History of Fayette County,
Ohio & State of Ohio
By R. S. Dills -
Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers, Dayton, Ohio

Perry Twp. -
ANDERSON R. IRION, the father of this
subject, came to Fayette County from Brown. Robert
Irion, the grandfather of Anderson R., settled
on Sugar Creek about the year 1816. His wife was
Nancy Ballentine. The Ballentines were from
Ireland. Robert was a soldier in the war of 1812.
The children of Robert and Nancy Irion were
John, Eichlas, George, Frances, Anderson, Hinson, Nancy,
Silas, Harvey, Milton, and Mary, John was the
eldest son, and the father of this subject. His wife
was Catharine Hawk. The Hawks
were of Brown County, Ohio. To John and
Catharine Irion thirteen children were born: Lucinda,
Nancy, Anderson E., Milton, William, Susan,
Angeline, Frances, Ellen, Calvin, Mary,
Hinson, and Jane. Lucinda died
young. Nancy married Nathan Pine.
Milton married Eliza J. Stookey, and lives in
Fayette County. William married Sarah Scott.
He was a member of the 168th O. N. G. He was wounded
in an engagement at Cynthiana, Kentucky, in June, 1864, and
died from the effects of his wound. His remains rest
at Sugar Grove. Susan married Benjamin
Burnett. Angeline married William
Milligan. Frances married Eli
Post, and is a resident of Fayette County.
Ellen married George Pine. Calvin
died in his youth. Mary married James King.
Hinson married Jane Sturgeon.
Jane married Edward Updegrove.
Our subject was born on the 16th of January, 1824, in
Brown County, Ohio, and came to Fayette in 1827, with his
father's family. He was married Aug. 3, 1853, to
Susan Elizabeth Jones, second daughter of
Amos and Eliza E. (Hilliard) Jones, of Virginia.
Mrs. Irion was born Apr. 22, 1829. To
this union two children were born: Eliza Arabella,
born May 23, 1854; married James Todhunter, of
Fayette County, and is a resident of Perry Township.
Jonathan Albertus, born Nov. 11, 1855; lives with
his father.
In 1865, Mr. Irion bought the farm on
which he now resides. It consists of two hundred and
forty-six acres of choice land, and is in a high state of
cultivation. He also deals in stock. The
residence, and most of the out-buildings, were built by
Mr. Irion, and are tasty and substantial.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Irion are
members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He is a
member of Forest Shade Grange, at New Martinsburg. Has
served Perry Township as trustee for some years past.
His politics are of the Republican stamp,
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page 807 |
Jasper Twp. -
MITCHELL IRVIN was among the pioneers of Jasper
Township. Captain William Palmer preceded him a
few months. He settled in the southwestern corner of
the county. His farm embraced portions of Clinton,
Greene and Fayette counties, which made it inconvenient in
tax paying, as he had to pay in three counties.
In the year 1812, or 1813, Mr. Irvin, Captain
Palmer, Burwel B. Mills, and Griffith Foos, left
Bourbon County, Kentucky, to seek a home in Ohio. They
found the spot where the three first named parties settled,
which they supposed was in Clinton County. They were
pleased with the fertility of the soil, which they found
covered with a dense forest. The timber was black
walnut, oak, hickory, ash, and sugar maple, and in the more
swampy land, elm and maple. Mr. Foos, not
liking so much timber, went to Clarke County, bought a tract
of land, started a hotel, which he called "Travelers' Home,"
and laid out a village, which he called Springfield.
Mr. Irvin had been married two or three years
when he came to Ohio, having married Jane Whitsett, a
native of Kentucky, Marc. 16, 1809. She was one of
nine sisters, who had an only brother, and they all lived to
be heads of families.
Mr. Irvin's grandfather came from Ireland.
He had two sons - Andrew and William. At
the ages of six and eight, the parents died, and the boys
were separated. William went to Pennsylvania,
Andrew remained in Virginia. The two brothers
never met again.
Andrew, when he was grown to manhood, married
Elizabeth Mitchell, They lived together for sixty-one
years, and had a family of six sons and four daughters.
Robert, their oldest son, died in infancy.
Stephen M., the subject of this sketch, was the next
oldest. The other boys were named John, William,
Caleb, and Joshua.
