History of Fayette County,
Ohio & State of Ohio
By R. S. Dills -
Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers, Dayton, Ohio

Jefferson Twp. -
H. A. KIMBALL, farmer, was born in
Champaign County, Ohio, May 7, 1825. He is a son of
Bela and Electa Kimball, natives of Stowe, Vermont, who
came to Ohio about the year 1849, with a family of eight
children. Our subject was married, in 1858, to Miss
Elizabeth Johnston, daughter of James and
Sarah Johnston, of Ross County. They have two
children: Viroca O. and Emily T. Mr.
Kimball was in the hundred days' service. He
received his education in Champaign County, in the old log
school houses, where they had the soft side of a slab for
the seats. He has a curiosity in his possession in the
way of a violin, supposed to be three hundred years old.
It was captured from some aristocratic family of the South
during the war, and our subject refuses to take one thousand
dollars for it. It is a good one, and a very valuable
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page 692 |
Perry Twp. -
WILLIAM A. KING, farmer and stock
raiser, is the son of Rev. John King,
who came from Virginia to Ohio, and settled in Ross County,
in the year 1808, where he remained until 1816, when he
removed to Fayette County, and settled on the waters of
Sugar Creek, where he remained until his death, which
occurred in February, 1866. He was born Apr. 12, 1786.
He married for his first wife, Miss Rachel Hixon,
who died December, 1843. Married for his second wife,
Alcina Cherry, in April, 1845. She
survived her husband some ten years. He had ten
children by his first wife, seven sons and three daughters:
Bennett M. married, and lives in Holt County,
Missouri. Sarah married, and lives in Missouri.
Timothy H. is married to his second wife, and lives
in Allen County, Ohio. Reuben is practicing
medicine in Oregon, Holt County, Missouri.
Wesley is married, and lives in Wyoming City, Illinois.
Elizabeth married Alfred Todhunter, and
lives near Martinsburg, this county. Rachel
married Levi Hopkins, and lives near Madison Mills,
this county. John married, moved west, and died
at the age of sixty-one, being the first death in this
family of children. James C. married Miss
Irons, and died in May, 1878, at Washington C. H.
Mr. King was licensed as a local preacher
in the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1829, ordained deacon
by Bishop Soule in 1833, and ordained elder by
the same bishop in 1843. He was a very active and
useful minister of the gospel in his day, visiting the sick,
preaching funerals, and administering the sacraments to the
sick and dying. Probably no one man has performed so
many marriage ceremonies in the county as has Mr.
King. He was one of the pioneers of the county,
most widely and favorably known, respected and honored by
all who knew him. After serving the church for fifty
years as a minister of the gospel, he died in great peace at
the advanced age of seventy.
William A. King, the subject of this sketch, was
born in Fayette County, June 18, 1824. He married
Harriet Painter, daughter of Jonathan Painter,
who was a native of Pennsylvania, but came to Ohio in an
early day, and still lives near Good Hope, this county, Nov.
9, 1847. They have eleven children, eight sons and
three daughters: Osman L. is married, and lives on
his father's farm. Emmett D. married a daughter
of Adam Neighborgall, and lives near Good
Hope. Asa L. and Marion U. are single,
and both remain at home. Charles Trimble
is also single: is attending the Ohio Wesleyan University,
at Delaware, Ohio, and will soon graduate; has been licensed
to preach two years, and expects to devote his life to the
ministry; a promising son. Edgar L. is single,
and at home. Ada remains at home, and is
teaching school in her father's district. Alcina E.
is a Miss of sixteen, and is organist at Sugar Grove Church.
John W., Bennett, and James H., remain
at home.
Mr. King was elected justice of the peace
for Perry Township in 1861, and still holds the office,
having been elected seven times. He was licensed to
preach in the Methodist Episcopal Church, in 1852, and
ordained deacon, in 1862, by Bishop Morris.
The King family are all members of the Methodist
Episcopal Church, and much devoted to the cause of God.
For fifteen years after his marriage Mr. King
taught school, and thus got his start in life. He now
owns and lives on a farm of three hundred and sixty-five
acres of good land, situated on the south side of Sugar
Creek, on the Washington and Hillsboro pike. A family
well to do, much respected, useful, and happy.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page 811 |
Jefferson Twp. -
HENRY KIRK, farmer, is a son of
James Kirk. He was born on the farm where
he now lives, June 23, 1821, and owns four hundred and
forty-four acres. He married Miss Elmira
Parrett, daughter of George Parrett,
who has borne him six children: Flora, Fraine C.,
James E., Georgiana, Willard H., and Lucy P.
