History of Fayette County,
Ohio & State of Ohio
By R. S. Dills -
Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers, Dayton, Ohio

WADDLE, Judge Daniel McLean's step-father, was a Kentuckian by birth ; removing to Ross County, Ohio,
from whence he came to Fayette, in March, 1810, locating on a piece of ground four or five miles south of Washington. During the
Indian troubles of 1812, he engaged in the defense of his country, being chosen major. In 1814 he
removed to Washington and two years later engaged in the mercantile business, continuing in the
same till his death, which occurred in 1828. In 1814 he purchased seven lots in the town of
Washington, for which he paid in cash $10,000. After his death the property did not realize
$1,000 outside of the dower set aside for his widow. This instance is cited to illustrate the terrible
depreciation of property during that period.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page 242 |
Concord Twp. -
WILLIAM WADDEL, farmer and stock
raiser, was born in Ireland, May 10, 1827. He is the
son of Francis W. and Anna Waddel, who were natives
of Ireland. Coming to America in 1840, they located in
Chillicothe, Ohio. They were the parents of three
daughters and two sons: Elizabeth married, and lives
in Ross County, Ohio. Margaret ad Ellen were
twins; both are dead. Francis is married,
and owns and lives on a farm joining our subject's.
William married Miss Dorcas Murry, daughter of
George Murry, who lived near Kingston, Pickaway County,
Ohio, in 1852. They lived six years in Ross
County, when he purchased a portion of what was known as the
Trustin Adams farm, in this township, situated
on the Snow Hill pike,, about one mile west from Rattlesnake
Creek. In 1858 they removed to this farm, where they
still remain.
Mr. Waddle and wife, by economy and industry,
have been able to purchase other lands, so that the farm, or
farms, contains eight hundred and fifty acres, in a good
state of cultivation. They are out of debt. They
are the parents of eleven children, five sons and six
daughters: Rebecca, the eldest, married John W.
Hoppis, with whom she lived some ten years, when she
died with consumption, leaving three children. On the
25th of November, 1880, Mr. Hoppis married for his
second wife, Anna, the second daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Waddle. George is a promising son,
twenty-six years of age, single, and at home with his
parents. He has recently been ordained a minister of
the gospel in the Old School Baptist Church, and is said to
be a most excellent young man. The son-in-law, Mr.
Hoppis, occupies the same relation to the Baptist
Church. William is married, and lives on
the home farm. Lucy, John, Mary, Oliver, Ida, Dora,
and Joseph, are at home with their parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Waddle feel that they have been
highly favored by the Devine Being. Out of a family of
eleven children, they have had but one death, and that
daughter died in the triumphs of the Christian religion.
Except at the birth of their children, they never but once
had occasion to call a physician to their aid. In
politics, Mr. Waddle is a Democrat. In
religion, the family are Old School Baptists, much attached
to the church of their choice, and devoted to the service of
the Saviour.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page 759 |
Perry Twp. -
WEST. Mr. West was born in Madison
County, Virginia, Mar. 20, 1814. His father being a
slave, he took the name of his mother, a free colored woman,
Dilcie West, who supported his family by selling
cakes and other pastry which she baked. She was the
mother of sixteen children.
Mr. West came to Ohio in 1837, and settled in
Highland County, three and a half miles from Hillsborough,
where he resided three years; thence he moved to a farm on
Falls Creek, and remained three years. Moving from
there he came to Fayette County, and bought fifty acres of
land, on which he lived fifteen years. Selling this
land, he purchased one hundred and seventy-seven acres,
eleven miles south of Washington, where he has resided for
twenty-two years, surrounded by many comforts.
He married Harriet Payton, in Culpepper County,
Virginia, by whom he had eleven children. She died in
1873. He married his second wife, Mary Ootes,
in 1877.
