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Probate Court, Libr. 1
Ashtabula Co., Ohio

Note:  Each Record is on 2 pages.  I have just listed the first page of each record.  If listed, the 2nd page includes the occupation, parents, race, cause of death, residence & person who reported the death.  I have a photo of each page and will tell you the rest of the information upon request. - Sharon

ALSO NOTE:   In order to get as many names on here as possible, I am putting the persons name and if you want the rest of the info, please contact me.  I can also send you a copy of the original page.
Sharon W

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Page Date Number Name in Full Sex Date of Death Md Age Place of Death Place of Birth Occup Father Mother White Col'd Cause of Death Residence By whom reported
6 1868 Feby 3 89 Howland, Minna   1868 Feby 29 - 3 yrs 1 da Pierpont Pierpont (blank) Joseph Howland Margaret Howland White   Malignant Erysipelas Pierpont O. S. Trimmer?
6 1869 Jun 17 90 Matson, Ella E.   1868 Feby 9 Single 15 yrs 11 mos  - - (blank) (blank) (blank) (blank)   Diabetes Conneaut O. T. Wyman
6 1869 Jul 29 91 King, Almira   1868 May 21 Mar 34 yrs 10 mos 11 ds Gustavus Gustavus Farmer (blank) (blank) (blank)   Phthesis? Pulmanary? Gustavus F. G. Spencer
6 1869 Jul 29 92 Clark, John   1868 Jun. 2 Wid 94 yrs Trumbull Albany, NY Farmer (blank) (blank) White   Age Trumbull H. D. Cole
6 1869 Jul 29 93 Pinney, Edward E.   1868 Jun. 2 Mar 41 yrs 5 mos 0 ds Morgan Litchfield, Conn Merchant (blank) (blank) White   Cancerous Tumor Morgan H. D. Cole
6 1869 Jul 29 94 Norris, G. G.   1868 May 21 Mar 38 yrs 6 mos 27 ds. Windsor Windsor, O Farmer (blank) (blank) White   (blank) Windsor Andrew Willson?
6 1869 Jul 29 95 Brown, Estella   1868 May 30 Single 5 yrs 4 mos Trumtull Trumbull (blank) (blank) (blank) White   Burn Trumbull H. D. Cole
6 1869 Jul 29 96 Beckwith, Mary Jane   1868 May 24 - 24 yrs Colebrook (blank) (blank) (blank) (blank) (blank)   Consumption Colebrook E. T. Meacham
6 1869 Jul 29 97 Winkleman, Christopher   1868 May 17 - 78 yrs   Colebrook (blank) (blank) (blank) (blank) (blank)   Disease of liver Colebrook E. T. Meacham
6 1869 Jul 29 98 Murray, Ursula   1868 Apr. 13 - 66 yrs Ashtabula Marion, NY (blank) (blank) (blank) (blank)   Typhoid Fever Ashtabula H. B. Van Norman
6 1869 Jul 29 99 Buck, Hannah Jane   1868 Apr. 26 Mar 49 yrs Saybrook Canango Co., NY? (blank) (blank) (blank) (blank)   Cancer of Stomach Saybrook H. B. Van Norman
6 1869 Jul 29 100 Hickok, Jurista   1868 May 22 Wid 73 yrs Jefferson G__, NY Farmer (blank) (blank) White   Typhoid Fever Jefferson H. B. Van Norman
6 1869 Jul 29 101 Sweet, Hannah Cormina   1868 Jun. 25 Wid 67 yrs 6 mos 1 da Ashtabula New Hampshire Farmer's wife (blank) (blank) White   Chronic Pneumonia Ashtabula J. C. Hubbard
6 1869 Jul 29 102 Smith, Esther B.   1868 Apr. 7 Mar 42 yrs 10 mos 2 ds. Cleveland Williamsfield (blank) (blank) (blank) White   Ulcerated stomach Wayne N. L. Smith
6 1869 Jul 29 103 Babcock, Hiram A.   1868 Jun. 1 Mar 66 yrs 1 mo 18 ds. Wayne  Essex, Vt. Farmer (blank) (blank) White   Heart Disease Wayne Sillas Babcock
6 1869 Jul 29 104 Miller, Lucinda   1868 Mar. 29 Mar.  40 yrs 11 mos 24 ds Wayne Gustavus (blank) (blank) (blank) White   Consumption Wayne J. B. Goodrich
6 1869 Jul 29 105 Leonard, ,Sarah Francis   1868 Mar. 31 Single 27 yrs   Wayne New Jersey (blank) (blank) (blank) White   Consumption Wayne J. B. Goodrich
6 1869 Jul 29 106 Watters, Clarissa   1868 May 18 Mar 74 yrs 2 mos 12 ds Andover Mass (blank) (blank) (blank) White   Dropsy Andover J. B. Goodrich
6 1869 Jul 29 107 Chandler, Abigail   1868 Jul. 9 Mar 78 yrs Rome Mass (blank) (blank) (blank) White   Old age Rome J. B. Goodrich
6 1869 Jul 29 108 Foster, Elizabeth   1868 Apr. 30 Mar 25 yrs Conneaut Penn. (blank) (blank) (blank) White   Fever Conneaut A. . Fifield
