History of Fayette County,
Ohio & State of Ohio
By R. S. Dills -
Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers, Dayton, Ohio

Perry Twp. -
Of the
descendants of the early pioneers of Perry Township, none is
more deserving of mention than Elijah Ellis.
He was born near the site of New Martinsburg, tins county,
Oct. 1, 1817, and is the oldest son of David and Hannah
Ellis, who settled in Perry Township, in 1799, near
where Elijah now lives. The
house in which he was born was destroyed by fire, in the
year 1877.
The parents of our subject were of Quaker stock, and
their son is piously devoted to the doctrines and usages of
that society of Christians. The Ellises came
from Tennessee in the year above named, actuated by a desire
to live in a country free from the curse of slavery.
Our subject was married, in May, 1844, to Jane
Jury, daughter of William and Elizabeth (Fisher)
Jury. To this marriage, five children were born:
David William, born May 17, 1845; Joseph R.,
born June 9, 1846; Cyrenius, born Nov. 10, 1848;
Margaret E., born Apr. 25, 1850, married Samuel
Devoss, since died; Isaac L., born Nov. 17,
1852, died June 11, 1857. Mrs. Ellis
died, Dec. 5, 1852, aged twenty-six years.
On the 6th of January, 1859, Mr. Ellis
was again married, to Mrs. Eliza B. Ogborn, widow of
the late Samuel F. Ogborn, of New Jersey. She
is the daughter of Abel and Rhoda (Johnson)
Thornberry. Her grandfather, John
Johnson, was an early settler in the State of Indiana.
He erected the first court house in Indianapolis, and his
residence there was the first brick building erected in the
city. He was a member of the Society of Friends, and
for years kept a temperance hotel in the same city.
Mrs. Ellis, by her first marriage, became the
mother of two sons: Henry M. and Isaac F. Henry M.
served in the 73d O. V. V. I. during the war of the
rebellion, and Isaac F. was a lieutenant in an
infantry regiment of Indiana volunteers. He was
captured by the enemy at Richmond, Kentucky, in the fall of
1862, paroled and exchanged. Mr. and Mrs.
Thornberry were the parents of the following named
children: Lydia J., Eliza B., Mary Ann (died an
infant), Mary Ann, Rachel B., Susan J., William J.,
and John Thomas. Lydia J., Eliza B., Mary A., and
William J., still live. The latter is a minister
of the Society of Friends.
The father of Mrs. Ellis came to this
state in 1799, and was a soldier in the war of 1812.
In the prime of life he traveled from New Orleans to
Leesburg, this state, on foot. He served as a member
of the Legislature of Indiana, in the years 1833 and 1834,
from Wayne County, and_ was also a member of the city
council of Richmond, Indiana, several successive years.
He erected several mills in and near Richmond, Indiana, and
one or more in Michigan. He was a man of remarkable
qualities, a mathematician of some note. He embraced
religion in the latter years of his life, and died a
glorious and peaceable death at the age of seventy-live
Mrs. Ellis has in her possession a
photograph group representing live generations of the
family: Abel Thornberry, Eliza B. Ellis, Henry M. Ogborn,
Ella D. Reese and Clara Reese. At
the birth of Henry Thornberry, the
great-grandmother of Mrs. Ellis could have
said: "Arise, my son, and go to thy daughter, for thy
daughter's daughter has a son." Eliza B. Ellis
was a great-grandmother at the age of fifty-eight, and now
has two great-grandchildren, who have a
great-great-great-great-great-aunt. The oldest of this
line is Ann Nordyke, aged eighty-two; the
youngest, Laura Grace Reese, aged one year.
Thomas Bales, the great-grandfather of
Eliza B. Ellis, was the first white preacher who crossed
the Alleghanies. He was suspicioned, and taken by the
British as a spy, during his ministry among the Indians.
His real character becoming known, he was released and
permitted to preach unmolested. At his death, in 1801,
he was buried in a rude coffin hewn out of a butternut log,
in compliance with his own request.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page 801 |
Perry Twp. -
ancestry were from Wales. They came to America
in the latter part of the sixteenth century, settling in
Pennsylvania. Later, some of the stock moved to
Virginia, and afterwards to Tennessee.
Thomas, the son of Enos Ellis, was
born in Pennsylvania, but came to Ohio from Tennessee about
the year 1799, and settled in Fayette County, on the present
site of New Martinsburg, when the surrounding country was an
unbroken wilderness. He was the father of Phoebe,
Thomas, Elizabeth, Margaret, Reese, David, Mary Ann, and
David and Hannah Ellis were the parents of our
subject. Their children were: Mary Ann, Elizabeth,
Elijah, Sophia, Thomas, Morris R., Levi, James, David, jr.,
Lydia M, and Hannah E.
Our subject was born near New Martinsburg, Ohio, Dec.
6, 1820. He was married to Mary Ellen
Bennett, in the year 1848. Mrs. Ellis
was born May 5, 1830, and died Jan. 19, 1864. To this
union five children were born: Martha Jane,
born June 9, 1851, died Dec. 28, 1875; Hannah
Armilda, born Mar. 28, 1853, died November 22, 1876;
Rebecca Ellen, born Feb. 12, 1855, died Apr.
22, 1869; Mary Ann, born Oct. 21, 1859, died Feb. 19,
Mr. Ellis was married to his present
wife—Mrs. Mary Levey, nee Arthur—on
the 20th of October, 1870. She was born in Kentucky,
Nov. 30, 1826. By her first husband she is the
mother of five children, two of whom are deceased.