Andrew Irvin served in the war of 1812, and was in
the battle of Oldtown. He died in 1830. His wife
survived him thirteen years, and died at the age of
When Stephen was eight years of age, his father
emigrated to Kentucky, the family traveling all the way in a
cart drawn by a single horse. This was in the fall of
1788. For many years they suffered the privations of
pioneer life. Having no schools, the education of the
family depended upon the parents. Fortunately, Mrs.
Irvin was a good scholar for those times, and she
undertook the education of the family, both in science and
religion. Every Sunday evening was spent in reading
the Bible and catechising the children. They were
rigid Calvinists, and adopted the Presbyterian confession of
faith and mode of worship. They were very strict in
their religious observances, and labored hard to instill
these principles into the minds of their children. In
the case of Stephen they failed. He early
became convinced of the sinfulness of human creeds, and
protested earnestly against them. His mother wept over
his apostacy. Soon, however, the creed was laid aside,
and the Bible took its place.
The year 1800 was one of the great religious interest
in the part of Kentucky in which they lived. Barton
W. Stone, the eminent revivalist of that country, and of
those times, held a great meeting at Cane Ridge, and the
Irvin family all became identified with that movement.
They afterward fell in with the reformatory movement, led by
Alexander Campbell, and were all prominently
connected with the Christian Church, known now as Disciples
of Christ. Four of the five boys became preachers.
Stephen M. Irvin left Kentucky to seek his
fortune in Ohio, where slavery was prohibited by law.
He shuddered at the thought of raising a family where
slavery existed. Determined to breathe the air of a
free country, he came to Ohio, and in 1813 erected a cabin
on his tract of woodland. He at first cleared a garden
spot, and then went to work to change his wood land into a
farm. He, in common with all the pioneers, suffered
many privations. Settlers were very few in that part
of the state. Log cabins were the only houses.
When one was to be raised, all the people for miles away
were invited to the "house raising." Here Mr. Irvin
became familiar a second time with the hardships common
to a new country. The trials he had known in Kentucky
were repeated here.
Mills were very scarce and distant. This made it
necessary to make hominy for food. This was done by
hollowing out the end of a solid block of wood. Into
this a portion of corn was placed and beat with a pestle.
This was usually made by inserting an iron wedge in the
pestle, which was made of wood. This hominy was a
great luxury, and was very healthful food.
The nearest trading point was Hillsboro, Highland
County, thirty miles away. Here they purchased salt,
groceries, and dry goods.
In the year 1833, on the 9th of May, Mr. Irvin
was called to mourn the loss of his wife, Mrs. Jane Irvin,
in the forty-third year of her age. She died as she
had lived, a Christian. The stroke was severe, but he
bore it with resignation and humble submission to the Devine
will. He was married Apr. 16, 1835, to Mrs.
Elizabeth Barrere. With her he lived the remainder
of his life. He died July 25, 1852, in his
seventy-second year.
He was a man of extraordinary patience and temper, and
was hard to excite to impatience. He never allowed
himself to become angry. He was identified with the
educational and religious interests of the neighborhood.
During the latter part of his life he devoted much time to
the subject of religion. He preached almost every
Sunday, and was much devoted to the church. He never
sought for public favor or notoriety. His aim was to
do good. When death came, it came suddenly, but it
found him ready. When told by Dr. I. C. Williams,
his attending physician, that he could live but a short
time, he replied: "I did not think death was so near;
but if it is God's will, it is mine." The doctor said
to one of his sons: "Your father is a remarkable man.
His hopes are bright to-day than mine.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page
712 |
Wayne Twp. -
JAMES, farmer, is a native of Ross County, this
state, born Jan. 12, 1834, was reared, educated, and married
to Miss Maggie, daughter of Washington Mains,
May 28, 1858, in his native county He came to this county in
1860, located on the well improved farm, situated two
one-half miles north of Greenfield, on Good Hope pike, where
he now lies and owns three hundred acres. He has a
family of eight children: Mary, Frank, William, Edward,
Eva, Altie, George and Charlie, all living save
Altie, who died at the early age of five years.
Our subject's parents, Reuben and Mary
(Schhoofstall) James, were married in Virginia.
