History of Fayette County,
Ohio & State of Ohio
By R. S. Dills -
Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers, Dayton, Ohio

Jasper Twp. -
RANKIN came from Virginia in 1800, and settled on
Salt Creek, in Ross County, where he remained two years, and
then removed to near where Bloomingburg now stands. In
1821 he married Miss Carr, and removed to what is
known as the John L. Persinger farm, near Plymouth.
He afterwards purchased land adjoining the Smith Rankin
farm, where he died in 1876.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page
710 |
RANKIN. Was born in Ross County, Ohio, in the
year 1800, and at the age of twelve or thirteen left the
parental roof, because of the dissipation of his father,
came to Bloomingburgh, in this county, and was employed by
Judge Gillespie as a farm hand. His
mother, who accompanied him, died soon after. His
father came here also, and died in September, 1828. Rankin
was a poor lad, but managed to save enough from his scanty
earnings in the course of a few years, to enable him to rent
a farm. He was married to Elizabeth Kerr,
a daughter of Jacob Kerr. They removed
to a farm south of Plymouth, in the David
Persinger neighborhood. He was for many years a
justice of the peace, and held other offices of trust.
In 1834, he settled on a portion of the land now owned by
his son Smith, at Milledgeville, where he lived till
February, 1876, when death called him to a country where
pioneer struggles are unknown. His wife died in
December, 1879.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page 251 |
Jasper Twp. -
MRS. MARY RANKIN, farmer, West
Lancaster, is a daughter of John Coons,
mentioned elsewhere, and was born on the farm now owned by
Jones Coons' heirs. She has resided in
this township since, except four years that she resided in
Jefferson Township.
In 1851 she married James, son of Thomas
Rankin, the union resulting in six children: John,
Charlotte, Leroy (deceased), Ulysses Grant,
Albertus Jones, Almeda Blanche
(deceased). Leroy died at the age of four years;
Almeda at thirteen months of age.
John is married to Rebecca J. Sanderson,
and lives at Allentown.
In 1864 Mr. Rankin went out in the one
hundred days' service, in Company G, (of which his brother
Thomas was captain) 168th O. N. G., and engaged with
the regiment in the battle of Cynthiana, etc., and was a
brave and noble soldier, he and his parents were members of
the Baptist Church, in which faith he died, June 12, 1880.
His widow lives on his land, which embraces four hundred and
seventy acres, in a good state of cultivation, farmed to
grain and stock. She has charge of the farm, and
endeavors to educate her children in agriculture as well as
the classics. She is an estimable lady, beloved and
esteemed by all who know her. The sons, though small,
display an unusual interest in all matters pertaining to the
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page 734 |
Jasper Twp. -
SMITH RANKIN, retired farmer,
Milledgeville, was born in this township, June 6, 1822, and
was educated in the log school house.
Feb. 13, 1844, he was married to Miss
Parthenia Wood, and has since lived here, and
reared a family of five children, who are, or have been
school teachers. All are married except the youngest,
who is at home with her parents.
Mr. Rankin has a farm of three hundred
acres, situated at the west side of Milledgeville, which he
leased when he came here, having no money to buy with.
Now he has it well improved, and in good cultivation.
Has been very liberal to public enterprises, and contributed
largely to the churches. Mrs. Rankin is
a member of the Baptist Church.
Mr. Rankin served about five months in
Company H, 168th O. V. I., and was captured at Cynthiana,
Kentucky. Though not an office seeker, he was elected
justice of the peace of this township in 1858, and served
until 1879. He is one of Fayette County's self-made
men; all that he has being the result of his own good
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page 734 |
Jefferson Twp. -
THOMAS RANKIN, West Lancaster, is a
native of this county, in which he was reared. He was
married to Miss Viletta Sanderson, June
20, 1854. One child, Leander, is the result of
this union.
Mr. Rankin was engaged in the mercantile
business in this place from 1856 until 1873, except
comparatively a short time. He served in Company H,
60th O. V. I., and was captured at Harper's Ferry, in
September, 1862; also at Cynthiana, Kentucky, June 11, 1864,
then captain of Company H, 168th O. V. I. He is now
assisting his son, who is a natural mechanic, and does the
best work in blacksmithing, wagon-making, painting, and
trimming carriages. In fact, he is a natural genius;
never served an apprenticeship at any trade, and does all
the business that the capacity of his shop will permit.
