pg. 164
REPORT, not so well
substantiated as we could wish, has it that there was a small paper
by the name of Fredonian, published in Circleville, for a
short time, almost 1812. It is said to have been started by
James Jenny who, going into the service of the United States,
left the newspaper, its appurtenances and fixtures to Robert D.
Richardson, who removed to Chillicothe, and, it is alleged,
never made any payment upon the property, but continued to publish
the paper for his own benefit. Extensive advertising has
failed to bring out any facts in regard to thsi paper, in addition
to those above stated, and even its very existence in Circleville is
a matter of doubt. If it ever was published in the village, it
was only for a very short time, and probably in an irregular way.
It bore about the same relation to the subsequent early prints that
the irresponsible, semi=nomadic squatter did to the true pioneer or
early settler.
was practically the pioneer of Circleville
journalism. This paper, which was the beginning of the
Herald, now the Union-Herald, was issued, for the first
time, August 9, 1817. It rejoiced in its name for several
years, under varying degrees of success and under various auspices.
It was started by James Foster, a book-binder by trade, who
came from Chillicothe. He had no other knowledge of the "art
preservative of all arts" than that which he had "picked up."
The heading of the paper bore the name "The Olive Branch, and
an emblematic design: a small branch, stripped from the parent stem,
across which was a scroll. It was printed with small pica and
log primer type, and the size of the page, exclusive of the margin,
was sixteen and a half by nine and a half inches. Its editor,
as we might be led to suppose by the following passage from his
"salutatory," and as we know from cotemporary testimony, was a
"plain-spoken man." He says:
"It is customary for editors to introduce themselves
before the people by saying that the only object that have in view
is the public's good. For my part I am not so disinterested -
at all events I am too poor to be a public benefactor. I
therefore candidly declare that my object is to make money. In
doing this, it is not my intention to injure one man's reputation,
while I puff up another's; neither will I do it by departing from
those Republican principles, the remembrance of which will always
remain warm within me. An American by birth, and a Republican
by profession, I will use every honorable effort to support the
cause of my country and the perpetuity of the Union."
At the time the Olive
Branch came into being, there were about fifty or sixty papers
in the State. Among those then in existence, which still
survive, are the Scioto Gazette, of Chillicothe; the
Cincinnati Gazette, then Liberty Hall; the Lebanon
Western Star; the Warren Western Reserve Chronicle; the
Steubenville Western Herald; the Canton Ohio Repository,
and the Ohio State Journal, then the Columbus Gazette.
After a few months the publican of the
paper was suspended for six weeks, and, January 20, 1818, the
Olive Branch re-appeared, under the auspices of Renick, Doane
& Co. - Gen. James Renick, Guy W. Doane and Joseph M.
Hays. Messrs. Renick and Hays, who formed,
at that time, a mercantile firm in Circleville, became the
possessors of the type and all the appurtenances of the office,
taking them upon a debt. The editorship devolved upon Mr.
Doane, a young man of much ability, the
[Page 165]
junior member of the bar of Pickaway county.
The paper was printed by William Henry Benson for the
publishers. Three months after this arrangement was effected,
Benson was arrested because of his yielding to the temptation
to be better clothed, and breaking into a tailor shop.
Mr. doan retired from the paper February 9,
1819, and an announcement was made to the effect that the paper
would, in the future, be conducted by Joseph C. Olds and
William B. Thrall. The latter gentleman was the editor.
The motto placed at the head of the paper at this time was, "I was
born free as Caesar; so were you." Shortly after Mr. Thrall
became connected with the paper, he was taken sick, and his wife
dying, he was compelled, for a time, to sever his connection with
the Olive Branch. April 16, 1819, an interest was
transferred to Silas S. Geohegan, a practical printer.
Mr. Thrall, after an absence of six months, returned, much
improved in health, and devoted himself closely to the duty of
editing the paper. He filled the place with ability, and the
journal had a number of years of prosperous life. August 12,
1826, the paper was enlarged to a "super-royal" sheet, equal in size
to the National Intelligencer, during the war of 1812, and
its name was changed to the Olive Branch and Pickaway Herald.
In 1830 the paper appeared in an entirely new dress, and the
title again underwent a change, this time appearing as the
Circleville Herald and Ohio Olive Branch.
About this time appeared a rival, the
Ohio Observer, which was the nucleus about which grew the
Watchman. It was established by Messrs. Bently, Hedges,
Brannan, Fry, Pike, Keffer, Boyle and Brainard. In
May, 1834, the proprietors of the Herald leased a
moiety of the property to Jason Case, and the
publication was continued under the name formerly standing at its
head, and by Thrall and Case.
The Herald prospered, and had a
fair patronage. On the thirteenth of May, 1837, S. R.