They had a family of thirteen children; our subject being
the sixth one; ten of them survive. The parents
removed to Ross County, this state, in 1820, where they died
- he, March, 1877, aged eighty years; she, March, 1861, aged
fifty-five years. They were exemplary members of the
Methodist Episcopal Church, and died triumphantly.
Our subject engaged in subduing the notorious Morgan
on his raid through this state. He kept a substitute
in the field during the entire service. He is a
Democrat, and a member of the Masonic fraternity of
Greenfield Lodge No. 385. Mr. James is a member
of the Presbyterian Church.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page
855 |
came to this county several years before its organization. Several years after his arrival he
purchased laud situated about two miles southwest of the village of Washington, at which place
he resided until his death. He was a good citizen, a kind neighbor, but unfortunately had an
ungovernable temper. Shortly after locating in the county, while living in its northeastern part, he
got into a serious difficulty with a neighbor, and was thrice stabbed in the breast with a dirk in
the hands of his antagonist. The wound inflicted was a severe one and it was at first supposed
that it was mortal, but after being confined to his couch two months he recovered.
He was
elected successively to the offices of justice of the peace, collector, commissioner and associate
judge, serving faithfully and satisfactorily.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page 242 |
Jasper Twp. -
ABLE H. JANES, farmer, is a son of
William and Mary Janes, and was born Feb. 11, 1839.
He was married, Feb. 7, 1867, to Miss Almeda Hays,
daughter of Morgan Hays, of Paint Township, this
county. Three children, William M., Cass G.,
and Jennie P., are the result of this union.
Mr. Janes has a farm of two hundred acres, well
improved, one mile south of West Lancaster, on the Dayton
and Southeastern Railroad. He enlisted in Company H,
60th O. V. I., Aug. 9, 1862, and served until the entire
company was captured at Harper's Ferry, from which place
they went to Chicago, where they were mustered out. He
was first sergeant of Company D, 168th O. N. G., from May
1863, until Sept. 10, 1864, when an honorable discharge was
duly granted. He is a stalwart Republican, and a
highly respected citizen.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page
730 |
Jefferson Twp. -
EVAN L. JANES, farmer, Jeffersonville,
is a son of William P. and Mary (Mock) Janes, he a
native of Virginia, she of Ohio, - who were married in this
county about 1829, and had a family of thirteen children,
eight of whom are living.
Our subject, the fifth of the family, was born Dec. 7,
1840, hi this township, where he was reared, educated, and
Mar. 17, 1869, was married to Miss Maggie Squire, a
daughter of Nathaniel Squire, of Paint Township, and
one of the pioneers of this county. Rev. Mills
Gardner officiated. The result of this union is
two children: Harry L., and Grace G.
Mr. Janes has a farm of eighty-five and one-half
acres, situated at the east line of Jefferson. Aug. 7,
1862, he enlisted in Company C, 90th O. V. I., and was
discharged at Camp Dennison, June 21, 1862. In 1878 he
was elected township trustee, and has served almost two
terms; holds the office at present. Is a highly
respected and prominent citizen in his township.
Mrs. Janes is a member of the Methodist Episcopal
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page
690 |
Marion Twp. -
JOHN JEFFERSON, farmer, is a son of
Leonard Jefferson, who was born on the eastern
shore of Maryland, and whose father came from England with
six brothers. He was married in Maryland, to
Barbara Nichols, whose ancestors came from
Germany, and who was born Sept. 25, 1781. They had six
children: Hamilton, born Jan. 23, 1808; Elizabeth,
born May 20, 1810; Mary Ann, born Feb. 21, 1813;
Phoebe, born Dec 2, 1815; William, born Nov. 22,
1818; John, born Nov. 2, 1821. Mary,
Phoebe, and William, are deceased.
Hamilton formerly lived in Illinois, but now resides in
the far West. Elizabeth, widow of Isaac
Fisher, lives in London, Ohio.
The family came to Ross County in 1810, and in 1812
(during the war) kept tavern at Slate Mills, under the name
of "Rodgers' Tavern." They removed to this
county in 1822, and settled in Madison Township, on a branch
of Wolf Run. They took six teams and men with them,
and erected a cabin at once. Wolves abounded, hence
the name of the stream. He was a farmer, a member of
the Methodist Episcopal Church, a class-leader, and
exhorter. His wife was a member of the same church,
and both were consistent Christians. He was one of the
first of those who prohibited the use of whisky at house and
barn raisings.