Mr. West is a member of the Baptist Church, and
a Republican. His wife is a Methodist. Two of
his sons served in the army in the late war. Andrew
was a member of the 27th Michigan Infantry, and was killed
at Honey Hill, North Carolina, in 1863. William
was wounded in the battle of the wilderness.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page 823 |
Twp. -
Adam T. White, farmer and stock raiser, is a son of
Jesse White, whose ancestors were natives of
Kentucky, and removed to this state in an early day, and
here Jesse was born Feb. 11, 1813. The White
family originally settled near Chillicothe, when the
vicinity was inhabited by Indians; after residing there,
they removed to this county. The grandfather of
JEsse was a tanner, and accumulated quite a sum of money
while at Chillicothe, with which he purchased a large tract
of land in this township, then purchased nearly all the
lands of an entire township, in Kosciusko County, Indiana,
soon after which he died.
Our subject was born Nov. 12, 1838, on the farm now
owned by Aaron Johnson, lived there a few years, then
removed with the family to the vicinity of Washington, and
then to the Jesse White homestead, where he was
reared, educated and devoted himself to farming. HE
has always been interested in stock and raised some fine
horses. He wa married, in 1863, to Minerva Ellen,
daughter of Henry Stuckey, of Ross County; the result
being one boy: Jesse, who was born Sept. 28, 1864,
and still lives with his parents. He is overseer in
Union Live Grange; politically, a Democrat, though his
ancestors were Whigs.
He owns a farm containing one hundred and fifty-two
acres, well improved, which is located on the Springfield
and Chillicothe road, and farms largely to grain.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page 869 |
Union Twp. -
MARSHALL J. WILLIAMS, attorney-at-law,
Washington, is a son of Dr. Charles M. Williams and
Margaret Jane Williams, nee Mark, and was
born Feb. 22, 1836. From childhood he has been a close
student, and at the age of nineteen graduated from the Ohio
Wesleyan University, at Delaware, and soon after began his
legal studies at Washington, with Nelson Rush.
He completed his legal course at the age of twenty-one, and
shortly after opened an office at Sigourney, Iowa, where he
remained about one year. Becoming displeased with his
location, he returned to Washington, and at once entered
into a lucrative practice. He married Bertha Taylor,
a lady of Clermont County, but no children followed the
In 1870, he was elected to the Ohio Legislature, as
representative from Fayette County, and took a prominent
part in many of the debates of that session. In 1872,
he was returned to the legislature, and served through both
sessions of that body with distinction. At present he
stands at the head of his profession, and is recognized as
one of the leading lawyers of southern Ohio, and has
accumulated a fortune by his practice.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page
635 |
Paint Twp. -
JAMES M. WILLIS, farmer, was born in
Chillicothe, Ohio, Jan. 20, 1808. His father,
Nathaniel was the first printer in Ohio. He
printed for the convention that formed the constitution, and
was the first state printer. He was born in Boston,
Massachusetts; his mother, Mary Cartmill, a native of
Virginia. He was first married in Boston, to Miss
Douglas, by whom he had two children - a son and
daughter. This son was the father of N. P. Wills,
the poet. By his second marriage there were four sons
and seven daughters.
James M., our subject, came to this county in
January, 1826, and clerked in the store of Captain Philip
Doddridge seven years, four years of this time for his
board and clothes. In 1833, he commenced selling goods
for himself. In 1837, he was joined in holy wedlock
with Emily, daughter of William R. and Mary
(Buchanan) Southard, of Bainbridge, Ross County, Ohio.
Eight children were the result of this union. The
deceased are John L., Lucy, Ella, Clara, and
Fanny. Those living are William R., James W.,
and Laura B.
Mr. Willis remained in the dry goods business for
fifteen years, and retired with fifty thousand dollars
profit. He resides in Bloomingburg, owns a fine tract
of land, containing eighteen hundred acres, well improved;
is a self-made man, and a model farmer, as a look at his
farm will testify. His son William lives on a
portion of the farm, in one of the finest houses in the
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page
1021 |
Union Twp. -
DR. C. M. WILSON, Physician,
Washington, was born in Northampton, Pennsylvania, Sept. 28,
1845, and is a son of Charles and Catharine Wilson,
of Hillsboro, Ohio. They had a family of five
children, two sons and three daughters.