He was married to Miss Julia A. Acton. Feb. 6,
1878, and has two children: Esther and Harry Mc.
Mrs. Rankin is a member of the Methodist
Episcopal Church. Our subject is a member of
Jeffersonville Lodge No. 454, I. O. O. F.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page 699 |
Perry Twp. -
Solomon Rees, the grandfather of Harrison Rees,
came to this county, in 1806, and built and operated a
brewery on the lot now owned by John Kneedler, in the
suburbs of New Martinsburg. This was long before the
town was thought of. Sampson, Hiram, and
Owen, were his sons. The first two were born in
Virginia, and Owen was born on the way from Virginia
to this state, and on that account was afterwards known as "Owen
Rees the traveler." Hiram and Mary (McVeigh)
Rees, the parents of this subject had ten children:
Sarah, Harrison, Isaac, Mary Ann, Noah, Ruth, John, Martha
J., Rebecca, and Emily. Hiram first
settled on Rattlesnake. He afterwards followed
coopering and farming.
Our subject was born at the present site of New
Martinsburg, Nov. 13, 1816, and attended school in the
pioneer school house, of round logs, puncheon floors and
slab benches. Among his teachers, were Zena Wilcox,
William Jury, and Jacob Todhunter.
He was married Dec. 25, 1838, to Margaret,
daughter of Rees and Mary (Madden) Ellis. This
marriage ended in the death of the wife, nearly thirty years
later, Nov. 1, 1868. Mrs. Rees was a woman of
remarkable piety, and was much devoted to a prayerful study
of the Bible. She died childless. Mr. Rees
was again married, on the 13th of October, 1869, to Mrs.
Ann (Dill) Daugherty, relict of Joseph Daugherty,
who died in the army, a member of Company C, 114th O. V. I.
They had six children born to them: Noah A., Joseph H.,
William H., Mary M., Alice H., and Anna May.
By her marriage to Mr. Daugherty, Mrs. Rees is
the mother of three children: Eliza E., Libbie, and
Nancy J.
Our subject spent a brief time in Champaign County,
in 1844 and 1845; but with this exception, his life of
sixty-five years has been spent in the vicinity of the
village of New Martinsburg. He began his business of
shoe making in 184, and has ever since given his main
attention to that trade.
In the year 1849, he was elected constable of his
township, and with the exception of two years, he has been
successfully re-elected to that office. He has also
assessed the chattels of Perry Township every year, save
three, since 1854. Mr. Rees has been an
Odd-fellow for the past sixteen years. He is widely
known in the county, and much esteemed for honesty and
integrity. His wife is a member of the Methodist
Episcopal Church.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page 818 |
Jefferson Twp. -
WILLIAM S. REID, farmer. His parents
came to Ohio from Maryland, in 1825, and located in Ross
County. They came to Fayette in 1832, where the father
died, in February, 1881. They joined the Methodist
Protestant Church in 1840. The family consisted of
nine children.
Our subject was married to Miss Caroline Creamer,
daughter of David Creamer, Jan. 29, 1861.
Five children are the result of this union: Wallace C,
Charles A., Howard, Arthur H., and William E.,
all living. Himself, wife, and two eldest sons, are members
of the Methodist Protestant Church. He has a farm of
one hundred and twenty-three acres, well improved, situated
eight miles northwest of Washington, and is a member of the
Patrons of Husbandry.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers, Dayton, Ohio - 1881
- Page 700 |
Jasper Twp. -
LEVI RICE is the son of James and
Elizabeth Rice, who were natives of Virginia.
Mr. Rice was in the war of 1812, and soon after its
close married and moved to Ohio and settled in Lick
Township, Jackson County, where he still lives. He is
now eighty-eight years old, having resided on the same farm
since the close of the war of 1812. He has been a
consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church nearly
all these years He is a hale, hearty, happy old man.
His first wife died without any children. The fruits
of the second marriage were ten children, seven sons and
three daughters. Five of the children are dead
and five are living. The second wife is dead and the
old gentleman is married to his third wife, by whom he has
three children.
