors have
been untiring and the lives of many men and women throughout the
country attest his Christian and helpful influence.
Doctor Merrick was married in April, 1836, to a lady
whom he first met as a fellow student in Wilbraham Seminary, Miss
Fidelia Griswold, of Suffield, Connecticut. Their married life
of nearly fifty years, was uneventful but very happy, and together
they traveled life’s journey until July, 1883, when the loved wife
was called to the home beyond. Alone the husband walked until March
5, 1894, when the summons came to him and he went to rejoin the
companion with whom the greater part of his early career was
passed. He left behind an unsullied reputation, and in the hearts
of his many friends the memory of his good deeds will long linger as
an encouragement in times of prosperity and of help in days of
Memorial Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union & Morrow, Ohio;
Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, pp. 14-15
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
a farmer of Porter township, Delaware county, was born in Monroe
township, Knox county, Ohio, June 13, 1860, a son of Joseph
Metzger, who was born in Allegheny county, Pennsylvania, in
June, 1819. His father, Michael Metzger, was of German
descent. The family came to Perry county, Ohio, in 1823, where
Joseph was born and reared. He was married at Mount Vernon,
this State, to Mary Bechtol, and they had five children:
John, Henry, Charles, Mary and Catherine. The wife and
mother died, and the father afterward married Rachel Houk,
née Walker. She had two children by her former marriage—Mary
E., and one deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Metzger had six
children: James, Joseph M., C. N., George W., Joanna R. and
Albert. Mr. Metzger died in Knox county at the age of
sixty-six years. His widow still resides in Monroe township, that
C. N. Metzger, the subject of this sketch, attended the
public schools, and afterward entered the National Normal School at
Lebanon. In 1882 he located on the farm where he now lives, the
place comprising 131 acres, and being then known as the Joseph
Mendenhall farm. He occupies a good two-story residence, 24 x
29 feet, with an addition 13 x 32 feet, and a rock cellar. The
place contains many other valuable improvements. Mr. Metzger
affiliates with the Republican party, and is now serving as Justice
of the Peace.
June 27, 1881, by Rev. A. Hann, a Presbyterian minister,
our subject was married, in Delaware, to Ida May Belle, a
daughter of B. W. and Eliza (Warner) Belle. The father was a
well-known citizen of Berkshire township, this county. Mrs.
Metzger received her education at the Sunbury high school. Our
subject and wife have five children, viz.: Ralph D., Audley C.,
Ben Harrison, Johanna R. and Ida May Belle. Mr.
Metzger is a Steward in the Methodist Episcopal Church,
Secretary of the official board, and Superintendent of the
Sunday-school. He is also a member of the Knights of Pythias.
Memorial Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union & Morrow, Ohio;
Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, pp. 139-140
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
President of the National Pen Art Hall and Business College,
Delaware, Ohio, was born in Cass county, Indiana, March 14, 1845,
son of Peter and Christina (Freshour) Michael.
The Michael family trace their ancestry back to the Old
Dominion, some members of the family having occupied prominent and
influential positions in Virginia. Andrew Michael, an uncle
of our subject, was born near Berkley Springs, Morgan county,
Virginia and served as State Senator. He was a Union man.
Professor Michael’s parents went from Virginia to Indiana in
1836, and established their home on a frontier farm. His venerable
mother is still a resident of Indiana. His father died in that
State in March, 1893, at the age of eighty-two years.
G. W. Michael is one of a family of thirteen children.
His advantages for an education were very limited, the greater part
of his youthful days being spent in farm work. Between the ages of
seven and nineteen he attended school from six to eight weeks each
winter. In 1863 he went to Chatfield, Minnesota, where he worked as
a farm hand six months, and with the money thus earned defrayed his
expenses through school the following winter. In the spring of 1864
he enlisted in Company I, Eleventh Minnesota Volunteer Infantry, and
at the close of the war was mustered out of the service at St.
Paul. He took part in the capture of Hood at Nashville. He
was, however, chiefly on detached service. At Franklin, Tennessee,
he received a wound in the right arm.