Dolbee, then foreman in the office of the State printer, at
Columbus, purchased an interest in the paper. It was enlarged
at this time, and vied with the bet journals in the State in
mechanical execution. New presses and material were purchased,
and the office was better supplied than ever before. Mr.
Thrall was elected that year to the general assembly, but
continued writing for the paper. Mr. Dolbee left after
one year's connection with the Herald, and removed to
Illinois. He was succeeded by Jason Case; the firm name
was made Jason Case & Co., and Mr. Thrall retained his
position as editor. Mr. Thrall remained in the
partnership until 1843, when he sold out to H. H. Warren,
who continued in partnership for one year; then Mr. Thrall
again became owner of the paper. In July, 1843, W. D.
Bailey became interested in the publication, and was succeeded,
not long after ,by John Hanna. He continued in
connection with Mr. Thrall and alone, until he associated
with himself T. C. Jones Still later the firm became
Hanna & McFarland (A.), and in 1848 M. W. Dooddridge &
McFarland April 30, 1852, the paper appeared with the
single name of a. McFarland at the head of its columns.
February 25, 1853, he gave place to Gamaliel Scott, who
edited the paper for one year, and was succeeded by William
Bremigam. He conducted the paper alone until December 3,
1858, when F. A. B. Simpkins became his associate. In
1860 Bremigam disposed of the property to John E. Ray.
In July, of the same year, it was announced that after that time the
Herald would be published in the future by Mr. Bremigam
and Samuel W. McCulloch, "but owing to the fact that certain
arrangements between the parties interested had not been perfected,"
it was announced, a week or two later, that the proprietorship
remained unchanged. On May 25, 1860, the flag was hoisted for
Lincoln and Hamlin. In January, 1861,
Bremigam became the owenr of the paper, and in February
following took as an associate W. D. McPherson. Mr.
Bremigam's death was announced in the Herald August 23,
1861. He had had control of the paper since 1854, with the
exception of only one year. After Mr. Bremigam's death
J. A. Lutz, esq., acting as the representative of the faily,
edited the paper until September 20th, when W. H. P. Denny,
of Dayton, Ohio, purchased it and assumed immediate control.
The war having begun, the paper was devoted to the National cause,
and hence the adoption of the name indicating its true character.
On the advice of leading Republicans, its title was changed to that
of the Circleville Union. It was published by Mr.
Denny for four years, and at the expiration of that period, sold
to Col. P. C. Hays. April 16, 1869, he sold to E. Z.
Hays, who conducted it until March 1, 1872. About this
time the paper suffered a decline in patronage and influence.
E. Z. Hays sold to B. F. Thomas and E. B. Fletcher,
who conducted the journal under the firm name of Thomas &
Fletcher; Mr. Thomas being the editor. He was a man of
considerable ability, and started upon his work with good promise of
success and prosperity, but died Oct. 17, 1872. The paper was
then conducted by disinterested parties for his family, one year.
March 14, 1873, the paper was purchased by Alfred Williams, a
man of thorough education and great talent. He sold out, July
3, 1874, to Seneca W. Ely and William Leuthstrom.
Mr. Ely had formerly been one of the editors of the Scioto
Gazette (Chillicothe), and was one of the pioneer editors in
Ohio. Messrs. Ely & Leuthstrom continued to publish the
paper until December, 1875, when it became the property of its
present proprietor and editor, S. Marfield, jr." The
old name of the paper was restored and hyphenated with the new, as
the Union-Herald.. This journal is now in as
flourishing condition as ever in its career, and through old in
years, is by no means in its dotage. The paper has always
been, politically, either Whig or Republican.
On the twelfth of April,
1834, Rev. John Russell and Jonathan and George Dreisbach,
by authority of the general conference of the church of the United
Brethren in Christ, bought a printing press in Circleville, and
located there the Religious Telescope. They bought,
also, a lot and two houses for the use of the same. The first
number appeared December 16, 1834. It was a medium
[Page 166]
sized folio, and published semi-monthly. Its editor was the
Rev. William Rhinehart, a man of much talent. The paper
was made a vigorous representative of the principles of the United
Brethren church,, and its only official organ. In 1839 Rev.
William Hanby succeeded Rev. Mr. Rhinehart in the
editorship. The paper reached, in 1843, a circulation of two
thousand copies, and in 1845 had three thousand subscribers.
Rev. David Edwards became its editor in the latter year.
The paper was removed to Dayton, Ohio, in August, 1853,
where it is now published. It is now a large eight-page paper,
and has a circulation of nine thousand.
The Circleville Democrat
and Watchman was started in 1837 as the Scioto Watchman.
There had been a Democratic paper started in Circleville in April,
1836, called the Peoples' Press, but it was short-lived.