Levi, our subject, is by the second wife, and
was born, Dec. 9, 1826; married, Oct. 19, 1848, Ann,
daughter of James Shepard. They have eight
children, five daughters, and three sons: James
Wesley, married and lives in the neighborhood. Ann
also married and resides in the neighborhood.
Joseph R. is single, and at home with his parents, as is
also Ella Z. Virginia C. is married and
lives on the farm near her father. Samuel C.
died in infancy. Melissa A. is single and at
home with her parents. She is noted for her
intelligence and piety. She has written many articles,
especially on religious subjects, which have attracted much
Mr. Rice removed from Jackson County to Pickaway
County in 1863, and remained there three years, when he
removed to Ross County, and settled on the waters of Paint
Creek; remained seven years, and in 1873, he purchased a
farm of one hundred and forty acres in Fayette and Clinton
counties, known as a part of the Trimble land,
situated on the line of the counties of Fayette and Clinton,
on the north side of the Wilmington and Washington pike,
some three miles east of Sabina. He soon removed to
this farm, where he now resides.
Mr. Rice is a quiet, sensible, well-to-do
farmer; has his farm paid for, and is in prosperous
circumstances. Mr. and Mrs. Rice, with all
their children, are members of the Methodist Episcopal
Church. In politics he is a Republican, and is a
staunch temperance man.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page 1035 |
Concord Twp. -
S. C. ROBERTS, farmer, stock raiser,
and physician. The subject of this sketch is a
descendant of John Roberts, who, together with his
two brothers, James and Henry Roberts, who, together
with his two brothers, James and Henry Roberts,
emigrated to the Colony of Virginia about the period of the
English Revolution, in 1688. They were natives of
South Wales.
William Roberts, son of John Roberts,
referred to above, was the great grandfather of S. C.
Roberts. He was born in 1724. His children
consisted of eight sons: John, Henry, Azariah, Nehemiah,
Cornelius, William, Hanley, and Minor William
Roberts, the sixth son, and grandfather of S. C.
Minor William Roberts was born in Culpepper
County, Virginia in the year 7162. He was a soldier in
the war of American Independence, and held a captain's
commission at its close. He was a first cousin to
General Andrew Jackson ( their mothers being sisters).
He was married to Hannah Fink Mar. 26, 1787.
The certificate of said marriage is now in possession of
S. C. Roberts, and is very highly prized by him as an
heirloom of the family. Hannah Fink was of
German descent, but was born in Virginia. Her father,
Henry Fink, and her brother, Henry Fink, jr.,
were killed by the Indians at or near Clarksburg, Virginia,
soon after her marriage to William Roberts.
They raised twelve children: John B., Rebecca
(Vanmeter), Henry, Hezekiah, Susan (Malone), Daniel,
William, James D., Melinda (Mackey), Isaac, Elijah W.,
and Hannah (Search). John, Henry, and
Hezekiah Roberts, were soldiers in the war with Great
Britain, in 1812, serving to the end of the war. Soon
after the marriage of William and Hannah Roberts, to
Ross County, Ohio, twelve miles east of Chillicothe, on the
waters of the Kinnikinnick, where they lived on a farm
entered from the government. They both died in the
year 1835.
Isaac Roberts, the tenth child of William and
Hannah Roberts, was the father of S. C. Roberts.
He was born at the old Roberts homestead, Sept. 3,
1804, and was married to Mercy Chedister, Dec. 22,
1825. They had a family of eleven children. Two
died in infancy. S. C. Roberts, subject of this
sketch, was the third child, Aug. 31, 1832. The next
was W. E. Roberts, Wilmeth A. (Barnes),
Margaret, Anna M. (Miller), Jacob U., James D., Harriet E.,
and Isaac A. Roberts, served as soldiers in the Union
army during the late rebellion.
S. C. Roberts graduated as a doctor of medicine,
with the highest honors, at Starling Medical Collage,
Columbus, Ohio, in the spring of 1853, and was married on
May 10th, of the same years, to Miss Mary E. Bowen,
of Bainbridge, Ross County, Ohio, that being her native
place. Her parents came from Martinsburg, Virginia.
