History of Fayette County,
Ohio & State of Ohio
By R. S. Dills -
Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers, Dayton, Ohio

Perry Twp. -
Henry Painter and Elizabeth, his wife, were Pennsylvanians,
coming to this state about the year 1822, and settling on
the Woodson Survey, east of New Martinsburg, in Perry
Township, this county. They were the grandparents of
Charles Painter. Their children were John,
Peter, Henry, Sally, Jonathan and Jacob (twins).
Jonathan, the father of our subject, was born
August 22, 1804, and in later years, settled with his father
as above mentioned.
His wife, Adah Smith, was from Pennsylvania.
They were parents of six children: Jackson, the
oldest son, died in California. The father still lives
near Good Hope, this county, and has been an active
Christian and member of the Methodist Episcopal Church for a
great many years.
Henry, the grandfather of our subject, was a
soldier in the war of the revolution. Lewis and
Jonathan both served in the late civil war, and fought
for the Union. Our subject served in the 168th O. N.
G. under Captain Lewis Painter. The
regiment campaigned in this state and Kentucky.
Charles Painter was married January 10, 1860, to
Cynthia Ann, Roberts, daughter of Moses and
Elizabeth (Perry) Roberts, of Highland County. Her
father's family consisted of nine children: Eliza, Jesse,
Jane, Susan, Hannah, James, William, Cynthia Ann, and
George H. Mr. Roberts, by a former marriage in
Virginia, was the father of nine children.
Mr. and Mrs. Painter have had born to them
twelve children: Edward Estell, born Jan. 9, 1861;
Jesse Fremont, born Aug. 1, 1863, died Feb. 13, 1874;
William Carey, born Sept. 22, 1864; James Morris,
born Dec. 1, 1865; Harley Smith, born Feb. 22, 1867;
John Wesley, born Dec. 25, 1868; Frederick J.,
born Nov. 15, 1870, died Dec. 18, 1874; Charles Eskridge,
born Oct. 15, 1872; Eldridge B., born Apr. 1, 1876;
Mary Olive, born Mar. 11, 1879; infant son, born June
3, 1881.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page 816 |
Jefferson Twp. -
PARRETT, is a daughter of Thomas and Ann (Higbee)
Fletcher. She was born in Pennsylvania, in 1811,
and came to Ohio with her parents the same year. They
located in Clermont County, where the parents died.
She came to this county about 1820, and married George
Parrett, son of John and Catharine (Windle) Parrett,
Mar. 4, 1828. Seven children are the result of this
union: Elmira, Thomas F., Mary C., Elizabeth E., Belinda
A., Susan L., and Lucy O. Susan E. died at
the early age of fifteen months. Mr. Parrett
died July 29, 1872, aged fifty-nine years. He was a
member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which faith he
died triumphantly.
Mrs. Parrett has a farm of one hundred acres, well
improved, situated seven miles northwest of Washington, on
the Jeffersonville pike. She and five of the children
are members of the Methodist Protestant Church.
Elmira joined the Methodist Episcopal Church after
marriage. This is an esteemed family.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page
698 |
Twp. -
BENJAMIN H. PARRETT, farmer, is a son
of Joseph J. Parrett (better known as Tennessee Joe).
He was born Jan. 18, 1824, on the farm where he now lives,
and where he was reared. Apr. 21, 1853, he was married
to Miss Nancy Allen. Five children are the
result of this marriage: Seth E., Eva J., Oric V., Cora
G., and Mary all living: Seth and
Oric are married. This entire family, save Oric
are members of the Methodist Protestant Church, in which
faith the parents died triumphantly.
Mr. Parrett has a farm of one hundred and
sixty-six acres, well improved, on which he lives, situated
five miles southwest of Washington, on the Jeffersonville
pike. This family is well and favorably known, and
have many friends.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page
698 |
Madison Twp. -
GEORGE B. PARRETT is one of the most
enterprising and industrious farmers of this county.