Our subject was born in Ross County, and came to this
county with his parents when one year of age. He lived
on the old homestead forty-five years, and then came to his
present home. Was married, Oct. 31, 1844, to
Harriet A., daughter of Robert Gibson, a
native of Kentucky. She was born in this township, May
24, 1821. They had seven children; those living are
Robert G., Rebecca J., James H., William F., Harley L.;
Edgar M., and an infant, are deceased. He
displayed his patriotism during the late war by giving
financial aid. He and his family are members of the
Bloomingburg Presbyterian Church. He is a Republican,
but does not aspire to office. Owns three hundred
acres of land on the Columbus pike, seven miles from
Washington. It is adorned by a handsome
residence, and is one of the most desirable farms in the
county. He has lived here many years, and has assisted
in making the many changes.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page 905 |
Jefferson Twp.
Jeffersonville, is a native of this county, and was married
to Miss Mary Irion, also a native of this county,
Mrs. Jenkins died, in 1858. They reared a family
of four children on the farm where our subject now lives,
and where he was born. He has a farm, of one hundred
and seven acres, situated three miles southeast of
Jeffersonville, on the Washington pike. Mr.
Jenkins and son, Thomas C., are members of the
Patrons of Husbandry.
Our subject's father, Jacob, came to this
county, in 1812; while on the way, was drafted to serve in
the war of 1812; but hired a substitute, and came on to this
county, where he died in 1859. Thomas A. served
three years in Company C, 90th O. V. I., was wounded in the
right foot at Jonesboro, Georgia, for which he was
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio -
By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers, Dayton, Ohio -
1881 - Page 690 |
Jefferson Twp. -
LEVI JENKS, farmer, Edgefield, a
native of this county, was born Oct. 10, 1821. Oct.
15, 1840, he was married to Miss Elizabeth
Sanderson. They have eight children living:
Ruth, Smith, Taylor, Solomon,
Jane, Leander, John, and Sherman.
Three are deceased: Harvey, Charles, and one
who died in infancy.
Mr. Jenks has a farm of three hundred
acres, well improved, situated two and one-half miles west
of West Lancaster, where he lives, and fifty-four acres in
Greene County. This is the result of his own industry
and good management. He assisted in driving the noted
Morgan from Ohio, and placed a substitute in the
actual service during the war. Himself and wife are
members of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
His father (Sylvester) was born in Virginia
about 1819, and died in this county, Oct. 7, 1834.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio -
By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers, Dayton, Ohio -
1881 - Page 691 |
Jefferson Twp. -
BENJAMIN F. JOHNSON, farmer, is a son
of John L. Johnson, a native of Highland County, who
came to Greene County when a young man, where he married
Miss Elizabeth Watson (our subject's mother), and lived
the remainder of his life, dying Jan. 31, 1865.
Mrs. Johnson is still living.
Our subject was born Apr. 4, 1845, in Greene County,
where he married Miss Louisa Jackson, who has borne
him three children: Clara E., Jennie M., and
Etta L. The latter died at the early age of five
years. Mrs. Johnson died Sept. 29, 1871.
He then married Miss Mary A. Knapp, Jan. 10,
1873. He has a farm of seventy-eight acres, situated
two and a half miles northwest of Jeffersonville. He
was elected trustee of this township in 1879, and served two
years. He and his wife are members of the Disciple
Church. They are good neighbors, and respected
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page
691 |
Concord Twp. -
H. JOHNSON, farmer and stock raiser, Seldon, is the
son of William Johnson, who was one of the pioneers
of this county, whose biography more fully appears elsewhere
in this book. Mr. Johnson is the brother of
Thomas G. and Isaac M. Johnson, whose biographies
also appear in this work. He was born in Green
Township, Mar. 29, 1829, and consequently is in the
fifty-third year of his age. He married Nancy Row,
daughter of Andrew and Hester Row, Nov. 16, 1850.