They lived happily together until July 4, 1877, the date of
her death. They had six living children at the time of
her death: Anna M., born Apr. 16, 1854; Charles L.,
born Jan. 23, 1860; Frank K., born Apr. 8, 1864;
John I., born Dec. 4, 1866; Margaret A., born
Sept. 18, 1869; and Samuel C., born Mar. 31, 1872.
Anna M. Roberts, the eldest child, died Mar. 29, 1881,
after a lingering illness of more than two years, having
contracted a cold that caused her death. She was a
highly cultivated young lady for one of her years, and had
much more than ordinary talent as an artist, besides having
received a collegiate education at Delaware, Ohio. Her
memory is almost worshiped by her father, sister, and
brothers. Every room in her father's house bears
evidence of her superior artistic skill. She was loved
by all her large circle of friends and acquaintances.
Isaac Roberts, father of Dr. S. C. Roberts,
subject of this sketch died at Jackson Court House, Jan. 18,
1873, of pneumonia, having lived there nearly twenty years.
He was a lawyer by profession, and was appointed
commissioner of the board of enrollment in that district
during the late rebellion, and also represented that county
in the Ohio Legislature in the years 1863-64. His
wife, Mercy Roberts, died May 25, 1869.
Dr. S. C. Roberts, our subject, became
identified with this county in November, 1868. He,
together with the Rev. R. Pitzer, who were then both
residents of Bainbridge, Rose County, Ohio, purchased of
Dr. C. A. Trimble, eleven hundred and eight acres of
land, situated in Jasper and Concord townships, immediately
next the Clinton County line, what was known as the Trimble
prairie lands, bought at a very early day by Ex-Governor
Trimble, of Hillsboro (father of C. A. Trimble).
Roberts and Pitzer paid for said fifty
thousand dollars, and divided it equally between them, as to
acreage, each residing on their respective parts of said
lands. R. Pitzer sold his land several years
since, and now resides at Washington. Dr. Roberts
still remains on what was his part of the divide in the
Before coming to this county, he practiced medicine and
surgery twelve years, very successfully, at Bainbridge, Ross
County, Ohio; and since he has resided in this county he has
been a physician and farmer, making a specialty of broom
corn for several years. But for the past two years he
has been engaged in general farming, and has also given some
attention to the raising of fine stock - short-horn cattle
and Berkshire hogs - having raised some of the finest and
bet ever produced in the county, with pedigrees equal to
anything in the United States.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page 752 |
Union Twp. -
ROBINSON, clothier, Washington, was born in
Washington, in the year 1819, in the public square and in
the jail house; his father being the sheriff of the county
at the time. He is a son of Robert and Sarah
Robinson. His father was a native of Pennsylvania,
and held the office of sheriff four years, and was also
representative of the county, and one of its oldest
pioneers. He had a family of twelve children.
Henry, the subject of our remarks, was married
in the year 1847, to Miss Maria L. Dawson, daughter
of Abraham and Anna Dawson, of Virginia. She
was living at Mr. Robert Robinson's house at the
time. She died in 1852, leaving a loving husband and
two children to mourn her loss - Mary, one of the
children, having since died, and Emma L. who still
He was again married, in 1872, to Miss Phoeba A.
Albaugh, daughter of Jacob and Sarah Albaugh, of
this state. He filled the office of county auditor
from 1850 to 1859. He has been a member of the
Odd-fellows for a number of years, and was one of the
charter members of the encampment.
Our subject is now extensively engaged in the clothing
business at Washington.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page
621 |
Jefferson Twp.
JAMES S. ROBINSON, farmer, is a son of
John P. Robinson, whose father, Thomas, was a
native of Ireland, and emigrated to Germany about 1780,
where he married our subject's grandmother, Rebecca
Coons, and came to the United States in 1797,
locating near Zanesville, Ohio, where he remained until
1820, when he removed to Washington, D. C, remaining there
until they reared their family of eight children, and then
came to Washington C. H. The grandfather died in Ross
County, Ohio, and the grandmother in Miami County, Indiana.
Our subject's father remained in Washington C. H. several
years, when it had but one business house, and this county
was almost an unbroken forest. He went to Indiana, and
remained several years, then returned to Ohio. Went to
Illinois in 1875, where he died, Mar. 2, 1878, aged
seventy-eight years.
Our subject was married to Anna C. Smith,
daughter of Samuel Smith, of this county, Jan.