He was born in this county, on the 19th of January, 1834,
and is the youngest of a family of eight sons and one
daughter. His parents, Joseph J. and Rebecca
(Fansher) Parrett, were natives of Tennessee, coming to
Ohio from Coke County, immediately following the close of
the war of 1812. Mr. Parrett was in the war of
1812, and among the other sufferings, he subsisted three
days on a half pint of meal. Joseph J. and Rebecca
were the parents of nine children: Isaac, Pleasant,
Jackson, David, Frederick, Benjamin, Minerva, Russell,
and George B.
Isaac Fansher, the maternal grandfather of this
subject, served in the Revolutionary War. The
Fanshers and Parretts came to Ohio the same year.
The former emigrated to Iowa, and the latter became
permanent residents of this county.
Our subject was married Aug. 21, 1856 to Amelia A.,
oldest daughter of Daniel and Mary E. (Webster) Bush,
of this county. Mrs. Parrett was born, Sept.
10, 1835. The Bush ancestry were from South
Carolina, and their descendants are numerous in Union
Township. Brice Webster, the grandfather of
Mrs. Parrett, was an early merchant and physician of
Mr. and Mrs. Parrett have had born to them
twelve children, all of whom are living: Euphemie
Estaline, born 1857, married Harry S. Crow, 1878;
Edward Ankney, born 1858, married to Frances
Taylor, 1880; Ella Gazelle, born 1860, married
Dr. Jasper N. Clark, 1876; Florence Jane, born
1861; Ada Verrell, born 1863; Warren Webster,
born 1864; Erie Harlan, born 1866; Alice Gertrude,
born 1868; Noyes Marvin, born 1871; Dio Ladell,
born 1873; George Clyde, born 1877; Annie Blanche,
born 1881.
In 1859 Mr. Parrett bought two hundred and
seventy-three acres of land on the North Fork of Paint,
where he now resides. He is a prudent, temperate
liver, and his family are full of health and intelligence.
During a term of thirteen years past his doctor bill
amounted to only two dollars.
Mr. Parrett is an ardent Prohibitionist, and
preaches and practices the same doctrine. He and his
wife and other members of the family are members of the
Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Parrett is a
working member of Madison Grange, gives especial attention
to his own business, has few equals in the township for
raising good crops, and breeding stock.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page
962 |
Wayne Twp. -
H. PARRETT, farmer, and member of the State Board of
Equalization, was born in Ross County, Oct. 11, 1821, and is
a son of Joseph F. and Sarah Barrett, natives of
Virginia, who came to Ohio in September, 1814, with a family
of ten children.
John H., our subject, was married on the 25th
day of December , 1850, to Miss Sarah A. Harper,
daughter of Caleb and Mary Harper of Ross County.
They have a family of four children: Caleb H., Joseph,
Mollie, and Sallie. Mr. Parrett is a member
of the Presbyterian Church. He was county commissioner
and justice of the peace of Wayne Township for some three
years. HE has a farm of two hundred and fifty acres
seven miles south of Washington, adjoining the village of
Good Hope, where he makes his home. He is one of the
most enterprising farmers of the county, and a man of
influence wherever he is known.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page 619 |
Jefferson Twp. -
S. PATTEN is a daughter of Jacob and Sarah (Baughn)
Bush. She was born in this county, where she was
reared. Nov. 7, 1840, she was married to William J.
Patten. Eight children are the result of this
marriage: Samantha S., Nettie W., Sarah E., Barthana
W., Minerva R., Mattie V., Jessie L., and Richard E.
Nettie, Jessie, and Richard, are deceased. Mr. Patten
died, Jan. 13, 1869, aged fifty years. He was a member
of the Methodist Protestant Church, in which faith he died
triumphantly. Mrs. Patten, and all the children, save
Richard, who died at the age of eleven months, are members
of the same church. She has a farm of one hundred
acres, situated on the Jeffersonville pike, six miles
northwest of Washington.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page 697 |
Green Twp. -
G. W.
PATTON, (Green Twp.) farmer, is a son of Arthur
and Elizabeth (Wood) Patton, and was born on the farm,
where he now lives, January 7, 1840. His parents, who
were natives of Virginia, came to this state in the spring
of 1832.
