History of Fayette County,
Ohio & State of Ohio
By R. S. Dills -
Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers, Dayton, Ohio

Perry Twp. -
B. TEMPLETON. This gentleman is a native of
Perry Township; was born Feb. 28, 1833, and is the son of
Robert R. Templeton. He served in the 168th O. N.
G. in the rebellion, and, with his regiment, was captured at
Cynthiana, Kentucky, and paroled, after which he was kept on
duty in Cincinnati.
Oct. 8, 1856, he married Catharine Lucas, whose
father, Ezra Lucas, was born in Marietta, Ohio, Apr.
16, 1789. It is thought that Mr. Lucas was the
first white child born in Ohio. He was a lineal
descendant of the Puritans of Plymouth. His parents
came to Marietta in 1788 with the fist immigrants, and
remained two years, then went to Washington County, Pa., on
account of the depredations of the Indians. Ezra
Lucas came thence to Ohio, probably in 1810, and was
married to Isabel McKinzey, Apr. 2, 1811, and settled
in Ross County. To them were born twelve children, of
whom Mrs. Templeton is the youngest. Mr.
Lucas died in Sept., 1861.
Mr. Templeton, as well as his wife, is a member
of the Presbyterian Church at Greenfield, of which he has
been a deacon eight or ten years, and has recently been
elected elder.
He has three hundred and nine acres of excellent
land, well improved. His family consists of six
children: Melva J., Albertus L., Annie I., John C.,
Robert E., and Katie E.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio -
By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers, Dayton, Ohio -
1881 - Page 821 |
Perry Twp. -
R. TEMPLETON, the subject of this sketch, was born
May 14, 1894, in Washington County, Pa., and came with his
parents to Ross County, Ohio, in 1812, settling near the
site of the town of Kingston. He was married to
Miss Jane, daughter of John Beaty, of New
Lancaster, Fairfield County, Ohio, on the 23d of November,
1820. Mrs. Templeton died in 1872. Mr.
T. is the father of eight children, Mary Ann, Eliza
J., Agnes T., David W., Margaret, John B., Robert A.,
and J. Carnthers. Of these Mary Ann and
Margaret are dead. Mr. Templeton came to
Perry Township, (then a part of Wayne and Green) in April,
1822. He here lived on a farm ten miles south of
Washington and three miles east of Martinsburg, until the
death of his wife, when he sold his home farm and has lived
with his son John on the farm adjoined to the one he
sold, until recently. His son Carnther's wife
dying, the father, sympathizing with his son in his great
loss, and wishing to minister to him in his affliction, went
to reside with the stricken one.
Mr. Templeton has been an elder in the
Presbyterian Church at Greenfield for over forty years.
In early life he was a Whig; in later years a Republican.
He is decidedly anti-secret society in his sentiment, and on
the subject of temperance and the use of tobacco, he gives
forth no uncertain sound.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page 820 |
Twp. -
Jeffersonville, is a daughter of William and Margaret (Whitsite)
Parmer who came to this county from Kentucky in 1814.
Mr. Parmer was a native of Virginia, and died Dec.
31, 1865, aged seventy-five years. Mrs. Parmer
is a native of Kentucky, and died Mar. 13, 1863, aged
sixty-four years. They were members of the
Universalist Church.
Our subject was born (January, 1815) in this county,
where, on the 2d of January, 1834, she was married to
Gilbert Terrell. He was engage in the mercantile
business in Jeffersonville for several years, after which he
retired from active life. He was born Oct. 1, 1808,
and died Aug. 18, 1874; having been a hale and hearty man
all his life, up to the time of his death. Mr. and
Mrs. Terrell were worthy and consistent members of the
Universalist Church, in which she still holds membership,
strong in the faith. She has a farm of ninety-six
acres, one-half mile west of Jeffersonville, and one of one
hundred and thirty-five acres two and one-half miles west of
* Source #2:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page
704 |
Twp. -
dealer in live stock, is a son of Thomas Thompson,
and was born in this township, Sept. 8, 1839, where he was
reared, and has since lived. Obtained the rudiments of
a common school education, and spent two years at the Ohio
Wesleyan University. Taught school nearly two years,
and has since farmed and dealt in stock. He was
married, in 1863, to Emma, daughter of James
Alexander, who came to Paint Township in about 1821.
They had two children: Walter and Charles, the
former deceased. Mrs. Thompson was an
exemplary member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and
departed this life in 1873. In 1877, he married
Nollie Yates, a member of the Christian Church.
She was taken ill soon after marriage, and passed away in
April, 1878.
Mr. Thompson is a member of Bloomingburg
Lodge No. 449, F. & A. M., and Ely Commandery, Knights
Templar, of Washington. He is a Democrat, and has held
the office of township trustee, lieutenant of state militia,
and land appraiser. He owns one hundred and eighty-two
acres of land, on the Waterloo pike, six miles from
Washington, and farms to grain and stock.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio -
By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers, Dayton, Ohio -
1881 - Page 911 |
Marion Twp. -
J. C. TODD, former, is a son of
John Todd, who was born in the State of Delaware,
and removed to this state, settling in Ross County, where he
lived several years, then removed to this township, on land
now owned by Smith Chaffin. Prior to his
removal to this state, he married Ann Morris,
who bore him five children: Mevinie, Sarah, J. C,
Elizabeth, and Luraina; the two last are
deceased. He is deceased, but his wife still lives
near Jeffersonville, and is now Mrs. William Chaffin.