Our subject was married Mar. 2, 1871, to Miss Mary
L. Pricer, daughter of David H. and Amanda Pricer,
of South Salem, Ohio. They have two children:
Minnie and Amy C. The doctor enlisted in
August, 1864, in Company A, 175th O. V. I. He was
wounded in the first engagement at Franklin, Tennessee, and
Nov. 30, 1864, had a second finger of his right hand shot
off, and also received a flesh wound in his thigh.
After being wounded he was taken to Nashville, and one week
afterward was removed to Louisville, and from thence to
Cincinnati, where he lay in West End Hospital, from which he
received his discharge from the service on the 20th day of
May 1865. The following fall he entered South Salem
Academy, where he remained until the fall of 1868, when he
began his medical studies under Dr. Looker, of
Cincinnati, graduating in Miami Medical College, in March,
1871, and commenced a practice which has continued up to the
present time, with the exception of six months spent in the
college and hospital in New York City. He and his wife
are members of the Presbyterian Church. His residence
and office are on Court Street, where he has been since
June, 1875.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page 636 |
Perry Twp. -
WILSON, farmer and teamster, is the second son of
William and Sarah (Santee) Wilson, natives of Ohio.
He was born Oct. 3, 1825. His father's family
consisted of ten children: Eli, James, Sarah,
William, John, George, Joseph, Cynthia, Sophia, and
Margaret. The parents died in Highland County,
near Centerfield.
George Santee, the maternal grandfather of this
subject, served in the war of 1812, and died near
Petersburg, Highland County, at an advanced age.
Our subject was married, May 11, 1854, to Mrs.
Elizabeth (Dowden) Wilson. She was a native of
Ohio, and was born April 5, 1823. By a previous
marriage she is a mother of two children: Margaret
J., born Feb. 11, 1844; William O., born May 5,
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson are the parents of six
children: Sarah F. A., born Jan. 28, 1855; married
John Cooper. Thomas L., born Sept. 17, 1856;
Samuel A., born June 21, 1859; John E., born Feb.
3, 1862; Samantha F., born Jan. 2, 1864; Alwilda
E., born July 20, 1866.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page 820 |
Marion Twp. -
honorable, and useful career was that of the late Dr.
James F. Wilson, of New Holland, Perry Township,
Pickaway County, and his name is revered by a wide circle of
friends. His face was familiar to almost every
inhabitant of the western part of Pickaway and the eastern
part of Fayette counties, and there are thousands who can
testify to his professional thoroughness and ability, and to
his intrinsic worth as a man. His was a character that
won universal respect by its simple dignity, earnestness,
firmness, and unvarying integrity. Not a member of any
church, he was yet strongly imbued with the faith of
Christianity, and his daily life put in practice those
principles which are its teachings. He was a liberal
supporter of the church, too, and noted for the charity he
bestowed on other objects in many directions, being a kind
friend to the poor and distressed. One of the most
noble of his acts of charity, and one of the strongest
indications of his large-hearted patriotism, was during the
war. Many of the men who enlisted in the companies,
which were afterward assigned to the Ninetieth and One
Hundred and Fourteenth regiments, Ohio volunteers, were
indebted to him for professional services. To all such
he gave receipted bills; and to all the members of these two
companies, and to other soldiers who went into the war from
the vicinity of his home, the doctor made promises, which he
faithfully fulfilled, to give their families his services
free of charge.
James F. Wilson was the son of John and Mary
Wilson, who immigrated from Kentucky to Ross County,
Ohio, about the year 1802. He was born near
Chillicothe, Oct. 5, 1808, and his early years were spent
upon the home farm. At the age of twenty-one years, he
went to Greenfield, Highland County, and there began the
study of medicine under the direction of Dr. Daniel
Robbins. He was finally after long and careful
reading granted a diploma by the medical society of the
district, and upon thus being authorized to practice his
profession, immediately removed to New Holland, of which
place he was the first resident physician.