6, 1866, who bore him one child, Elda J., and died
July 15, 1868. He then married Mary E. Torbitte,
of this county, Aug. 8, 1871. He is a member of
Jamestown Lodge No. 181, I. O. O. F., and served two years
in Company C, 114th O. V. I. He and his wife are
members of the Methodist Protestant Church.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers, Dayton, Ohio - 1881
- Page 700 |
a native North Carolinian, removed to Virginia with his family in the closing years of the
eighteenth century. In 1801 he came to Ohio with his sons, now grown to manhood, and settled
in Greene County, about five miles southeast of Xenia, where they remained several years, then
removed to this county. Desiring to explore this locality before leaving, they went to
Martin Mendenhall's, then the only person living in the vicinity of what is now known as Jamestown,
who put them on an old trace leading to Chillicothe, which they followed until it struck Sugar
Creek, near where Jeffersonville now stands. The party camped in a white oak grove, about one
hundred yards from the Isaac Parrett farm. Their sleep was disturbed by the buzzing of bees
overhead, and on the following morning they discovered a considerable amount of honey, on
which they feasted to their heart's content. They decided to settle here; William,
sen., on the
present site of Jeffersonville, where Richard Fox now lives ; his son
William on the " Wright
farm," just across the creek from Jeffersonville; Thomas and Abner removed to the land now
owned by Louis James; the other son, Nicholas, on Rattlesnake Creek.
William, jr., was a
teamster in the war of 1812 ; Thomas was captain of a company organized in this county.
Grandfather Robinson died in 1840; his son William in 1874; the others moved to the West.
Thomas settled at Fort Wayne, Indiana; Nicholas in Cohoes County, Illinois;
Abner at Vincennes, Indiana. There was
one daughter, who married Joseph Hosier, and lived in Greene County.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page 246 |
Jefferson Twp. -
HORNEY ROBISON, farmer, is a son of William
Robison, who came to Ohio in 1803, and located in Greene County, where he
remained until 1805, when he came to Fayette, and located where our subject now
lives. He was married in Virginia to Hanna Horney, our
subject's mother. Then this county was very thinly settled by white men.
The Indians helped him to raise his first cabin, as there were not enough white
men to do it.
Our subject was born, Sept. 14, 1835, on the farm where
he now lives, and owns one hundred and sixty-five acres, well improved, situated
two and a half miles northwest of Jeffersonville. He has his farm rented,
and lives with the renter, as he is not yet married. He is a member of
Jeffersonville Lodge No. 468, F. & A. M., joining about 1866.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers, Dayton, Ohio - 1881
- Page 701 |
Wayne Twp. -
JACKSON RODGERS. Benjamin Rodgers was born in
Virginia, Jan. 4, 1772, and at about twenty-two years of age removed to
Kentucky; remained there two years, then came to Chillicothe, being one of
eleven men who were the first to raise grain in Ross County. He purchased
land about three miles from Chillicothe, but found the water facilities
insufficient, and removed to Fayette County, prior to the organization of the
same, finding it in a wild and chaotic state. He settled on a one thousand
acre tract, a portion of which is now owned by our subject. Tow hundred
acres of the original tract were purchased by a brother of the elder Rodgers
Some time after coming to this county, he was
married to Elizabeth, daughter of Peter Jackson, who lived on Deer
Creek, in Ross County. She was born Aug. 26, 1780. The union
resulted in eight children: Joseph, John, Jackson, Mary P., Hamilton,
Eliza, Maria and William; the deceased being John, Eliza, Mary,
and Maria. Joseph resides in Mount Pleasant, Iowa.
Mr. Rodgers, sen., held some of the township
offices, was in the war of 1812, in the company commanded by Robert McElwaine,
and did his whole duty. He died Feb. 12, 1849.
Jackson, the subject of this sketch, was born in
Ross County, Jan. 29, 1804, and when but a child, came to Fayette with his
parents. He well remembers seeing Indians on the banks of Paint and Indian
creeks, but they were generally peaceable.
Nov. 7, 1837, he married Nancy, daughter of
Amos Jones, of Vermont, and a niece of Norman F. Jones, first auditor
of the county. Their union was blessed with four children: Harvey, Sina
(now Mrs. L. C. Coffman), Almira (late wife of
Judson McCoy), and Amos J.,
who is married to Mary J., daughter of John Simmison, and has
three children. He and his wife are members of the Presbyterian Church.