Her parents are now dead. They lived two years on a
farm after their marriage, when they resolved on a trip to
California. In November, 1852, they started on their
journey. At the end of thirty days they reached the
great Sacramento Valley, where they remained for six years,
engaged principally in farming, raising as high as a hundred
bushels of barley to the acre; of wheat, sixty bushels per
acre. The great valley was but sparsely settled at
this early day, mining being the absorbing interest of the
county. Four months their nearest neighbor was
four miles away. All nationalities and classes of
people roving over the mountains and valleys, making life
and property unsafe; but most heroically did Mrs. Johnson
bear up amid all of these discouragements. She was the
first woman who went from this county to California, and so
far as known was the first woman who crossed the isthmus on
a mule. Their career in California was an eventful
one, filled with incidents, many of which are quite
After their return to Ohio, they settled on a farm
which he purchased from Thomas Mattucks, two miles
west of the village of Staunton, on the road leading form
Staunton to Sabina and Greenfield pike. They remained
on this for twenty-one years, when they sold out and
purchased what is known as the Milton Serers farm,
containing one hundred and thirty acres, in Concord
Township, one-half a mile south of the village of Jasper, on
the waters of Sugar Creek. They moved to this farm in
March, 1880, where they now reside.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson were without children until
after their return from California. They now have two,
one son and a daughter. John Row the son, is a
sprightly boy fifteen years old. Jenny Riggs is
a lovely, bright girl, several years younger than her
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson are genial and kind, having
seen much of life in California and elsewhere.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page
748 |
Perry Twp. -
ISAAC M. JOHNSON, farmer and stock
raiser, is a son of William and Jane B. Johnson, who
came in an early day from Virginia, and settled in
Heller's Bottom, on Paint Creek, Ross County, Ohio,
where they remained for twenty-seven years, when they
removed to Fayette County, and settled on the old Jesse
Rowe farm, on the waters of the Wabash, where he died
about 1833. Mrs. Johnson died in March, 1880,
being in her ninetieth year. They were the parents of
the following children: Thomas G., married, and lives
in Iowa; William, married, moved to Indiana, and
died; John, married, and died at the age of
twenty-two; George, married, and lives in Iowa;
Sophia, wife of Martin Rowe, whose biography
appears in this work; Otho, married, went to
Illinois, and was killed by a railroad accident at Toledo
Junction; Hinton married moved to Illinois, and is
dead; Eliza, wife of John Mitchner, lives in
Staunton; Caleb H., married, and lives in Concord
Township; Mary A., married to Eli Johnson (no
kin), and lives in Leesburg, Highland County, Ohio; Anna,
married to William Pavey, but is dead; Issac M.,
the subject of this sketch.
Our subject was born in Fayette County, Sept. 9, 1823,
and was married to Miss Casander Dick, daughter of
John Dick, Oct. 8, 1846. They were the parents of
four children, two sons and two daughters: Jane Josephine,
married, and lives in this county; Mary Lorena,
married, and lives in Staunton; Scott, died when but
two years of age; Henson D., a single, and at home on
the farm with his father.
Mrs. Johnson died in the fall of 1855, and about
one year afterward Mr. Johnson married for his second
wife Leann Clauson, daughter of William Clauson,
residing near New Holland. They are without children.
Mrs. Johnson is a most excellent woman, but does not
enjoy first-class health. Mr. Johnson purchased
what was known as the Jenkins farm, in the spring of
1849, and soon settled on the same, where he still remains.
His farm contains three hundred and seventy-eight acres,
situated on the pike leading from Washington to Greenfield,
about midway between the towns. They live in a
magnificent brick house, with a lovely yard and
surroundings, on the south side of the pike. Mr.
Johnson is one of the well to-do farmers of Fayette
County. He was out in the army for four months, and
was taken prisoner by Morgan's forces at Cynthiana,
Kentucky, but was soon released. In politics he is a
life-long Republican; in religion, a Methodist.