Although possessing a fair medical education, he was
not satisfied; and so, after four years' practice, during
which time he saved from his accumulated means the sum
necessary to pay his expenses, he entered the Ohio Medical
College of Cincinnati. He graduated from this
institution with a good record, and returned to New Holland,
resuming his practice, and following it all the rest of his
life. His ride was a large one, and his practice as
successful and lucrative as the country could bestow.
His professional reputation be came firmly established early
in his career, and he took rank with the best physicians in
the county, and was frequently called upon to spare time
from his professional duties in the immediate neighborhood,
to attend councils of physicians in localities at a
considerable distance. Dr. Wilson had an
enviable reputation as a surgeon, as well as a physician,
being regarded as one of the best in this part of the state.
He was for a time, during the war, located at Camp Chase,
and in his capacity as surgeon, his services were of great
He bought, in 1850, a fine farm, just over the line, in
Marion Township, Fayette County, and in the western part of
New Holland village, which was cleared and improved under
his direction, and transformed from wild wood land into a
beautiful agricultural tract. In 1868, he removed to
the house he had provided upon his farm - the tasteful home,
where his widow yet resides.
Dr. Wilson was, for the last twenty years of his
life, afflicted with heart disease, and he died of this
malady, Jan. 21, 1875, leaving a wife and one son.
Mrs. Wilson's maiden name was Letitia Dunlap, and
she was a daughter of James and Elizabeth Dunlap, of
Ross County. She was born May 24, 1816, and married
Aug. 31, 1837.
The only son of James F. and Letitia Wilson is
John M., one of Ohio's men of ability and
distinction. He was born Sept. 19, 1838. In his
sixteenth year he attended Antioch College, and remained
there four years, under the instruction of the famous
Horace Mann. After President Mann's death,
young Wilson entered Union college at Schenectady,
New York, where he graduated with the class of 1862. H
read law at Columbus, with the Hon. Chauncy N. Olds,
and was admitted to the bar of the Supreme Court in Ohio, in
1864, and commenced the practice of his profession that same
year, at Cincinnati, as the senior member of the firm of
Wilson & Champion. He represented Hamilton County
two years - in 1871 and 1873 - in the legislature, and in
the latter year, at the expiration of his term, was
appointed, by President Grant, as consul to Bremen.
He remained there as the representative of the United
States, two and one-half years, and was then appointed to
the consulship at Hamburg, where he remained until July 1,
1879. He is at present consul-general to the Columbian
States of South America, and is located at Panama. He
married, Dec. 25, 1866, Carrie R. Turpin, of Newton,
Hamilton County, Ohio.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page
913 |
Union Twp. -
L. WILSON, carpenter, Washington, was born Sept. 18,
1835, and is a son of James N. and Maria Wilson.
His father is a native of North Carolina, and his mother of
Ross County, Ohio. The former came to Ohio in 1823,
the latter in 1827. They had six children.
Our subject was married Jan. 21, 1867, to Anna,
daughter of James G. and Tabitha Jolly, of Clinton
County, Ohio, who bore him two children: James G. and
Zeda B. He is a member of Fayette Lodge No.
107, and Chapter No. 103, F. & A. M. He received his
education in Washington, where his youth was spent. In
politics he is a Republican.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page
636 |
Jefferson Twp. -
DANIEL WOOD. The Wood family
are of English descent, but nothing definite is known as to
the date of their immigration to America.
Grandfather Isaac Wood, and Rachel, his wife, are
the oldest of the name of whom anything is known. They
were, perhaps, natives of Pendleton County, Virginia.
He was born Dec. 25, 1729, and died Apr. 21, 1803; his wife
was born Mar. 1, 1747, and died Aug. 29, 1822. Their
children were James, Elizabeth, Susanna, John, Daniel,
Ann, Joel, William, Isaac, and Jacob. Some
of the family became residents of the western states.
Joel, Jacob, William, and their mother, ended their days
in Ohio.
