History of Fayette County,
Ohio & State of Ohio
By R. S. Dills -
Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers, Dayton, Ohio

Madison Twp. -
ABERNATHY (Madison Twp.) is among the oldest and most
substantial farmers of this township. He is the son of
Robert and Mary (Davis) Abernathy, whose biographies
appear elsewhere. The family came from Virginia, in
He was born Mar. 1, 1819, on Duff's Fork, near where he
now resides. He was married to Letitia Thomas,
Jan. 29, 1846. To their marriage five children have
been born: Mary Josephine, born Oct. 26, 1846,
died Dec. 5, 1847; Mary Josephine, born Oct. 26,
1848, died Jul. 15, 1851; Cynthia Alice, born May 15,
1850, died July 24, 1851; Mary Augusta, born Feb. 22,
1854, and married A. C. Mace, of Ross County, Apr.
14, 1874; William, born Oct. 15, 1851, died May 4,
Mrs. Abernathy was born Jul. 26, 1826. In the
year 1851, he purchased of his brothers and sisters their
interest in the homestead of two hundred and seventy acres,
to which he has since made some additions. He and his
wife are members of the Christian Church, and have, in their
past lives, a record of Christian piety. He is an
enthusiastic Granger, and one of the most active members of
Madison Grange No. 229.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page 935 |
Madison Twp. -
D. ABERNATHY retired farmer, Mount
Sterling, was born in Hampshire County, Virginia, Dec. 10,
1813. He is the oldest son of Robert and Mary
Abernathy, who came to Ohio, bringing their two oldest
children, in the years 1815. The grandfather of this
subject was from Scotland; the grandmother from Ireland.
Robert and Mary Abernathy first settled in
Pickaway County, near Williamsport. About the year
1817, he bought a piece of land (one hundred and sixteen
acres), where his son James now lives, in this
county, on Deer Creek. Here he reared an honored
family. His children were Mary Ann born in
1809; John, in 1813; Eliza, in 1816; James,
in 1819; Cynthia, in 1823; Marion, in 1831.
This subject has been twice married. His first
wife, Nancy Sawyer, was born June 20, 1808, and was
the daughter of William and Elizabeth (Smith) Sawyer.
Their union took place Oct. 27, 1836. She died Apr.
10, 1868. They had born to them two sons: John C.,
born Oct. 1, 1837; Smith, born June7, 1840. For
his second wife, he married the widow of W. D. Wood.
Her maiden name was Lucinda Brown. She was born
June 22, 1828, and their marriage took place Apr. 20, 1869.
The Browns were Virginians, and came to Ohio in 1820.
Mr. Abernathy has been a man of great energy and
business capacity. He has dealt largely in live stock,
and in the years of his prime manhood, he had an extensive
business acquaintance. He was a resident of this
township for thirty-five years, and now owns and keeps
oversight of a farm near White Oak.
On account of bodily affliction, he retired from the
farm a number of years ago. He now resides in Mount
Sterling. His father was, at one time, a hotel keeper
of this village, but it was very many years ago.
Mr. Abernathy remembers the village of Mount Sterling
when there were not more than three houses in it.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page 934 |
Wayne Twp. -
Q. ADAMS (Wayne Twp.), farmer, was born in Perry
Township, Dec. 9, 1839, and is a son of Albert and Nancy
(Coffey) Adams, natives of Pennsylvania. The
father came with his parents in about 1810, and located in
Perry Township. The mother, a daughter of John and
Ruth Coffey, who came to this state in 1797, and lived
near Chillicothe, then in 1800, removed to Greenfield,
Highland County, and were among the first who settled in
that village. Mr. Coffey was the first tavern
keeper, and the first justice of the peace in Greenfield,
and a little child of his was the first white person buried
in the place.
The family of Albert Adams consisted of ten
children: Ruth, Robert, Isabella, John Q., Samuel, Albert,
three infants, and Nancy V.; those deceased, are
three infants, Albert and Samuel.