Mrs. Rodgers died Oct. 26, 1853, and Nov. 1,
1855, he married Rebecca, daughter of John Dunlap, who was a
native of Washington County, Pennsylvania, coming to this state with his family,
in 1817, and settled in Ross County, near Greenfield. Mr. Dunlap
married Rebecca Donnelly, who bore him nine children. He died in
1841. She was a life member of the United Presbyterian Church, and died in
that faith in 1843.
Mrs. Rebecca Rodgers was born in 1808, married
Robert Rodgers, Aug. 13, 1828, and had three children: William A.,
living near Jamestown; John H., who resides near Kearney, Nebraska;
Joseph, deceased. Robert Rodgers died June 29, 1844, and his
widow remarried on the day above given. She has been a member of the
regular Baptist Church since 1831, and is an exemplary member of Good Hope
During the late war, Harvey, oldest son of our
subject, was mustered a member of Company A, 54th O. V. Z., Sept. 5, 1861.
He served from private to orderly sergeant, in the line of promotion, and was
instantly killed before Atlanta, July 22, 1864. He was a member of the
Baptist Church, a brave soldier, and though he has long been sleeping under the
cold sod, his heroic devotion to his country will never be forgotten. He
engaged in the battles of Pittsburg Landing, Vicksburg, Mission Ridge, Resaca,
Dallas, Kenesaw Mountain and Atlanta. He had nearly finished the term of
his enlistment, when death called him to a brighter land, where the scenes of
bloody conflict will never be mentioned. One who saw him fall, says he
could have saved his life by surrendering, but the gallant soldier preferred
death to imprisonment.
Mr. Rodgers owns three hundred and thirty-six
acres of land, nicely improved, and adorned by handsome buildings, which is
located on Paint Creek and the Ohio Southern Railroad, and farms to grain and
stock. He and his family enjoy a wide and favorable acquaintance.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers, Dayton, Ohio - 1881
- Page 862 |
Wayne Twp. -
HAMILTON RODGERS, farmer, is a son of Benjamin Rodgers,
a sketch of whom appears elsewhere, and was born in this township, June 8, 1808,
on the farm now owned by William B. Rodgers. His education was
limited. When a subscription sufficient to hire a teacher could be made, a
log cabin was erected in the woods, which they attended. However, the
pioneers were so over-burdened with work, that they were compelled to deny their
children even an ordinary education.
Mr. Rodgers attended strictly to home duties
most of his life. He was married, Dec. 31, 1835, to Martha A.,
daughter of William Vance, who was born Feb. 4, 1815. They had five
children: Mary E., Angeline, Harrison V., Lucy C., and Martha J.
Angeline married Jesse Heagler, and died six years ago; Mary E.
is the wife of William Rodgers, at Jamestown; Harrison owns land,
which adjoins that of his father; Lucy C. is the wife of Marion
Gibson; Martha J. is married to Harry J. Walker, and lives in
Nebraska. Mrs. Rodgers is dead, and is buried in the old Rodgers
cemetery. Mr. Rodgers married Hannah Gibson, nee
Shobe, relict of John Gibson. Both are members of the Fairview
German Baptist Church, and are good Christians.
Marian Gibson is the son of John H. Gibson,
who was born in Virginia, removed to this state at an early day, and settled in
Ross County, where he married Hannah, daughter of Daniel Shobe,
who bore him four children: Marion, Lucinda (wife of Elijah Hopkins),
Mary Ann (widow of Isaac J. Vance, lately deceased), and James,
Mr. Gibson was instantly killed by the upsetting
of a wagon loaded with wheat, whom Marion was a small boy. He was
born Nov. 30, 1843, and spent his youth in Ross County; worked for several
farmers, and assisted in maintaining the family; hence his opportunities for an
education were not very good. He was a sergeant in the Second Ohio Heavy
Artillery, and remained in the service two years and two months.
In 1868 he married Lucy C., daughter of
Hamilton Rodgers and removed to this farm. They had five children:
Orville, John, Mattie, Hamilton, and one who died in infancy. He and
his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and are good and
consistent Christians. He assisted in the erection of the new church at
Good Hope, and furnished all the brick work.