Jacob Wood, the father of
Daniel, was born in Virginia, and at the age of fifteen,
went to Kentucky on a visit, where he was married, about the
year 1808, to Rachel, daughter of Daniel Ramey.
They had two children born to them in Kentucky, and in
December, 1811, they immigrated to Ohio, on pack-horses,
bringing a few household goods, and located in Union
Township, this county. In 1833, he bought a farm on
Rattlesnake, in Jasper Township. Here his wife died.
He married his second wife about 1844, by whom he had no
children. He died at the age of seventy-nine, and is
buried at Waterloo.
Daniel Wood, the subject of this sketch, was the
second child, and first son, of his father's family, and was
born in Kentucky, Aug. 10, 1811, coming to Ohio with his
parents at four months of age. He was married, Sept.
10, 1838, to Tabitha, second daughter of Walter
and Elizabeth (Francis) Leach, of Brown County.
She died, July 12, 1878, aged seventy-two years. To
them were born three sons and one daughter: William D.,
born Feb. 27, 1841; Cordelia A., born June 25, 1843;
Roma F., born May 1, 1845, died Sept. 27, 1849;
Marcellus T., born Nov. 2, 1846, enlisted as a soldier,
and died at Murfreesboro, Tennessee, May 7, 1865, aged
eighteen years.
William married for his second wife, he married
Rebecca Swoup,' May 2, 1872. Cordelia
married General Stephen B. Yeoman, in 1865, and lives
in Washington.
Our subject was married to his second wife, Mrs.
Susan Adkins, widow of William Adkins, Feb. 4,
1880. She is the third daughter of John and Frances
(Randall) Yocom, of Pickaway County. By her first
marriage, she had two sons: James Vincent, and
William H., both of whom reside with their mother and
Mr. Wood became a member of the Baptist Church,
at nineteen years of age, since which time his life has been
that of a consistent Christian. He has cheerfully
borne the burdens incident to the support of the ministry,
and the building of houses of worship. In politics he
is a decided Republican. By close attention to
farming, and legitimate business, he has gained a
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page
968 |
Wayne Twp. -
NEWELL B. WOOD. The ancestors of
Mr. Wood came from Normandy to Ireland, in the
eleventh century. One family came to America in 1740;
the head of this family was the father of William Wood,
born in Maryland. His son, Isaac, removed to
this state from Kings County, Pennsylvania, December, 1810.
A few years after the Woods' came to America, they
were followed by James Savage, who located near
Augusta, Maine. Amos Brailey was born in Maine,
in 1776. Alice Savage is a daughter of
Joseph, a son of Isaac, who came from Ireland.
Alice was united in marriage to Amos Brailey.
Their daughter, Rebecca, came to Meigs County, Ohio,
April, 1817. Jan. 12, 1838, she was united in marriage
to John Wood, the union being blessed by three
children: Annas, born Aug. 26, 1839; Newell B.,
July 16, 1843, and Ruel B., Oct. 26, 1845.
Mr. Wood departed this life, Oct. 11, 1845. His
wife died, April, 1850.
Our subject was born, July 16, 1843, in Rutland
Township, Meigs County, Ohio. His father having died
one year previous, at three years of age, removed, with his
mother, to Milton Township, Jackson County, locating on a
farm, which has recently been purchased by the managers of
the railroad running through it, and abounds in coal.
While attending school in the rude log cabin, as well was
dug, those doing the work came upon a vein of coal, but did
not use it for fuel, owning to the absence of proper
facilities for burning it. He remained on his farm
until 1855, when they took a trip to Indiana, where they
remained one year. At that time the market was dull,
labor cheap, and prices high. They again located in
Jackson County, where they remained until 1867, when they
returned to their old home in Meigs County, and stayed two
years. During the intervening time, his grandfather's
estate had been in court fourteen years. It was quite
valuable, but finally realized the three heirs but one
hundred dollars each.