The early life of Thomas Ellis was given
to hard labor. The death of his father occurring when
Thomas was yet a lad, the care of the family devolved
upon himself and his brother Elijah. As a
consequence, the education of Thomas was much
neglected. He has had a painful experience in the loss
of a family of promising children. In early manhood he
spent much time on the road as a teamster, and before the
days of railroads has wagoned farm products to Cincinnati,
Chillicothe, and other markets.
Mr. Ellis is a member of the Friends'
Society, worshiping at Walnut Creek. His people are
nearly all members of the Society of Friends, and the
descendants of his ancestry number several score in Perry
Dates of births in the Ellis family:
Thomas Ellis, Mar. 2, 1772; Lydia Ellis,
Dec. 19, 1774; Martha, Feb. 26, 1794; Hannah,
June 6, 1795; John, Feb. 25, 1799; James, Jan.
21, 1801; Rachel, Oct. 28, 1802; Levi, May 9,
1804; Margaret, June 1, 1806; Thomas, Mar. 5,
1808; Solomon, Feb. 28, 1810; William, Sept.
30, 1814; Reese, Apr. 30, 1816.
On the farm where Mr. Ellis lives are a
number of apple trees which grew from sprouts planted by
Grandfather Thomas Ellis in 1799.
The fruit is called the " Tennessee Apple," and was brought
from Tennessee.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page 803 |
Union Twp. -
WALKER ELY, gardener, Washington, was born in Ross
County, October 1, 1825; was married August 23, 1849, to
Miss Mary Cory, daughter of Israel
Cory, near Frankfort, Ross County; lived in Ross
County nineteen years; moved to Washington in 1857, and has
remained here until the present time. They were the parents
of six children, two of whom died in infancy, and two sons
and two daughters living—Joseph N. married, and lives
in Missouri; Anson I., whereabouts not known, most
probably in Alaska Territory; Sarah E., single;
Nora, married. His wife died in 1863, and he married for
his second wife Mrs. H. A. Atkinson, of Madison
County. They have by this marriage one son, twelve years of
age, a sprightly lad.
Mr. Ely is a man of
intelligence, and possesses a well-stored mind. He has read
and thought much. In politics, he is a Republican ; in
religion, a Baptist. He owns and lives on a lovely little
farm, containing four acres, on the Palmer pike, but a short
distance from Washington,
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page 594 |
Jefferson Twp. -
R. ESTEP, farmer, is a son of Robert Estep, of
this county, a native of Pennsylvania, who came to this
county about 1830, and located near Bloomingburg, coming to
this township in 1874.
Our subject was born in this county, Oct. 29, 1856,
where he was reared and educated. He has been engaged
in farming thus far through life. Is a member of
Jeffersonville Lodge No. 454, I. O. O. F., joining in
1879. He lives with his father, on the homestead farm
of one hundred and sixty acres situated three miles west of
Jeffersonville, on the Jamestown pike. They are highly
respected citizens and good neighbors.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page
679 |
Jefferson Twp. -
T. EVANS, farmer, is a son of John V.
Evans, of Green County, and was born March 10, 1842, in
Berkeley County, Virginia. He came to Greene County,
Ohio, in 1851; remained there till 1872, when he came to
Fayette. He was married, Feb. 6, 1868, to Miss
Julia A. Keplinger, of Kosciusko County, Indiana, who
bore him five children: Ulysses G., Anna M., John A.,
Floretta F., and Blanche G., all living.
Mrs. Evans died July 14, 1880. She was a member of
the Disciple Church.
Mr. Evans enlisted in Company A, 74th O. V. I.,
in 1863, and served until the close of the war. He has
a farm of thirty acres situated near the northwest corner of
this township, on which he lives. He was elected
trustee of the township in April, 1881, and is a member of
the church in which his wife died.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page
679 |
Perry Twp. -
Eyre ancestry were from England. John Eyre
the grand-father of this subject, was a Virginian. His
children were Robert, Hannah, Samuel, Nancy, and
William. William Eyre was the youngest of his
father's family, and was born in Virginia in 1802. The
family came to Ohio in 1804, settling at the falls of Paint
Creek, in Ross County. After John Eyre's death,
his widow married Judge James Mooney. Soon
after this the family settled in Perry Township, this
Rohert S. Eyre, the fourth son and seventh child
of William and Jemima (Smith) Eyre, was born Apr. 24,
1845. The children of William and Jemima Eyre
were John, William H., Nancy A., Eliza C, Joseph
M., Hannah E., Robert S., and Sarah E. By a former
marriage to Leah Job, Mr. Eyre had two daughters—Mary
J., and Minerva.
Our subject was married, Nov. 16, 1871, to Mary J.
Chalfant, second daughter of Nathan H. and Adaline
(Harris) Chalfant, of Highland County. Mrs.
Eyre was born Sept. 4, 1847. To this union
four children have been born: Vertie E., born June
23, 1873; William N., born May 1, 1876; Lulu M.,
born Mar. 23, 1879; Joseph C, born Jan. 22, 1881.
Mr. Eyre has a creditable record as a soldier in
the late civil war, serving as a private in Company G, 73d
O. V. V. I., 3d brigade, 3d division, 20th army corps.
His regiment campaigned with Sherman, and made itself
illustrious in many hard fought battles, and was mustered
out at the close of the war.
Mr. Eyre became an Odd-fellow, Jan. 5,
1876, and is an active member of Wilstach Lodge No. 368, at
New Martinsburg. He is Master of Forest Shade Grange
No. 368.
His politics is of the staunch Republican order.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page 805 |