After his return from the war, young Michael entered the
Hughs Academy at Logansport, Indiana, with the view of teaching, and
was a student there for six months. He then taught district school
three terms. Feeling the need of a higher education, he next spent
two years in Wittemberg [sic] College. After that he
traveled and taught penmanship. In the meantime he studied law, and
in 1879 was admitted to the bar in Indiana. During the ten years he
spent in traveling he was in most of the States and over a part of
Canada. At Valparaiso, Indiana, he established a business college,
and conducted the same for two years, and came from there to
Delaware, Ohio, in 1880.
In September, 1880, Professor Michael established the
school of which he has since been the head, and which is one of the
most successful commercial colleges in the United States. From its
beginning it has had a steady growth, and it now has an average
annual attendance of between 500 and 600 pupils.
Professor Michael was married in Jackson, Ohio, May 3,
1879, to Miss Ada C. Steruberger, and has three children,
Herbert S., George Edward and Morris S. He and his wife
and two sons are members of the Presbyterian Church.
Politically, the Professor is a Prohibitionist, and by his
party has been nominated for Representative in Delaware county,
Ohio. Fraternally, he is identified with the G. A. R. and the F. &
A. M., he having attained the thirty-second degree in Masonry.
Personally, he is a man of fine physique, six feet high, weighs 200
pounds, and has a becoming dignity of bearing.
Memorial Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union & Morrow, Ohio;
Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, pp. 150-151
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
this point we are permitted to take in cursory review the life
history of one who stands conspicuous as one of the most extensive
and substantial farmers of Trenton township, Delaware county, Ohio,
and as one of the most intelligent, progressive and enterprising men
who has ever directed his attention and efforts to the noble work of
husbandry. If one is to sojourn for any length of time in that
naturally favored portion of the Buckeye commonwealth designated by
the title of Trenton township, he is sure to note with appreciation
the changes wrought by the hand of man to the end of securing the
great fields of waving grain, the undulating meadows dotted with
innumerable flocks, the substantial improvements and the various
other conditions indicatory of a prosperous agricultural community.
He is almost equally sure to forthwith hear specific mention made of
one of the show places of the township, Evergreen Farm, the domain
of the subject of this sketch. Abiding here in peace, contentment
and plenty, honored by those among whom his life has been passed,
conspicuous in all that tends to the conservation of the best
interest of the community, what more consonant than that the life of
such a man be taken under consideration in this connection.
Born in Knox county, Ohio, April 4, 1833, William D. Miller
is the son of John B. and Cornelia (Clutter) Miller, the
former of whom was born in Greene county, Pennsylvania, in 1810,
being brought to Knox county, Ohio, by his father two years later.
The latter, George Miller, was also a native of the old
Keystone State, where he died, leaving a widow and seven children.
Cornelia Miller was the daughter of Samuel Clutter, a
Pennsylvanian by birth. She became the mother of seven children,
four of whom are living at the present time, William D.,
Cinderella, Rachel and Calvin. The mother died at the
age of thirty-three years and the father later on consummated a
second marriage.
William D. Miller was reared in Knox county, receiving a
good education in the common and high schools of Utica. He was
thereafter engaged in teaching for a period of two years, meeting
with success in his pedigogic [sic] labors. In 1864 he came
to Trenton township, Delaware county, where he purchased a farm,
incidentally assuming the burden of a debt of $6,850. He devoted
himself earnestly to the work in hand, bending every effort toward
freeing himself from the obligation assumed, and in due time
cancelled all indebtedness upon the farm. Later on he purchased
other farming land in the township, and at the present time he is
the owner of 1,000 acres, well improved and under an effective
system of cultivation. Three large barns are conspicuous among the
substantial improvements of the magnificent farmstead, one being
30x120 feet in dimensions, another 30x64, and the third sixty feet
In connection with his general farming our subject devotes
especial attention to sheep raising, being one of the most extensive
and successful sheep breeders in the en tire county. For thirty
years he has kept the same stock of sheep and has continuously
improved the strain in the line of a combined wool and mutton
producing merino. His success is attested in his large sales of
stock for breeding purposes. In his political proclivities Mr.
Miller casts his influence and vote with the Prohibition party,
being a most zealous worker in the cause and occupying a position of
prominence in the councils of the Prohibitionists of the county.