Mr. Patton's wife, Mary D., daughter of
Hezekiah Rowe, to whom he was married October 24,.
1861, was born in this township March 3, 1845. He has
five children: Elmer E., Minnie A., Nettie J., Zella V.
and Ollie M., all living.
Mr. Patton is one of the solid farmers of this
county, and has a farm of two hundred and fifty acres, which
is one of the best in the township.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page 774 |
Jefferson Twp.
GEORGE H. PATTON, farmer, is a son of
John M. and Sarah (Little) Patton, and was born in
Frederick County, Virginia, Oct. 6, 1813, where he was
reared. He came to Ohio when twenty-one years of age,
and located near Jeffersonville, where he remained three
years, and then removed to the northern part of the
township, remaining there until 1850, when he came to the
farm where he now lives, and where the father died, at the
age of seventy-seven years. Mrs. Patton died at
the age of sixty-nine years.
Our subject has been twice married; first, to Miss
Lucinda Sheely, Jan. 1, 1845. One child was the
result of the this marriage - John A., who lives on a
farm adjoining his father's on the south. He has
married to Miss Martha Moon in December, 1871.
They have one child - Edith.
Mrs. Patton died Sept. 29, 1846. He then
married Miss Elizabeth Ragan, Oct. 25, 1849.
They have one child, Genetta, who married Eli S.
Parret, Dec. 25, 1873. They have two children:
Earle E. and George.
Mr. and Mrs. Patton are members of the Methodist
Protestant Church, of Pleasant View. When Mr.
Patton came to Ohio he had but a few cents in money; but
by his industry he has accumulated sufficient means to live
at his ease in his declining years. He was a
well-improved farm of two hundred and eighteen acres, on
which he lives, and has given each of his children fifty
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page
99 |
Union Twp. -
J. H.
PATTON, attorney at law, Washington, was born in
Fayette County, Sept. 6, 1849, and is a son of James and
Ellen Patton, natives of Ohio, who have a family of four
children, two sons and two daughters.
The subject of our remarks was married, Dec. 3, 1870,
to Miss S. E. Durnell, daughter of William Durnell.
They are blessed with three children: Glenn, Daisy,
and Nellie. He received his education at
Lebanon, at the South Salem Academy, and commenced the study
of law with the Hon. M. J. Williams, of Washington,
and when twenty years of age commenced practice, which was
in 1869. His youth was principally spent in Fayette
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page 619 |
Union Twp -
PAVEY, farmer, Memphis. The nativity of
the original Pavey family is unknown. Among the
earliest settlers on Lee's Creek, in Highland County, was
Isaac Pavey, the grandfather of this subject. He
was from Kentucky, and was a preacher of the Methodist
Church and a farmer. He was born in Maryland. His
children were Charles, Elizabeth, William, Nancy
Peggy, Sally, John and Thomas. Charles
married Lucinda Bocock, Elizabeth married John
Barger, Nancy married Warner Mann, Peggy
married Thomas Andrew, Sally married Isaac McKay,
John married Betsey West, and Thomas
married Sally Johnson.
William, the second son of the family, and father
of our subject married Anna Johnson daughter of
William and Jane (Dowden) Johnson of Fayette County.
He died in 1862, his wife in 1851. They were parents
of Jane, Isaac, William, Mary, George, John, Henry,
Sophia, Elizabeth, James and Eliza. By a
second marriage, to Mrs. Jerdina Kirby, (Johnson,)
he was a father of three sons and one daughter:
Charles, Thomas A., Keturah and Gilbert A.