The subject of this sketch spent his youth on the
farm, received the rudiments of a common school education,
and was married Apr. 6, 1865, to Louisa J., daughter
of Isaac and Mary Ann (Holliday) Anderson, who were
the parents of three children: Louisa J., Sarah E.,
and Robert C. Mr. and Mrs. Adams were blessed
with the following named children: Minnie R., Harley I.,
Albert E., Mary B. and Isaac M.; Minnie R., Harley I.
and Mary B. have passed to the other shore.
Mr. Adams has about fifty-six acres of land, in
a superior state of cultivation, situated on the Greenfield
and Good Hope pike, four miles south of the latter place,
and also a good farm in Missouri. He and his wife are
exemplary Christians, and members of the First Presbyterian
Church, of Greenfield; Mrs. Adams having been a
member sixteen years, and associated with the Methodist
Episcopal Church prior to her marriage. He has never
aspired to any office, and is a Republican in politics.
Mr. Adams participated in the "late
unpleasantness," being a private in Company C, 81st O.V.I.
He was enlisted for three years; his regiment did noble
service at the battles of Shiloh, Corinth, Atlanta, and his
time expired on the morning of the evacuation of Atlanta.
He entered as private and was promoted to color sergeant.
The 81st was made up principally of Highland County men, and
was known as one of the most gallant regiments in the field.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page 842 |
was a native of Pennsylvania, but ran away from home at the age of sixteen, and enlisted in the
revolutionary war, where he remained till its close, when he went to Kentucky and engaged in
running the Upper and Lower Blue Lick Salt Works. He was passionately fond of hunting, and
found a paradise in this state, where game abounded. He was married, it is thought, while in
Kentucky, to Miss Kyger. The couple came to near Springfield, Clarke County, Ohio, which at
that time consisted of a few scattering cabins. During the war of 1812, he started to Fort Wayne
to join the American army. However, the war had closed before he arrived at his destination. He
next came to this county with his family, and "squatted" on the site of Allentown, now the
junction of the P. & S. E. and C. M. & C. railroads. He retained his hunting propensities, killed
much game, and provided venison for the family table and buckskin for the wearing apparel of
the young men. Allen afterward removed to the immediate vicinity of the hamlet of Allentown,
in which he resided till his death, which occurred in 1851, at the age of ninety-four years. He was
a patriotic citizen, and often predicted the war of the rebellion. He had eight children, four of
whom survive: Elijah, William, and Ethan, who reside near the old home, and Adam, who
resides in Madison County.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page 250 |
Union Twp. -
DR. O.
A. ALLEN, (Union Twp.) druggist, Washington, was born in New
Jersey, July 1, 1825, and is a son of John P. and
Jane (Adams) Allen, both natives of New Jersey,
The family, consisting of five sons and three daughters,
immigrated to this state in 1831. Our subject was
married in March, 1852, to Jane Jenkins, of this
county. Tow children have been born to them:
Lucy, now Mrs. E. A. Ramsey, and William J.
The doctor is a member of Temple Lodge No. 227, I. O. O. F.,
and also a member of the Baptist Church, being at present
clerk of the organization. At one time he was a clerk
of the village of Washington. He studied at Granville
College, and completed his medical education at the
Cleveland Medical College, graduating in 1854, and
commencing practice in the spring of that year. He was
continued as a druggist and physician to this day.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page 583 |
Madison Twp. -
ANDERSON (Madison Twp.), blacksmith and farmer, is
the second of three sons born to Levi and Nancy (Brown)
Anderson, of Ohio. His grandparents were from
Virginia, but came to Ohio, and settled near Chillicothe, in
an early day.
Our subject was born June 13, 1832, and having learned
the trade of a blacksmith in the years of his minority, has
devoted his life mainly to hard work at the anvil and
bellows. He was married, June 8, 1845, to Helen
Fulton, first daughter of John W. and Phoebe (Lyons)
Fulton, of Ross County. To them have been born
five children: Alfred A., born June 20, 1857;
Nancy Ann, born May 6, 1859; William H., born
May 31, 1861; Charlie, born Sept. 30, 1872; Clara,
born Mar. 25, 1875. All are yet alive and in good
He established himself in Waterloo, in the year 1852,
and in all these years has attended carefully to business,
and, and a consequence, has prospered. He possesses a
nice home in the village, besides some farm lands elsewhere.