Mr. Kirk was once a member of the
Odd-fellows lodge at Washington, but withdrew for the
purpose of uniting with the lodge at Jeffersonville, and as
yet has neglected to do so. He is a member of one of
the pioneer families. Politically, he is a Democrat.
He firmly resolved never to sit on a jury with a negro, and
he has kept the resolution. Shortly after the close of
the war, he was chosen as a juror in the county court.
Seeing two negroes in the box, he positively refused to
serve. Judge Steele told him that he
could not excuse him on those grounds; and said that he must
abide by the law, which was imprisonment. Attorney
Richard Harrison, of Columbus, said the
penalty might be made a fine, which was done, and Mr.
Kirk paid the fine and left the court. He has
refused to accept a county or township office. Was
once elected supervisor, but rather than serve, paid the
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page 692 |
Jefferson Twp. -
MADISON S. KIRK, farmer, is a son of
Thomas Kirk, whose biography appears in this
work. He was born in this township, June 15, 1834, and
was married, Mar. 31, 1863, to Miss Agnes
Collier, of Greenfield. Three children are the
result of this union: Minnie J., Jennie N., and
Bertha L. The latter died at the early age of two
years and seven months. Our subject served one year in
Company H, 60th O. V. I., and came home without a wound,
having passed through several heavy battles. His
brother Rayborn served one year in the same company,
and enlisted for one hundred days in the Ohio National
Guard, and was taken prisoner at Cynthiana, Kentucky.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page 693 |
Jefferson Twp. -
THOMAS KIRK, farmer, is a son of
James Kirkpatrick, who came to this county, in
1812, from Virginia. The original name, as spelled by
our subject's grandfather, was Kilpatrick.
Thomas was born in this county, Dec. 5, 1813, where he
was reared, and married to Miss Elizabeth
Parret, daughter of John Parret, a pioneer
of this county.
Mr. Kirk remembers when this part of the
county was comparatively a wilderness. His first
school house was built of logs, with paper windows, and
puncheon floor and seats. The church services were
then held in private houses, school houses, and in groves,
as they had no church houses. He has a farm of four
hundred acres, well improved, situated six and a half miles
northwest of Washington. Had a family of twelve
children: Madison S., Amanda J., Rayborn,
Charity, Augustus, Eddie, James,
George H., Alice, Ward, Dora,
and William. George and Alice are
deceased. Mrs. Kirk and three daughters
are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page 693 |
left Virginia in the year 1810, accompanied by his wife and two children (one child was left
behind), and William Young, his brother-in-law. While yet on the other side of the Ohio River,
they fell in company with the Ray and Fifer families, who accompanied them as far as Madison
County. The remaining members of the party came to Fayette, and on Christmas Eve of the same
year arrived at the cabin of Solomon Soward, in Jefferson Township, where they remained during
the winter. Upon arriving in this county, they stopped at the cabin of Captain
Joseph Parrett, and
upon inquiring for Soward's cabin, were informed that it was located about two miles further on,
on Paint Creek. No road but a bridle path led to the place, and they were compelled to leave the
wagons behind them. The next morning they returned for the same, and found the goods (among
which was a tin box containing eight hundred dollars) unmolested. Indians frequently came to
Soward's, bringing deer barns, and exchanging them for corn meal. The Virginians were
exceedingly anxious to see the camp of the savages, and on the Sunday following their arrival,
followed a squaw, who had been at the house, to the encampment, which was located on the high
bank of Paint Creek, on the Reuben Vesay farm. The redskins, about thirty in number, were
peaceable, but did not appear well pleased with the visit, and left the neighborhood a few days
after, and never returned. In 1811, Kirkpatrick and Jacob Dunkle purchased of
Mr. Gatch, of
Chillicothe, the Mosley survey in Jefferson Township, containing one thousand acres, a portion
of which is now owned by his son Henry Kirk. He engaged in the war of 1812, served as county
commissioner, and was one of Fayette's prominent citizens. He died January 1, 1840; his wife,
April 16, 1863. The union was blessed with thirteen children, of whom five are living. For the
sake of convenience the family name has been changed from Kirkpatrick to
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page 247 |