At a meeting of members of the Democratic party in Circleville, May
27, 1837, it was resolved that one thousand dollars be raised by
subscription "for the purpose of purchasing a press, to be devoted
to the interests of the Democratic party." The amount
sufficient was subscribed, in a short time, by the following, then
leading citizens and active Democrats: Valentine Keffer,
John M. Alkire, Henry N. Hedges, Nelson Franklin, Elliott Halstead,
Samuel Diffenderfer, James Hurst, T. W. Morris, William M. Alkire,
Thomas J. Winship, William Gill, M. H. Alkire, James Thompson, John
Barnhill, John Allright, James Morris, John Morris, jr., Matthias
Myers, Philip Jeiger, John Coffman, John Metzger, Benjamin Stout,
Henry Morris, Richard Jenkins, John Bell, Abraham Park, David Rowe,
G. Diffenderfer, John Morris, Nathan Perrill, A. L. Perrill, Thomas
Duyea, Ezekiel Morris, Moses Morris, John Bonner, D. Kinnear, Samuel
Dreisbach, John Irwin, Abraham Halstead, Stephen W. Lindsey.
Hon. T. J. Winship was the heaviest subscriber, taking three
shares - seventy-five dollars. Of this list of subscribers the
following only are now living: H. N. Hedges, sr.,
present probate judge of Pickaway county; Hon. A. L. Perrill,
Hon. Nelson Franklin, of Carthage, Missouri; Ezekiel Morris
John Morris, of the vicinity of Circleville, and
Joseph Brown, of Illinois.
Nelson Franklin acted as treasurer, and
collected the subscriptions. H. N. Hedges was selected
to purchase the necessary material, press, etc., and, about the
first of August, 1837, the first number of the Scioto Watchman
was published. It was a six-column paper, and presented a very
creditable appearance, for those days. There is no file of the
Scioto Watchman in existence, and we have to rely upon the
recollection of old citizens for information. For some time
the paper did not give the name of publisher, publishing company, or
editor, but it was run by the association of stockholders, and for a
time - how long cannot be ascertained - Col. Valentine Keffer,
who, for many years previous, had been conspicuous and influential
in the political affairs of the county, was the business and
editorial manager, with various local contributors - H. N.
Hedges, sr., B. F. Brannan, now of Cincinnati, and Charles
Fry, the printer, and others. The association, after a
few years, found that the publication of the paper was a losing
business, and sold the material, etc., to the late Hon.
Edson B. Olds, then “coming to the front” in politics, and, from
that time until 1847, the paper experienced numerous changes.
In 1842, Samuel Pike. the noted and restless
journalist, edited the Watchman, and was succeeded by S.
P. Brainard, the paper then being the Circleville
On the ninth of August, 1844, the name was changed to
Circleville Democratic Guard and Pickaway and Fayette Pilot,
and Samuel Pike and L. D. Williard became the editors
and publishers. In the following November Mr. Pike
withdrew, Mr. Williard continuing the publication. In
August, 1845, Jason Case was employed to print the paper, and
the name of Watchman was restored. Mr.
Williard retained the editorial management for some months, when
he abandoned the concern, leaving Mr. Case to do the best he
could with it, and removed to Washington county, but his name
remained at the head of the paper for a year or more thereafter.
In the first part of 1946, Wm. McLaughlin was engaged as
editor, and May 22d, of that year, was succeeded by Samuel
Alburtis, who continued until January 15, 1847, when Mr. Case
became the sole editor and publisher, continuing to successfully
manage and increase the business of the paper until July 14, 1853,
and O. E. Miles purchased the establishment and assumed
entire control. In October, 1853, Mr. Case again
formed a connection with the Watchman, as editor, and in
February, 1855, again retired, the duties of postmaster requiring
his attention. In February,1856, Mr. Miles
disposed of a half interest in the office to Mr. Case,
the firm name being Miles & Case. Mr.
Miles, having been elected county auditor, sold his interest to
Joseph Gaston, of Belmont county, Ohio, in March,
1858. Mr. Case remained in partnership with
Gaston until July to, 1858, when his Mr. Gaston
continued as editor and proprietor until August 1, 1859, when he
sold out to John W. Kees, of Springfield, Ohio, who published
the Watchman until June 29, 1862, when, connection with the
paper finally ceased, the paper having become obnoxious to the
administration at Washington, the office was seized and the paper
suppressed, by order of the war department, and Mr. Kees
arrested, taken to Washington city, confined in the old capitol
prison, held for a short time and then released. From April to
June, 1862, Mr. Kees published the Daily Watchman,
a small—sized sheet, which proved an unprofitable enterprise.
The establishment having become financially embarrassed, was sold at
judicial sale, July 2, 1862, and purchased by the late Dr.