He next worked on a farm in Jackson County, until 1863;
spent one year in Pickaway County, near New Holland, and in
the years 1864 - '66, worked for William McGee, at
the Iron Valley Furnace, enjoying the confidence and esteem
of his employer while there.
He was married, Mar. 14, 1867, to Almed L.,
daughter of George W. Phillips, who still resides in
Jackson County. The union has been blessed with six
children: Ida, born June 27, 1868; Haley R.
Nov. 17, 1859; Clarence A., Mar. 13, 1872; Jesse
G., Nov. 2, 1875; John B., July 28, 1878, and
Charlie Lawrence, Oct. 3, 1879. After his
marriage, he moved to Vinton County, Ohio, and engaged in
burning charcoal. He remained one season, then
returned to his former employer (McGee), whose
furnace had been idle during the interval, and remained
until 1871, when he removed to the farm he now occupies.
He is a member of Fayette Lodge, No. 187, F. and A. M.,
and was made Master Mason, in Mineral Lodge, Vinton County.
He went out from Pickaway County to assist in capturing
Morgan and was gone eighteen days.
He occupies the John Boyd tract, which contains
one thousand acres, divided by the Bogus road, and Ohio
Southern Railroad. It is well improved. He has
cleared about three hundred and fifty acres, constructed
over twenty-five miles of fence, which required one hundred
and seventeen thousand new rails. The land is well
drained, and contains five thousand two hundred and
seventy-five rods of tile, and seven hundred and seventy
rods of open ditch. He opened the first coal mine on
the Ohio Southern Railroad, and is still interested in its
management. He farms largely to grain and ships by the
Ohio Southern Road.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page
873 |
Twp. -
child of Daniel and Tabitha (Leach) Wood, and was
born in this county on the 27th of February, 1841. The
genealogy of the Wood Family appears in connection
with the biography of Daniel Wood.
Our subject was fairly educated in the common
schools of his neighborhood, and acquired studious habits,
which he still retains. He gave the years of his
minority to hard work on his father's farm. He was
married, Feb. 27, 1866, to Mary Parker, second
daughter of Elder Joseph Parker, of Warren County,
Ohio. She bore one son, John F. born Jan. 19,
1867; died Apr. 27, 1875. Mrs. Wood was born,
May 17, 1843, and died July 15, 1871.
Mr. Wood married his present wife, May 2, 1872.
She is the fifth child of Thomas and Rebecca (Lefever)
Swope, of Fairfield County, Ohio. He father came
to Ohio from Pennsylvania, in 1801, when Thomas was
one year old. Mrs. Wood was born, Aug. 31,
1834. They have two sons: Thomas A., born Mar.
23, 1874, and Arly R. born Nov. 13, 1879.
Mrs. Wood's uncles and aunts, on the father's side,
were: Lawrence, John, David, Rachel, Ann, Mary, and
Mr. Wood has a fine record as a soldier. He
enlisted in Company A, of the fifty-fourth Ohio Infantry, in
September, 1861, and served faithfully until August, 1865.
The fifty-fourth marched during its term of service a
distance of three thousand, six hundred and eighty-two
miles, participated in four sieges, nine severe skirmishes,
fifteen general engagements, and sustained a loss of five
hundred and six men killed wounded and missing.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page
967 |
Concord Twp. -
ROBERT WORTHINGTON, farmer and stock raiser, was
born Sept. 28, 1831. His father, Joseph Worthington,
was born in Ross County, this state, Feb. 8, 1804. In
the year 1827, he married Hannah Shields, and the
following year moved to Fairfield Township, Highland County,
this state, and settled on a farm where he has continuously
resided until the present time. He has been one of the
most widely and well known men of this county; although
taking no very active part in politics or other affairs.
His occupation has been farming, and he has been remarkably
successful, accumulating a large property. This aged
couple has been blessed with four children: Thomas,
born in 1829; Joseph, born in 1833; William D.,
born in 1837, died June 4, 1854.