Some eight years ago a very interesting orphan girl was
placed in the family of Mr. Johnson (Miss Ellen Brown,
daughter of the late Dr. Brown, of Martinsburg,) by
her grandfather, who requested Mr. and Mrs. Johnson
to take charge of her, and raise her to womanhood. She
was but seven years old at the time. She proved to be
a very interesting girl; so amiable and sweet-spirited that
Mr. Johnson and family became very greatly attached
to her - indeed, they loved her as though she was a member
of the family by blood, and especially was this the case
with Mrs. Johnson. Some two years ago Ellen
died a triumphant death, believing, with all her heart, in
the Lord Jesus Christ. Such was Mrs. Johnson's
love and affection for this dear orphan girl, that she
weeps, as only a pure woman can weep, when she talks of
Ellen Brown's life and death.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page
808 |
Marion Twp. -
JOHN JOHNSON, SR., son of Samuel
Johnson, was born in Pendleton County, Virginia, where
he married Sallie, daughter of Jacob Harper,
who bore him nine children, six sons and three daughters,
those surviving being: Salley Ann Stookey, living in
New Holland; Abbie, widow of William Woods,
now residing in Indiana, and John. The latter
was born in 1801, in Pendleton County, Virginia, and when
seven years of age came to this state, with his parents, and
settled in Ross County, then one vast wilderness, with few
white settlements, and chiefly inhabited by Indians.
Twelve years later they came to Fayette County, settling in
Marion Township, and in about 1830, located on the farm now
in the possession of our subject, where his father died; his
mother died at the residence of her son-in-law, in Ross
Our subject was married, Jan. 2, 1824, to Nancy
Parker, the result being ten children: Aaron,
Jesse, Sarah Ann, Mary J., Catherine, and Emily Ann,
now living; Mary Ann, Margaret, Sarah Ann and Mary
Jane, deceased. Jesse resides with his
father; Aaron lives in New Holland; Rebecca is now
Mrs. Lennox Campbell, and lives in Washington;
Catherine is the wife of Abner Briggs, and
Emma is married to Abner Rowe, of Ross
Mr. Johnson has lived on his present farm since
the age of twenty-eight years, and at present owns three
hundred and eighty five acres of land, well improved, and
located on "Johnson's Crossing." He and wife are
members of the Fairview German Baptist Church, and strive to
obey the Master's will.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page
906 |
Union Twp. -
SOLOMON F. JOHNSON, coal dealer and
farmer, is the son of Thomas T. and Mary Johnson, who
were natives of Virginia; but came with their parents to
this state, in an early day, when they were quite young.
His father first settled in Greene County and his mother in
Warren County. After their marriage they removed to
Springfield, Illinois, where they remained some three years;
when they removed to the State of Indiana and remained a
short time, then they returned to Ohio and settled in
Fayette County, where the mother died, at the age of
seventy-two, and the father at the advanced age of eighty.
They were the parents of seven children, four daughters and
three sons. Anna, married to Simeon Creamer,
now deceased. She remains a widow and lives near the
line of Clinton and Fayette counties. Rachel
died at the age of twelve. Amos Thornburg,
married and lives in Jacksonville, Oregon. Martha
was unmarried, and died in Springfield, Illinois, at the age
of eighteen. Lydia married for her first
husband Wesley Creamer, and after his deceased, she
married Mathias Sheeley for her second husband.
She is a resident of this county. William Todd
married and moved to the State of Iowa some years ago.
Solomon F., the subject of this sketch, was born
near Paintersville, Green County, Ohio, Dec. 31, 1824.
He married Miss Mary Creamer, July 19, 1846, daughter
of Simeon and Elizabeth Creamer of this
county. The mother died in 1842, and the father in
1865. Mrs. Johnson descends from a most
excellent family. Mr. Johnson was engaged in
the mercantile business in Jamestown, Greene County, Ohio,
from 1846 to 1849, when he sold out his mercantile business
and moved to this county, where he has continuously resided
until the present time.
Mr. Johnson spent several years, after his removal to
this county, in farming, and selling goods and groceries in
Jeffersonville and West Lancaster.
In 1857, he moved to Washington, and was engaged in the
grain and grocery business until April, 1858, when he became
deputy sheriff of the county, which office consumed his time
up to August 1860, when on the third day of that month, he
was appointed station agent for the town of Washington, by
the Cincinnati, Wilmington and Zanesville Railroad Company,
now known as the Cincinnati and Muskingum Valley Railroad.
In a very short time after his appointment as railroad
agent, he was appointed agent of the Adams Express Company,
which position he held for some fourteen years. Mr.
Johnson held the position of railroad agent, at
Washington, for seventeen years; resigning Aug. 3, 1877.