Our subject was born Aug. 28, 1843, in Ross County, and
removed to this county, when quite small, with his parents,
where he has lived to this day, with the exception of seven
years, when he resided in Van Wert County. He was
married, July 29, 1866, to Martha E., daughter of
Otho Lyons. Their union has been blessed by one
boy. Smith J., living at home. He and his
wife are active members of the Otterbein Methodist Episcopal
Church, and devout Christians. He is a member, in good
standing, of New Holland Lodge No. 392, F. & A. M., and is
now holding the office of senior deacon. During the
late war, he was out (in 1862) as a private in Company F,
90th O. V. L; was promoted to sergeant, and remained till
the close of the war, participating in the battles of
Murfreesboro, Chattanooga, and in all the engagements during
the last summer campaign. He was a brave and patriotic
soldier, and escaped without injury. Is a Republican,
and has held the office of township trustee two years, and
is at present pike superintendent of Marion Township.
He occupies one hundred and twenty-five acres on the
George McCrea tract, and raises both grain and
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio -
By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers, Dayton, Ohio -
1881 - Page 912 |
Perry Twp. -
TODHUNTER, farmer and stock raiser, with born on the
farm which he now occupies, one and a half miles southeast
of Martinsburg, on the 22d of July, 1819. On the 28th
of May, 1846, he married Elizabeth, daughter of
Rev. John King. To them have been born five
children: John T., Sarah P., Robert, and
James are married, and reside in this township; and
Rachel lives with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Todhunter are consistent members of
the Methodist Episcopal Church. He belongs to the
Odd-fellows, having regularly passed all the chairs in a
creditable manner.
Though they commenced life poor, by industry and
economy they have amassed a competence, and own one hundred
and twenty acres of good land, well improved, and
beautifully located. In addition to this, they have
one hundred and thirty-eight acres near Martinsburg, on
which his sons live, and one hundred acres in Kansas.
Being out of debt, Mr. Todhunter is contented and
Mr. Todhunter's father, Richard Todhunter,
a native of Virginia, came to Ohio probably in 1810, and
died in 1867, ninety years old. His mother survived
her husband a few years.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page 823 |
Perry Twp. -
TRACY. Wornel, Solomon, and William
Tracy, sons of John Tracy, of the State of
Maryland, came to Ohio about the year 1805, and settled
first in Jefferson County, and each took a part in the war
of 1812. John, the father, resided thirty miles
from Baltimore, and it is said of him that he rolled into
the city the first hogshead of tobacco ever offered to the
Wornel, the father of our subject, married his
first wife, Lemmons, in Maryland. She died in
that state, leaving three children, Sallie, John, and
Tempy. After coming to Ohio he married a
Babb, by whom he had nine children, Rebecca, Jasper,
William, Levi, Elizabeth, Hannah, Joseph, Nancy, and
Mary. The Tracys were of Scotch
descent; the Babbs were from Switzerland.
Our subject was born near New Martinsburg, Fayette
County, Ohio, May 4, 1811. His education was of the
pioneer kind, and was obtained in light doses, in attending
the old-fashioned log school house. More attention was
given to clearing up the farm than storing the mind with
knowledge. He was married May 17, 1832, to
Catherine Smith, daughter of Peter Smith, native
of Kentucky. She died Sept. 16, 1864, having borne
eight children: Harriet, Martha, Lydia, Wesley, Asbury,
Maria, Miranda, and Lawson.
Mr. Tracy married his present wife, Jan. 23, 1866.
She was Mrs. Lydia Branch nee Brown, daughter
of Lemuel G. and Anna (Trowbridge) Brown. The
Browns were among the early settlers of Marietta,
Ohio. She was born May 19, 1826. By her first
marriage she had five children: Henry, Charles, Lemuel
E., John, and Lucy. Two daughters have been
the fruits of her marriage to Mr. Tracy.
Our subject located where he now lives in the year
1832, having partially cleared the tract some years
previous. He is thoroughly versed in the usages and
customs of the early days, and never tires in reciting the
thrilling incidents of his backwoods experience. At
his first marriage, he began the erection of a house in
which to move, and, without assistance, had it ready for
occupation in thirty days. He was converted and joined
the Methodist Episcopal Church, Feb. 25, 1846, and has ever
since been found in his place, bearing a large share of the
burdens of the Cochran society, in which he held, for
many years, the position of leader. He has lived to
see the wilderness of his boyhood blossom and bear rich
fruit as the results of honest toil on the part of the hardy
pioneer and his successor.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio -
By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers, Dayton, Ohio -
1881 - Page 821 |