Isaac, our subject, was born in Green Township,
near the Clinton County line, Mar. 15, 1831. He was
brought up to hard work. His education was of the
ordinary kind. On the 189th day of August, 1852, he
was married to Margaret E., daughter of Jacob and
Susan (Heller) Heidwohl; they were of Dutch descent, and
natives of Virginia. They came to this state about the
year 1837. Mrs. Pavey was born in Jefferson
County, Virginia, Apr. 25, 1834. She is the only
surviving member of the family. To the marriage of
Mr. and Mrs. Pavey, the following named children have
been born: Alice Jane, born May 13, 1855,
married Robert Todhunter, Oct., 1879. Elmira
A., born May 3, 1858, married Cornelius McCoy,
Nov. 12, 1880. Junius, born Mar. 4, 1861;
Darius, born Feb. 14, 1862; William H., born Apr.
6, 1863, died Aug. 1, 1864; Charles Edward, born Jan.
16, 1868, died Sept. 29, 1875; Elva, born Dec. 26,
1869, died Oct. 6, 1875; John F., born Apr. 11, 1872,
died July 31, 1872.
Mr. Pavey lived a short time in Hardin County,
this state, and located where he now lives, in the year
1867. He owns and cultivates nearly four hundred acres
of choice land near Lee's Creek, and twelve miles from
Washington. Mrs. Pavey has been connected with
the Methodist Church since 1850.
Our subject is an ardent Republican, and an energetic
farmer. His brothers, James and Henry, served
in the Union army during the late war. The last named
was for a time a prisoner of war.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page 620 |
Jasper Twp.-
MARK PEARSON, farmer, is a native of
Virginia, and was born Feb. 24, 1807. His parents were
on their way West, when they stopped temporarily on the Blue
Ridge, where our subject was born. They arrived at
Highland County, Ohio, in 1810; removed to Clinton County,
then to Greene, where the parents died. Our subject
came to Fayette County in 1836, and located on the farm
where he now lives, and has well improved, then an unbroken
forest, wet, heavily timbered, and in many respects
uninviting. The woods were then filled with wild game
- turkey, squirrels, etc., and some deer. The nearest
church was about three miles, a long building, used for
religious and school purposes. He now has a fine farm
of two hundred acres, through which the Dayton and
Southeastern Railroad passes, located on the west line of
the county. He was married, Sept. 7, 1828, to Miss
Phoebe Chaney, of Greene County, who has borne him five
children, two of whom survive. He and his wife are
members of the Christian Church. This s a Democratic
family, of good repute, and are well and favorably known.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page 732 |
Jasper Twp. -
ELIAS H. PEELLE, farmer is a son of
Reuben and Emily (Wilson) Peelle. He ws born in
Clinton County, Apr. 10, 1843, where he was reared and
educated. He was married, May 10, 1867, to Miss
Aramathea Creamer, daughter of Simeon Creamer who
has borne him five children: Frank A., Carrie(deceased),
Dalton C., Adda M. and Florence. Mr. Peelle
located in this county immediately after marriage, where he
has since lived, and has a well-improved farm of one hundred
and fifty-two acres, situated on the west line of the
county. He and his wife are members of the Society of
Friends. He is a Republican, and a highly respected
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page 732 |
Union Twp. -
T. K.
PERDUE, county surveyor, Washington, was born
in this county, July 30, 1838, and is a son of Gershorn
and Abigail Perdue. He is a native of Virginia,
she of New Jersey. The father came to this
state in 1813, and the mother some time later; the marriage
resulted in seven children.
T. K., the youngest, was married April 30, 1868,
to Jane M. Smith, daughter of Isaac and Mary Smith,
of this county, which marriage resulted in six children:
Whittier, Mira, Edith, Alice, Norton and Homer;
all living.
He served as infirmary director for six years, and has
been in the nursery business since attaining his majority,
which was also the means of supporting his father - the
nursery was started in 1815.
In the fall of 1880, he was elected county surveyor,
and is now serving in that capacity. Himself and wife
are members of the Society of Friends. The business of
the nursery is conducted under the firm name of M. P. &
T. K. Perdue.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page 621 |
Jasper Twp. -
JOHN PERRILL, farmer, Milledgeville, a
son of Hugh Perrill, was born June 17, 1823,
in Highland County, where he was reared till fourteen years
of age, when he went with his grandparents to Pike County.
Here he remained until he attained his majority.