Messrs. Rodgers and Gibson own about
eight hundred acres of land, well tilled and stocked, in good cultivation, and
located just north of Good Hope. They engaged in general farming.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers, Dayton, Ohio - 1881
- Page 864 |
Jefferson Twp. -
JOHN W. ROEBUCK, grain and lumber dealer, Jeffersonville,
is a son of Hugh and Liddie (Farmer) Roebuck. He came with his
parents to this state, when at the age of six months, located in Ross County,
and remained nine years, then removed to this county, located near Bloomingburg,
and remained until 1851; then removed to the northern part of this township
where the father died, in 1864. Mrs. Roebuck was born in
this county, in 1803. They were married in 1826, and had nine children—our
subject being the seventh—of whom four are living.
Their house was a place for holding religious services
for years, as there were no churches in the neighborhood. They were
members of the Methodist Church, in which faith they died.
Our subject was born in this county, Mar. 12, 1841,
where he was reared and educated, and taught school two terms. He was
married, Oct. 30, 1866, to Miss Martha J. Conner; seven children being
the result of this union: Frank L., Harry S., Joe B., Lynn L., Ida A., Elba
F. and an infant, who is deceased.
Mr. Roebuck is a member of the Masonic
fraternity, of Jeffersonville, having joined, the order at Washington, in 1864.
He is a charter member of the Jeffersonville Lodge No. 468, and served as Master
three years. He was a citizen of Alabama two years, and during that time
was a member of the State Board of Registration. He served seven months as
a volunteer in the Union army. Company H, 60th O. V. L, and was taken
prisoner at Harper's Ferry, Sept. 16, 1862, and discharged before his time
expired. While in Alabama, he was appointed as postmaster of the Calhoon
postoffice, on the Alabama and Florida Railroad.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers, Dayton, Ohio - 1881
- Page 701 |
left his home in Louisa County, Virginia, at the age of forty, accompanied by his family of eight
children—four boys and four girls—most of whom were married: he came to this state locating
temporarily at Frankfort, in Ross County. In the year 1808 he removed to this county, settling on
Wabash Creek, seven miles south of Washington, where he purchased about fifteen hundred
acres of land which was divided amongst his children. It is said of him that he was a very stout,
hale and hearty man, being blessed with good lungs and a loud voice. On one occasion several
horses strayed from a pasture field, and two of the boys were directed to go in search of then.
When they were about three miles from the house the horses returned. The old gentleman
proclaimed this information to the boys, and though nearly three miles distant they heard him and
returned to the parental roof. He died in 1845. The following sketch of his life was contributed to
the Western Christian Advocate, February 20, 1846, by John W. Keely, Esq.:
" Departed this life, at his residence in Fayette County, Ohio, September 15, 1845,
Jesse Rowe,
senior, in the ninety-first year of his age. He emigrated to Ohio in 1808, from Virginia, and for
the last sixty-three years was an acceptable and zealous member of the Methodist Episcopal
Church. His house was long, a preaching place and a home for the wayfaring itinerant. The first
Methodist class formed in the county was at his house.
" He gave evidence of his love for religion and the church of his choice, by his untiring efforts in
promoting the cause of Christ, and sustaining the peculiar institutions of the church. At his own expense he erected a very neat and
comfortable meeting-house in his neighborhood, and directed in his will that it should be deeded
to the Methodist Episcopal Church, by his executor, for the use of the society worshiping in it. At
the same time he willed to the stewards of Washington Circuit, fifty dollars in trust to be invested
in some safe way at six per cent interest to be applied as follows : Two dollars to be paid as
quarterage, and one dollar as table expenses annually.
"This old and much loved veteran of the cross lived to see the fourth generation. He had nine
children, forty-eight grandchildren, sixty-three great grand children and one great great grand
child. Many of these are following in his footsteps and imitating his example. 'Precious in the
sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.' "
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers, Dayton, Ohio - 1881
- Page 244
Greene Twp. -
NEWTON ROWE, (Green Twp.), farmer, is a son of
Martin and Sophia (Johnson) Rowe, and was born in
Concord Township, this county, March 30, 1843. His
early years were spent on the farm with his parents.