Our subject married Catharine Cox, Mar. 17,
1853, by whom he had one son, who was left motherless by the
death of the mother which occurred in one year after her
marriage. Mr. Worthington's mother took charge
of the infant babe, and has seen him grow up to manhood.
He still remains with his grandparents, though twenty-seven
years of age. Robert remained single for eight
years, living a lonely life on his large farm.
Sometimes having a family with him in his house, and
sometimes all alone.
In July, 1863, he was called to Chillicothe, this
state, in defence of his country, and especially in
opposition to John Morgan and his raiders. By a
seemingly strange coincidence of circumstances, he was led
in the midst of that most wonderful excitement, on that
memorable occasion, to the house of Andrew McDonald
for food and shelter, where he formed the acquaintance of
his present wife, Miss Jennie McDonald, daughter of
Mr. McDonald. Miss Jennie was a bright,
intelligent, and cultivated young lady, teaching school in
the city and residing with her parents. Dec. 10th, of
the same year, they were married; soon after, she came with
her husband to his log cabin, on his magnificent farm, on
the waters of Rattlesnake Creek, on the road leading from
Staunton to Leesburgh.
This is quite a change for Mrs. Worthington,
from the city, the school room and a nice city home, to the
log cabin on a thousand acre farm; but she was equal to the
task, and most grandly has she succeeded in this new order
of things. Mr. Worthington thinks that the
Morgan raid was not so disastrous after all, at least so
far as he is concerned. They have two children:
Maggie, born Dec. 29, 1866; William, born Apr.
19, 1870. They have also an adopted daughter, Rhoda
Tobin, adopted when but four years of age, now a young
lady of nineteen, much loved by the family. Indeed,
she is regarded as one of the family.
The farm consists of twelve hundred and twenty-two
acres, all in a high state of cultivation, mostly used for
grazing purposes. Some three hundred head of cattle
are fed and grazed by Mr. Worthington each year on
his farm.
In 1871, he built a magnificent residence, which is one
of the finest in the county, at a cost of more than nine
thousand dollars, which he occupies. This family are
devout Christians, all members of the Methodist Episcopal
The writer of this sketch has been in the ministry for
more than thirty years; In all that time, seldom, if
ever, has he met a family of so much wealth and business, so
fully devoted to God and his cause as this family.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page
760 |
Concord Twp. -
farmer and stock raiser, is a son of Joseph and Harriet
Worthington, whose biography appears elsewhere in this
book. He was born in Fairfield Township, Highland
County, Ohio, Aug. 18, 1829. At the age of seventeen,
he was placed by his father in charge of his large farm, on
the waters of Rattlesnake Creek, in this township.
Here he remained, and continued to work for his father,
until he was twenty-seven years of age, when he married
Sarilda Parey, daughter of Samuel Parey, of
Highland County. She died in one year and six months
after her marriage. Mr. Worthington married for
his second wife, Mrs. Margaret Spencer (formerly
Margaret Pensinger), by whom he had two children:
Joseph Burnell, now married, and living on his father's
farm, and Harriet, also married, and living on the
home farm.
Mr. Worthington's farm contains some fifteen
hundred acres of as rich, fertile land as can be found in
the county, all in one body, being on the east side of
Rattlesnake Creek, reaching up to the Snow Hill pike and
situated on both sides of the Charleston road The
entire farm is under fence, and in a good state of
cultivation. Much of it is used for meadow and grazing
purposes. Our subject confines himself strictly to his
business, giving personal attention to the varied interests
of his large farm.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page
760 |
Concord Twp. -
farmer and stock raiser, was born in Mar. 1812. He is
a son of John Wright, whose biography, or family
history appears in the sketch of Concord Township. Our
subject married Sarah Wright (no relationship
existing) in 1833, by whom he had three children, one son
and two daughters: Margaret, Samantha Jane, and
Jasper W. Mrs. Wright died Oct. 19, 1840.
In 1843, Mr. Wright married Margaret Caylor,
by whom he had one son, John A., who lives on a farm
near Jeffersonville, in this county. Jasper W.
owns and lives on the portion of his father's home farm
lying on the east side of Sugar Creek, in Union Township.