Wayne Griswold, the principal creditor. To evade
the order of suppression, the name was changed to Circleville
Democrat, and the publication resumed, with William Doane
as publisher, who managed it with success until November 13, 1863,
when the present editor and proprietor, A. R. Van Cleaf,
purchased and entered into possession of the office, and has since
conducted the paper, increasing its circulation from eight hundred
to two thousand. and it now ranks with the first newspapers in the
State. In June, 1870,
[Page 167]
the old name, Watchman, was restored, and as addition to
Of those who have been editorially
connected with the Democrat and Watchman, Valentine Keffer
and Charles Frydied years ago, and a sketch of Colonel
Keffer will be found in this work.
Samuel Pike, after establishing more newspapers,
in four or five different States, than any man in the country, died,
only a few years since in Highland county, Ohio. An an
editorial writer, he occupied a high position.
S. P. Brainard removed west, and of his
subsequent history we have no information. Neither are we
informed of what became of William McLaughlin and Samuel
L. D. Williard, for many years a resident of
Washington Court House, Ohio, prominent in public affairs there,
afterwards emigrated west.
Jason Case still resides in Circleville, and is
the veteran printer of the county. He learned the "art
preservative" in the Delaware (Ohio) Gazette office, and for
several years worked at the business in Columbus, Ohio.. For about a
year he was foreman of the Ohio State Bulletin, and for four
or five years was foreman of the Ohio State Journal office.
In April, 1834, he came from Columbus to Circleville, and entered
into partnership with W. B. Thrall, in the publication of the
Circleville Herald, which partnership existed three years.
In May, 1838, he again became connected in the publication of the
Circleville Herald, the firm being Jason Case & Co.,
which terminated in 1843. From 1845 to 1858, with two brief
intervals, he was either publisher or editor of the Watchman
a longer period than any other publisher of that paper, except the
present editor and proprietor. Mr. Case served as
postmaster of Circleville eight years, from 1853 to 1861. He
was mayor if Circleville four terms, from 1861 to 1867,and 1875 to
1877. He has been justice of the peace sixteen years, and is
serving hi third term as coroner.
O. E. Miles, who came to Circleville as a
journeyman printer, and for several years was employed in the
Religious Telescope office, is now one of the principal farmers
and shrewdest business men in Pickaway county. He served two
terms as county auditor, from 1858 to 1862, and was a member of the
State board of equalization, for Franklin and Pickaway district,
elected in 1870.
Joseph Gaston removed to Oregon, where he engaged
in railroad enterprises, and accumulated wealth.
John W. Kees had previously published the
Democratic Expositor, at Springfield, Ohio, and was clerk of the
Ohio house of representatives in 1858-9. He was partially
insane, the result of the war excitement, when arrested in June,
1862. Subsequently, he became totally deranged, and died in
the Columbus insane asylum, November, 25, 1867. When "clothed
in his right mind," he was a writer of fore and ability.
William Doane, whose connection as publisher was
intended to be only temporary, is now an honored and leading citizen
of Circleville, as he has been for years, and is a member of the dry
goods firm of Delaplane & Doane.
The Circleville Herald
was founded September 21, 1870, by Winfield S. McCallister
and Francis Wolfley, both young men, natives of Circleville,
fine practical printers, and with advanced ideas of journalism and
the true office of the country newspaper. Both had worked in
the office of the old Circleville Herald, and that paper
having been, on the death of William Bremigam, purchased by
Mr. Denny, who changed it to the Circleville Union, it
occurred to them to christen their new paper with the abandoned name
of the old one. The Circleville Herald soon began to be
recognized, at home and abroad, as a live local paper, and Mr.
McCallister received flattering offers of positions on various
metropolitan papers, as well as acknowledged rank for his paper at
home. In 1873, he bought out his partner, Mr. Wolfley.
In February, 1874, his failing health led him to lease the office to
Mr. John M. Rae, of Circleville, who conducted it with
ability, till August, of that year, when Mr. McCallister
again took charge, and remained in harness to the last, failing
daily in body, but unquenchably bright in mind, and strong of
purpose to the last hour. He died December 9, 1874. His
widow, Mrs. Joanna McCallister, daughter of Judge T. N.
Howell, retained the paper, as administratrix and guardian of
her three young children. It was leased, in May, 1875, to
Miss Lillie C. Darst, of Circleville, who had edited it during
the interim, and has continued the publication for over four years,
the only instance in the State of a regular, first-class newspaper
entirely edited and published by a lady. In politics, the
Herald is Republican, though never merely partisan. It is
devoted to the interests of the community, and strives to be a
faithful chronicler of local events. Miss Darst has
been, for two years, secretary of the Ohio Editorial association, a
body which admits no person not an actual editor and publisher of a
bona fide newspaper, and is the only lady member. |