Their daughter, Nancy A., married Christopher
Hanawalt, in February, 1876. Alfred married
Ella Crabb, in January, 1880.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page 936 |
Perry Twp. -
ANDERSON, (Perry Twp.) farmer and stock raiser, is a
son of Robert Anderson, who was a native of Virginia.
He came to Ohio in 1816, and settled on the waters of
Buckskin Creek, in Ross County, where he remained but three
years, when he removed to Fayette County, in 1819, soon
after which he married Miss Sarah Rowe, daughter of
Jesse Rowe, who was one of the pioneers of the
county. They were the parents of four children, three
sons and one daughter: Isaac married, and died;
Jane married, and lives in the neighborhood; John
was unmarried, and died at the age of twenty-two. The
father died Dec. 2, 1878, at the advanced age of more than
eighty-four years. The mother died some six years
previous. They lived together as husband and wife for
more than fifty years, and were devoted Christians, both
members of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
Mathew, our subject, was born Oct. 23, 1821, and
married Miss Mary A. Davids, Oct. 28, 1847, with whom
he lived six years, when she died leaving no children.
Mr. Anderson married for his second wife
Mrs. Kaylor, daughter of William Merchant.
One daughter was the fruit of this marriage, now the wife of
John Rowe, living in the neighborhood. Mrs.
Anderson lived but four years, when Mr. Anderson
was again a widower. He married for his third wife
Miss Sarah D. Adams, daughter of Albert Adams,
Esq., residing near Greenfield, Ohio, and sister to
Rev. Colonel Adams, of the 81st O. V. I., whose history
appears elsewhere in this work. They have three
children, two sons and one daughter. Isaac Newton,
a very promising child, fell into the well and lost his
life, when but eighteen months old. Nancy Ruth,
a young woman of seventeen, is absent from home, attending
school at Greenfield, Ohio, Albert Porter is
but fifteen years of age, weighing one hundred and
fifty-seven pounds.
Mr. Anderson owns and lives on a most
magnificent farm of a thousand acres, located on the
Anderson pike, one mile west from the Washington and
Martinsburg pike. He has been, all his life, a man of
great energy and industry. But few men have performed
so much hard labor on the farm, in the way of clearing up
lands, raising large crops (sometimes five hundred acres of
corn in a season), and feeding stock, as has Mr. Anderson
He has done a very large amount of business during the last
twenty-vie years, assuming great risks at times, and
sometimes sustaining heavy losses; but by great energy and
perseverance, and, as he puts it, the "blessing of a kind
Providence," his latter days, financially, bid fair to be
better than the pat. He is a straightforward,
Christian gentleman, assisted by a most estimable wife.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page 794 |
Jefferson Twp. -
ARMSTRONG, (Jefferson Twp.), farmer, is a son of
John and Elizabeth Armstrong, natives of Virginia.
He came to Ohio in 1814; she when a little girl. They
had a family of twelve children, nine of whom reached
maturity. Our subject, the eighth, was born March 11,
1830. The parents died in this country; the father,
Feb. 9, 1865, aged nearly seventy-five years, and the mother
Aug. 10, 1842.
Our subject was married to Miss Emily Creamer,
daughter of J. B. Creamer, whose biography appears in
this work. They had a family of seven children;
Nancy J., Joseph B., George A., Rhoda E., Iva M., Almeda,
and Charlie E. Nancy J., Rhoda E., and
Almeda, are deceased.
Mr. Armstrong has a farm of one hundred and
forty-four acres, well improved, situated three miles south
of Jeffersonville. Mrs. Armstrong has
fifty-eight and three quarter acres two miles south-east of
Jeffersonville. He is a member of the Masonic
fraternity of Jeffersonville. Is also a member of the
Methodist Episcopal and his wife of the Methodist Protestant
Church. They are good citizens, and respected
neighbors. Mrs. Armstrong's grandfather,
Parot, served in the revolutionary war, and also that of
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page 669 |