Fraternally he has been identified with the Masonic Order, having
served as Master of Utica Lodge for a number of years. He is also
president of the Delaware Mutual Insurance Company, a prosperous and
popular organization.
Mr. Miller was married at the age of twenty-five years
to Miss Melissa King, a native of Licking county, Ohio, and a
daughter of William King. The issue of this union was two children:
Nettie, who is a resident of Columbus, Ohio, and one deceased
in childhood. The wife and mother died in 1861, and three years
later our subject wedded Miss Mary, daughter of James and
Sarah (Bane) Paul, the former of whom has attained the venerable
age of ninety-one years (1894), having been a prominent and honored
resident of Morrow county, Ohio, for many years; the mother is
deceased. Mr. Miller insists upon giving fully half the
credit for his business success to Mrs. Miller, who has been
his faithful coadjutor during the years of their married life.
Mr. and Mrs. Miller have four sons: Henry P., Fred
D., John B. and William E. Henry and William
received their education at Antioch College, near Springfield. Ohio,
and the latter is now instructor it mathematics in the high school
of Portland, Indiana. Upon graduating at college, Henry at
once assumed control of one of his father’s farms, near Sunbury, and
devoted himself to sheep-breeding and to writing upon subjects
pertaining to the industry. At the present time he has charge of
the sheep department of the Ohio Farmer. Fred and John
remain at home, devoting themselves with interest and energy to
assisting in the farm work. The only daughter of our subject and
his wife, Sarah E., died at the age of three years.
Mr. Miller is a Deacon in the Christian Church, is a man
of marked intelligence and intellectuality, has attained to a high
measure of success in temporal affairs, and lends his influence to
all efforts looking to the advancement of education, religion and
temperance. Broad in his sympathies, charitable and public
spirited, he holds the esteem and good will of all.
Memorial Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union & Morrow, Ohio;
Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, pp. 135-136
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |
a prominent resident of Delaware county, and late a director of the
County Infirmary: was born in Morrow county, Ohio, February, 16,
1844, the son of Samuel and Priscenia (Thompson) Moore, the
former a native of Big Beaver county, Pennsylvania, and the latter
of Athens county, Ohio. The Moore family is of Irish
descent, and the Thompson family is of German origin. The
paternal grandfather of our subject was an active participant in the
war of 1812. Samuel Moore was engaged in farming, having
been associated with agriculturism from his early youth to the time
of his death. Upon his marriage he located in Morrow county, where
he made his home until 1851, when he removed to Radnor township,
Delaware county, where he died at the age of seventy-three years.
He was a man of intelligence and honor, and was held in high esteem
in the community where so many years of his life were passed. In
politics he was originally a Whig, but upon the organization of the
Republican party he cemented an allegiance to the same. His widow
is still living, in Delaware county, and has attained the venerable
age of eighty-two years. Three brothers of the Moore family
married three sisters of the Thompson family; John
wedded Eliza; Martha became the wife of Joseph;
and Priscenia the wife of Samuel Moore. The brothers
are all now deceased, but the sisters are still living. All of the
sons of the three brothers were soldiers in the late war, except two
who were physically disabled.
The parents of our subject had a family of children, of whom we
offer a brief record, as follows: Martha A. is the wife of
Henry Cox, of Radnor township; William N., who was a
soldier in the One Hundred Forty-fifth Ohio Infantry, died in Henry
county, Ohio; John T., who enlisted in Company E, Sixty-sixth
Ohio Infantry, was captured June 9, 1862, at Port Republic,
Virginia, and died on the last day of the succeeding month, in a
rebel prison at Lynchburg, Virginia; Samuel A. is the subject
of this review; Rebecca P. Mayfield is a resident of Delaware
county; Joseph Vinton was scalded to death at the age of four
years; Ella is deceased; and Henry Moore is a resident
of Delaware county.
At the age of seven years S. A. Moore became a resident
of this county, where he has since maintained his home. He was
reared on a farm and educated in the common schools. During his
younger years he learned the stonemason’s trade which he has
followed successfully to a greater or less extent since. On the 2d
of May, 1864, when twenty years of age, he joined Company A, One
Hundred and Forty-fifth Ohio Infantry and served four months. He
was also a member of the Ohio National Guards for five years.