September 17, 1861, he enlisted in the 54th O. V. I.,
Company C, and remained in Camp Dennison until February,
1862, when they joined Sherman at Paducah. Their first
engagement was at Pittsburg Landing, where their loss in
killed, wounded and missing, was more than half the number
In the campaign following the battle of Pittsburg
Landing, Sherman's old division,, of which the 54th
constituted a part, was engaged at Corinth, Yazoo Bottoms,
Arkansas Post, Champion Hills, and the siege of Vicksburg,
and after the surrender of Vicksburg, marched to the
assistance of the Army of the Cumberland at Chattanooga.
They arrived in time to witness Hooker's battle above
the clouds on Lookout Mountains, and to take a part in the
storming of Missionary Ridge. From Chattanooga they
marched to the relief of Burnside, at Knoxville, and
compelled the enemy to raise the siege. January 4,
1864, the 54th O. V. I., became by reason of re-enlistment
the 54th O. V. V. I., and were granted a furlough of thirty
days. When his leave of absence had expired, Mr.
Rowe joined his command at Larkinsville, Alabama, and
was with his regiment during the Atlanta Campaign until
captured by the enemy, in front of Atlanta, July 22, 1864.
While in the hands of the enemy, he was confined in the
prison-pens at Andersonville, Charleston and Florence.
March 4, 1865, he was paroled, and received his final
discharge June 8th.
After returning to civil life, he attended school for
two years, and then engaged in mercantile pursuits for ten
years, and is at present tilling soil. He has served
the people of this township as clerk, and treasurer, and is
now the candidate of his party (Republican) for county
treasurer. His wife, Sarah J., daughter of
T. J. Craig, to whom he was married December 28, 1870,
was born September 19, 1849. Three children have been
the result of this union; two of whom survive: the eldest,
Alva O., born November 6, 1871, died August 5, 1872;
Maiza J., born September 18, 1875; and Will, born
January 23, 1878.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page 774 |
Concord Twp. -
MARTIN ROWE, farmer and stock-raiser,
is the son of John and Francis Rowe, who were natives
of Virginia. Coming to Ohio in 1811, they settled on
the waters of the Wabash, this county, remaining there until
their death. The mother died in 1828, the father in
1864. They had five children, four sons and one
daughter: Willis, married and moved to Illinois, and
died there in his seventy-first year; Anderson,
married, lived and died in this county; John,
married, and lives near Washington C. H.; Mary Jane,
married, moved to Illinois and died. Mr. Rowe
married for his second wife Mrs. Lydia Furry, by whom
he had six children, four boys and two girls: George,
married, and lives in this county; David, married,
and lives in Washington C. H.; Harvey, married, but
his wife is dead; Edwin M., married, and lives in
Staunton; Sarah F., married, and resides in Brown
County; Catharine E., married, and resides in Green
County, Ohio.
Martin, our subject, was born Jan. 8, 1813.
He married Sophia M. Johnson, daughter of William
and Jane Johnson, Sept. 14, 1838. They at once
commenced housekeeping on the farm where they still reside,
on the road leading from Staunton to the Sabina pike, about
one mile west from Staunton. They have eight children,
all living, four sons and four daughters: Malinda Jane
was married to E. R. VanPelt, whose biography appears
in this book. Amanda A. was married to Henry
Mark, whose biography appears in this work.
Isaac Newton married, and lives in Green Township; he
went into the army as a volunteer in the nineteenth year of
his age, and served his country faithfully for three years;
he was honorably discharged, and reinstated. He was
captured by the enemy July 22, 1864, and taken to
Andersonville Prison, where he remained for months,
suffering from hunger and abuse more than tongue can
express. He left home a stout, robust young man, and
came back a wreck, physically, unable to do physical labor,
but commands the respect of all who know him. Mary F.
was married, and lives in Green township, this
county. Martin is single, and lives with his
parents. The farm contains two hundred and sixty-one
acres, and is in a high state of cultivation. It is
adorned with a commodious brick residence and a lovely yard.
Mr. Rowe and wife have been members of the M. E.
Church for forty-two years. They are a most excellent
family, feeling very grateful to God for his rich blessings
so bountifully bestowed on them.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page 755 |