6 1869 Jul 29 109 Burrington, Roxiliany   1868 Apr. 12 - 84 yrs (blank) (blank) (blank) (blank) (blank) (blank)   Fever (blank) W. A. Ward
6 1869 Jul 29 110 Thompson, Seth   1868 May 6 - 80 yrs  (blank) (blank) (blank) (blank) (blank) (blank)   Typhoid Fever (blank) W. A. Ward
6 1869 Jul 29 111 Thompson, Lucy   1868 Jun 28 - 72 yrs. (blank) (blank) (blank) (blank) (blank) (blank)   Congestion of Lungs (blank)  W. A. Ward
6 1869 Oct. 30 112 Main, Frank   1868 Oct. 25 Single (blank) Kingsville (blank) (blank) (blank) (blank) White   Typhoid Fever (blank) E. M. Webster
6 1869 Oct. 30 113 Wolcott, Thankful   1868 Jul. 30 Single (blank) Infirmary (blank) (blank) (blank) (blank) White   Introsusception (blank) E. M. Webster
6 1869 Oct. 30 114 No name   1868 Oct. 24 - ca 6 or 8 mos Infirmary Found on doorsteps in Andover (blank) (blank) (blank) White   Cholera Infantum (blank) E. M. Webster
6 1869 Oct. 30 115 Hunt, Laura   1868 Sep. 28 Mar 23 yrs 10 mos 18 ds Jefferson Dayton (blank) (blank) (blank) White   Consumption Jefferson R. N. Warren
6 1869 Oct. 30 116 Ransom, Livona   1868 Aug. 22 Mar 22 yrs   Kingsville Penn (blank) (blank) (blank) White   Hemorrhage Kingsville J. L. Morris
6 1869 Oct. 30 117 Ransom, Thomas   1868 Sep. 30 Single 1 mo 24 ds Kingsville Ohio (blank) (blank) (blank) White   Spthae? (Apthae?) Kingsville J. L. Morris
6 1869 Oct. 30 118 Perkins, ____   1868 Sep. 13 Single 8 mos Ashtabula Michigan (blank) Andrew Perkins (blank) White   Cholera Infantum Ashtabula Wm. W. Eames
6 1869 Oct. 30 119 Rockwell, Hannah   1868 Sep. 25 Mar.  45 yrs Plymouth Ohio (blank) (blank) (blank) White   Dysentery Plymouth Wm. W. Eames
6 1869 Oct. 30 120 Tracy, Minnie   1868 Sep. 22 Single Plymouth Ohio (blank) (blank) Alfred Tracy (blank) White   Dysentery Plymouth Wm. W. Eames
6 1869 Oct. 30 121 Wilding, William   1868 Aug. 31 Single 19 yrs 4 ds Ashtabula England Farm Laborer John Wilding Mary Whilding White   Pleurisy sub? acute Ashtabula John C. Hubbard
6 1869 Oct. 30 122 Hardy, Edward   1868 Sep. 6 Single 6 yrs 2 mos 28 ds Ashtabula Ashtabula Pupil James M. Hardy Helen F. Hardy White   Dysentery Ashtabula John C. Hubbard
6 1869 Oct. 30 123 Baker, Elizabeth   1868 Jul. 23 Single 14 yrs 3 mos 23 ds Orwell Orwell (blank) J. W. Baker S. A. Baker White   Typhoid Fever Orwell E. P. Haines
6 1869 Oct. 30 124 Hewitt, David   1868 Sep. 14 Wid 81 yrs 4 mos 6 ds Conneaut New York Farmer (blank) (blank) White   Old age Conneaut H. A. Hubbard
6 1869 Oct. 30 125 Shaw, ____   1868 Aug. 26 - (blank) Conneaut Conneaut (blank) Hugh W. Shaw Eliza A. Shaw White   Still born Conneaut H. A. Hubbard
6 1869 Oct. 30 126 Smith, ____   1868 Jul. 4 - 3 mos Saybrook Saybrook (blank) Fernando Smith Amelia Smith White   Consumption Saybrook H. B. Van Norman
6 1869 Oct. 30 127 Strong, Addie   1868 Aug. 23 Mar 27 yrs Ashtabula Kingsville Housekeeper Emery Luce (blank) White   Consumption of Bowels Ashtabula H. B. Van Norman
6 1869 Oct. 30 128 Burrill, Carrie Bell   1868 Sep. 12 Single 1 yr 11 mos Ashtabula Ashtabula (blank) Charles Burrill (blank) White   Convulsions Ashtabula H. B. Van Norman
6 1869 Oct. 30 129 Doe, Sidney   1868 Aug. 4 Single 5 yrs 3 mos Cherry Valley Cherry Valley (blank) (blank) (blank) White   Hydrocephalus Cherry Valley F. G. Spencer
6 1869 Oct. 30 130 Williams, John C.   1868 Sept. 12 Mar 26 yrs 1 mo 1 da Cherry Valley Cherry Valley Book Keeper (blank) (blank) White   Typhoid Fever Cherry Valley F. G. Spencer
6 1869 Oct. 30 131 Kellogg, E. D.   1868 Aug. 10 - 28 yrs 5 mos 10 ds Saybrook (blank) (blank) (blank) (blank) (blank)   Heart Disease (blank) Jas. Taggett
6 1869 Oct. 30 132 Briggs, Celia N.   1868 Jul. 23 Mar 19 yrs   Conneaut (blank) (blank) (blank) (blank) (blank)   Continued Fever (blank) W. A. Ward





This Webpage has been created by Sharon Wick exclusively for Genealogy Express  ©2008
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