Mr. Moore was married March 27, 1869 to Agnes Ann
Ryder, daughter of James and Julia (Betts) Ryder, who
were natives of Virginia. For a time her parents resided in
Muscatine, Iowa, but afterward returned to Ohio, where the father
died December 5, 1869. The mother is still living at the age of
seventy-seven. Their family numbered nine children, six of whom are
still living: Wilbur W., a soldier in an Iowa regiment;
William P., who died in Virginia; James A., who served in
the Sixth Virginia Cavalry for four years and is now living in Ross
county, Ohio; Daniel, a member of the Fourteenth Virginia
Infantry; Granville, twin brother of Daniel, was also
a member of the Fourteenth Virginia Infantry, and is now a resident
of Delaware, each having served three years; Mrs. Moore, the
next younger; Isabel, now deceased; and Harvey, who
makes his home in Sacramento, California.
Seven children grace the union of Mr. and Mrs. Moore:
Thomas Preston, who married Miss Edith Hutchinson and
lives in Concord township, Delaware county; Homer O., who is
with his parents; Charles Monroe, who wedded Minnie Jones;
Eugene Clay; Myrtle May, twin sister to Eugene
and the wife of Daniel H. Smart; Edna Vey, at home;
and Frank Anderson, now deceased.
Mr. Moore is one of the leaders of the Republican party
in this community and does all in his power to insure its success.
In 1888 he was elected a director of the County Infirmary and held
that office until January 7, 1895. His faithful discharge of the
duties of this office secured to him such full confidence on the
part of those whom he served that a fine banquet was tendered in his
honor December 5, 1894, at the Children’s Home. About seventy
persons participated, including the secretary of the State Board of
Charities, from Columbus. On the 21st of December the directors of
the infirmary presented to Mr. and Mrs. Moore a very fine set
of upholstered chairs, in token of their respect and friendship.
Mrs. Moore is a member of the Board of the Children’s Home of
Delaware. Our subject and his family belong to the United Brethren
Church of Bell Point, and are interested in everything pertaining to
the welfare of the community. Their home is on a good farm of 156
acres in Scioto township. This farm he rents, but he owns a half
interest in 156 acres in Mill Creek township, Union county, and also
owns 800 acres of land in Phelps county, Missouri, having lost most
of his property in paying securities, but with his characteristic
honesty he paid all claims. Socially he is connected with the Grand
Army of the Republic and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and
two of his sons belong to the Knights of Pythias. For some years he
has been a member of the Soldiers’ Relief Committee, and has spent
much time and money in the interest of the old veterans, doing
considerable detective work in bringing to justice those parties who
defrauded the veterans of the county out of about $18,000, and he is
still continuing his devoted efforts in the line of securing to the
“Boys in Blue” all that is due them. It will not be incongruous in
this connection to incorporate a somewhat more detailed mention in
regard to the gigantic fraud and our subject’s successful exposé
of the same. On the 19th of January, 1894, he discovered the one
claim of Mrs. Matilda Siegfried, widow of Peter Siegfried,
Company E, Sixty-sixth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and on the 21st of
said month he was empowered to proceed to collect the claim. This
collection was made on the 23d of the same month. All the field was
opened, all claims were investigated and many were collected.
Numerous frauds were brought to light, and Mr. Moore has been
indefatigable in bringing the guilty parties to justice and in
securing to those deserving of bounty all that is due them. All
records have been closely examined and much valuable information
obtained. At the present time the two fraudulent manipulators are
in the hands of the law and will soon pay the penalty for their
wrong-doing. Thus our subject has done much to bring about an
honest dispensation in the considering of bounty claims in the
county, in insuring to the deserving claimants their just recompense
and in forefending farther operations in the line of concessions
upon fraudulent claims.
In manner Mr. Moore is pleasant and genial and is very
popular with all classes of people. The greater part of his life
has been passed in this county, and those who have known him from
his youth are numbered among his best friends.
Memorial Record of the Counties of Delaware, Union & Morrow, Ohio;
Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1895, pp. 487-490
Contributed by a Generous Genealogist. |