In 1862, he commenced the selling of coal in
Washington, and has continued in the business up to the
present time. For many years he was the only dealer in
coal in the town, and few men here handled so large an
amount of coal as has Mr. Johnson. The year
previous to Mr. Johnson's commencing the coal
business, only forty five car loads of coal were required to
supply the trade of the town. Mr. Johnson has
seen such an increase in the coal demand, that more than one
thousand car loads have been disposed of in a single
reliable business man; giving strict attention to business,
and as a result has accumulated quite an amount of valuable
property. He owns a fine farm of one hundred and fifty
acres adjoining the town, west, on the C. & M. V. Railroad.
Also, a very fine new brick residence, where he resides, on
North Street, between Court and East streets; also, quite a
number of valuable pieces of property in the town; as well
as some fifty-nine hundred dollars of bank stock, in the
Peoples and Drovers Bank of the town.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson are the parents of nine
children, five of whom are deceased: Theresa
and Willie died in infancy, Clara Bell at the
age of twelve, Laura at the age of fifteen, and
Nellie at the age of twelve.
Theodore Frank is a young man of much promise.
He remains single and takes good care not to leave his
mother's bed and board. He has been connected with the
Peoples and Drovers Bank of Washington for a number of
years, and is regarded as a safe, upright business young
man. He received his education in the schools of the
Lucy May and Emma Cary, are young
ladies, both single and at home with their parents; both
being graduates of the high school of the town, and much
respected by all.
Charley Card is a lad of eighteen, attending
school, and during vacation assisting his father in the coal
In politics Mr. Johnson is a Republican.
In religion, a Quaker. He is a Freemason, being a
member of Lodge No. 107, of this town.
Mrs. Johnson is a consistent member of the
Presbyterian Church.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page
607 |
Perry Twp. -
JOSEPH S. JONES, physician and
surgeon, New Martinsburg, Ohio, is the son of Robert P.
and Nancy (Smith) Jones, natives of Berkeley County,
Virginia, but reared in Ohio. Robert Jones, the
grandfather of this subject, came to Ohio in the year 1809,
bringing a family of two sons and eight daughters. He
settled permanently near Bainbridge, Ross County. His
sons, Wells and Robert, became permanent and
prominent citizens of that section. Robert, the
father of our subject, still lives on the homestead farm in
Ross County. Wells died in 1863, leaving one
son and five daughters. Robert is the father of
six sons and two daughters, all of whom grew to mature
years. Mary married Jeffrey Higgins.
Wells married Lizzie Kincaid. Nancy
married James Smith. Robert married
Margaret Moon. William married Mary Core.
James married Sarah Greenfield.
John married Sarah Hamilton. Robert
and Mary are deceased.
Joseph S. Jones was born in Ross County, Ohio,
Aug. 1, 1827. He gave the greater part of his early
years to farm labor, and endured a full share of the trials
and difficulties of the early times. His school
advantages were such as were offered by the district schools
of the neighborhood. He however applied himself with
more than ordinary diligence, fitting himself for the
vocation of a teacher. In the year 1850, he began
reading medicine with Drs. Bittler and
Little, of Cynthiana, Ohio, and attended lecture
courses, in 1851-2, at Starling Medical College, Columbus,
and in June, 1852, began the practice of his profession in
New Martinsburg, where, with the exception of the years from
1855 to 1861, he has since been ministering to the afflicted
of this locality. During the years excepted he was
located at Jasper, Pike County.
He was married, Oct. 11, 1855, to Eliza J.,
daughter of Richard L. and Melinda (Turnipseed) Williams,
of Ross County. Mrs. Jones was born Apr.
20, 1835. Her father's people came from Virginia, and
settled near Chillicothe some years previous to her birth.
Mr. Williams was a skillful
stone-cutter, and in his early life helped construct the
locks on the Ohio Canal. In later years he sold goods
in New Martinsburg, from 1845 to 1878.
To the union of Mr. and Mrs. Jones nine children
have been born: William H., Mary E., Charles, Wells S.,
Robert R., Laura M., Joseph S. jr., Alonzo N., and
Lizzie, all of whom are living.
Dr. Jones has had remarkable success in
his profession, having had twenty-nine years of constant
practice, which is extensive and substantial. In
politics he adheres to the Republican party, and has missed
but one election since he became a voter. He is a
member of Wilstach Lodge No. 368, I. O. O. F., of New
Martinsburg, and has tilled, at various times, each of its
several offices.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page 810 |