The two daughters are living at home with their parents.
Samantha Jane has been married twice; both husbands
are dead. She has an interesting son, ten years of
age, James L. Cannon, living with her and his
Mr. Wright is the owner of a most excellent farm
on Sugar Creek, where he resides, and is quite active and
enterprising for a man of his years. His wife is his
senior by several years, and shows signs of advancing
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page
762 |
Jefferson Twp.
Jeffersonville, is a son of James and Nancy (Johnson)
Wright, who were natives of Virginia. They were
married in Ross County, this state, about 182, and remained
there a short time, and then removed to Pike County, where
Mrs. Wright died in 1845, aged sixty-eight years.
Mr. Wright died in Illinois in 1842, aged about
seventy-two years. They had a family of nine children,
all of whom lived to maturity.
Our subject, who is the youngest, was born Aug. 15,
1825, and has been twice married. Dec. 22, 1852, he
has married to Miss Mary E. Wright, who bore him one
child, Charles W. She died Mar. 15, 1866.
On the 22d of June, 1868, he was united with Miss Mary F.
Carr. Two children are the result of this
marriage: Amy A. and Isy G.; the latter died
June 11, 1871.
Mrs. Wright has a farm of forty-five acres, well
improved, situated one and one-half mile north of
Jeffersonville. His second wife was a member of the
Methodist Protestant Church.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page
706 |
Jefferson Twp.
(Carr) Wright, Jeffersonville, was born in this county,
Mar. 29, 1813. On the 2d of January, 1830, she was
married to Mathias B. Wright, who, with a Mr.
Horney, bought the land where Jeffersonville now stands,
and laid out the town in 1830. Mr. Wright died
July 3, 1876, aged sixty-eight years. He was born in
Ross County, Ohio, and came to this county with his parents
when about nine years of age. They had a family of ten
children: Walter S., Mary E., Amanda J., Mathias K.,
Ruhama A., John M., William C., and Amanda J.,
are deceased. The surviving ones are all married.
Walter married Miss Nancy Allen, of this
county, and had four children, three living.
Mary E. married John W. Wright, of his
county, and has one child.
Ruhama married Joseph W. Haymaker, of
this county, and has five children.
Mathias K., born Sept. 6, 1838, married Miss
Maria L. Hooker, of Fairfield county, (born Jun.
9, 1841,) on the 18th of April, 1861. He has a farm of
one hundred acres, situated one-half mile north of
Jeffersonville. He is one of Fayette County's
prominent stock dealers, and deals largely in Poland-China
hogs, and fine sheep. Has taken several premiums at
county fairs; also at the Tri-State Fair, Toledo, and the
Southern Ohio Fair, Dayton.
John M. married Miss Catherine Milburn,
of Greene County. They have four children.
Sarah E. married Peter T. Wigginton, of
this county, and has five children.
Frank married Miss Laurinda Jackson, of
this county. They have two children.
Mrs. Wright lives in Jeffersonville. She
and Mr. Wright were members of prominent pioneer
families. The family is of good repute, and highly
respected. Mrs. Wright, John, and Amanda
are members of the Methodist Protestant Church. Mr.
Wright and M. K. were members of the Universalist
Church, where M. K. still retains his membership.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page
706 |
Jefferson Twp.
Jeffersonville, son of M. B. Wright, (whose history
appears in this work,) was born in this township, Mar. 28,
1832. On the 15th of April, 1860, he was married to
Miss Nancy Allen. Four children are the result of
this union: Olive M., Almer A., Lucy R., and
one who died in infancy.
In August, 1862, Mr. Wright enlisted in Company
K, 44th O. V. I., at Washington. In 1864 the entire
company enlisted in Company K, O. V. C., and served until
the close of the war, when they were honorably discharged.
He received an injury while in the service that will be a
detriment to him through life. Has a farm of
sixty-eight acres, well improved, situated one and
three-fourth miles north of Jeffersonville.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page
705 |