He bought and drove stock from Ohio to Pennsylvania and
New York markets, until twenty-nine years of age, when he
came to Fayette County. Here, Nov. 14, 1855, he was
married to Miss Margaret J. Sparks, daughter of
Elias M. Sparks. Eleven children are the result of
this union, six sons and. five daughters.
Two are deceased. Our subject's mother died in
Highland County, in 1835; his father in Kentucky, about
Mr. Perrill has a farm of three hundred and
forty acres, well improved, where he lives; and two hundred
and fourteen acres one mile west. This property is the
result of his industry and good management. He is a
liberal supporter of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in
which faith he was reared, yet is not a member of any
church. Is well and favorably known, and has a
reputable family.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page 734 |
Jasper Twp. -
Milledgeville, a son of David Persinger, of
this county, was born July 22, 1837. Was married,
March 14, 1861, to Jane Peebles, daughter of
Andrew and Helen Peebles. Ten children are the
result of this union, five sons and five daughters.
Two of the sons are deceased.
Mr. Persinger has a farm of nine hundred
and eighty-seven acres, well improved, situated one mile
south of Milledgeville, where he lives, and seven hundred
and ninety-five acres in the southwestern part of the
township; also four hundred acres in Concord Township,
formerly owned by Governor Trimble. He
is one of the largest real estate owners in the county, a
public spirited man, who contributes largely to the support
of churches, schools, railroads, and general public
improvements. Was a director of the Dayton &
Southeastern Railroad four years, and contributed liberally
to the building of it. He deals largely in cattle and
hogs; also has some sheep. Has at present more than
two hundred head of cattle. He is a highly respected
citizen, and has many friends.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page |
was one of the first residents of Washington; came in 1811, purchased a lot and erected a log
cabin thereon. Shortly after his arrival he was elected justice of the peace. He was considered
rather eccentric ; made his legal decisions in accordance with his own ideas of justice, regardless
of the laws or testimony bearing on the case. He kept no docket, but made a memorandum of all
legal transactions on a piece of paper which was placed in a crevice in his cabin. He was a native
of Virginia, and died in 1816 or 1817. He had two sons, John and Edward. Both were extensive
dealers in stock. Edward subsequently removed to the far west; John died in this county.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page 242 |
Perry Twp. -
PRIDDY. The grandparents of James Priddy
- James and Martha (Rowe) Priddy - were natives of
Virginia, and came to this state in 1816, settling in Perry
Township. They were the parents of William, Elias,
Andrew, George, and Lucy.
Elias, the father of James was born in
Virginia, in 1796, and came to this state with his father's
family, and in later years married Rebecca, daughter
of Ebenezer Haines. His children were George,
Evaline, Strawther, Martha, June, Lucy, James, Emily, Mary
Amanda, Elizabeth and Eliza.
Strawther married Mrs. Ellen (Brown) Wheatley;
Martha married James Smith; Lucy married
Fletcher Zimmerman; Emily married Elby Wilson;
Mary married Jonathan Painter; Amanda married
Joseph Doster; Elizabeth married W. F. Bryan; and
Eliza married Nahum Merchant.
James Priddy was born in this county and state,
February 27, 1839, and was married December 18, 1866, to
Mary E. Todhunter, daughter of John P. and
Martha J. (Binegar) Todhunter, of the same township.
Mrs. Priddy was born May 10, 1844. The fruits
of this marriage have been six children: Aurora Grace,
born October 21, 1867; Myrta G., born October 11,
1870; Florence Luetta, born January 11, 1873;
Leota Blanche, born August 12, 1875; Arthur Esto,
born June 27, 1878; and Ethel Alma born November 16,
Mr. Priddy has a creditable record as a soldier,
and did service during the late civil war as a member of
Company A, 1st Ohio Cavalry. His company was commanded
by Captain John Robinson of Washington, and served on
special duty as escort to some of the distinguished
commanders of the Union forces; among them, Kilpatrick,
Meade, Pope and Shields. The fields of
travel embraced Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, South
Carolina, and Tennessee.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page 817 |