
- A - |
Abbe, Daniel, |
shoem'k'r, |
res. east side 3d bet. South and Mound. |
Abbott, J. S., |
clerk at Post Office, |
res. S. E. cor. Front & Friend. |
Acheson, Thos. |
(Sherwood & Co.) |
boards at American Hotel. |
Adams, Demas, |
res. east side 3d, near Broad. |
Adams, James |
hatter, |
res. W. s 4th bet. Long & Spring. |
Adams, Wm., |
tailor, |
res. east side High, near Town. |
Adenton, Simon, |
carpenter, |
north side South Public Lane, near Third |
Allen, C. W., |
pedler |
res. W. s. 3d bet. Rich and Town |
Allspiker, George, Laborer, |
laborer, |
res. 3d bet. 2d & 3ed alleys. |
Altman, John |
wagonmaker |
res. south side S. P. Lane, between Scioto
and Friend. |
Altman, Wm., |
pumpmaker, |
res. S-E cor. Town & 3d. |
Ambos, P., |
confectioner, |
res. west side High opposite State Offices. |
American Hotel, |
N-W cor High & State. |
Amos, Walter |
Merchant Tailor |
res. east side Fourth, between Broad sand
State. |
Andrews, John W., |
att'y at law |
res. east side Third, between State and
Broad. |
Andrews, Sam'l. C., |
att'y at law, |
res. west side High, between Mound and
Friend. |
Antone, N., |
gardner |
res. High, near College. |
Armbruster, John G. |
brushmaker, |
res. east side High, near Friend. |
Armstrong, John |
tavern keeper |
west side High, between Town and Rich. |
Armstrong, John G., |
carpenter, |
res. N. W. cor. Rich and Scioto. |
Armstrong, Robert |
Land agent |
res. north side Broad, near Front. |
Armstrong, Robert |
carpenter |
res. E s Front nr. Friend. |
Armstrong, Wm., |
tailor, |
res. S s Town bet. High & 3d. |
Asbery, Thos., |
res. N.W. cor High and Mound. |
Aston, James |
Cabinetmaker |
res. N-W corner High & Gay |
Aston, Thos. (Aston & S.) |
boards at Wm. Aston's |
Aston, Wm. (A. & Son) |
Soap & Candlemaker |
res. West side Front, between Gay and Long |
Auder, John |
laborer |
res. south side South, near High. |
Aumock, C., |
pumpmaker, |
res. north side Mound, bet. 3d and High. |
Avaider, John |
cupulo tender, Frank, Foundery |
, res. near Foundery. |
Ayers, E. |
tinner |
boards at City House. |
- B - |
Backur, E., |
att'y. at law, |
bds. at Mrs. Backus' |
Backus, Andrew, |
cab'mak'r., |
res. E. s. High bt. Town and Rich. |
Backus, Temperance, Mrs. |
res. east side Front bet. Long & Gay. |
Bailey, James, |
carpenter, |
res. S. s. Rich bt. 3d and High. |
Baine, John, |
confectioner, |
res. W. s. High near South. |
Baker, Charles, |
clerk at Hayden & Co.'s. |
res. west side Front bet. State & Broad. |
Baker, J. W., |
dentist, |
bds. at City House. |
Baker, John, |
weaver, |
res. W. s. 4th bt. Spring & North. |
Baley, Wiley, |
guard O. P., |
res. S. s. Broad near Front. |
Ball, Aaron |
(B. Hand & Co.) |
res. west side 3d bt. State and Rich. |
Bambrough, Wm., |
port. Painter, |
res. E. s. Long bt. 3d and High. |
Baptist Church, |
N-W cor. 3d & Rich. |
Barcus, E., |
carpenter, |
res. N. s. Rich bt. 3d and High. |
Bare, Clemment, |
laborer, |
res. W. s. Front near S. P. L. |
Barker, C. A., |
harnessmaker at Hayden & Co.'s, |
res. north side Town near 4th. |
Barker, Philip |
carpenter, |
res. S. s. College near New. |
Barker, Wm., |
carpenter, |
res. S. s. College near New. |
Barnet, Isaac |
res. south side friend near 3d. |
Barnhart, Mrs. |
res. N s Rich bt 6th and 7th |
Barnhart, Daniel, |
mason, |
res. N. s. Town, near 4th. |
Barns, Robert, |
butcher, |
res S-W cor Rich and 7th |
Barns, Sam'l T. |
butcher, |
res S-W cor Town and 7th. |
Barth, Andrew, |
weaver, |
res. N. W. cor. 3 and 2 alley. |
Barth, N., |
Buck Tavern, |
S. s. Friend near High. |
Bartol, Abner, |
office agent at Neil, Moore & Co.'s. |
bds. at Neil House. |
Bates, J. L., |
(Swayne & B.) att'y. at law, |
bds. at A. Kelley's. |
Batterson, Calvin R. |
Carpenter, |
res. S s Rich bt 4th and 5th |
Batterson, Daniel, |
teamster, |
res. N. s. Town, near 4th. |
Batterson, Eli B., |
carpenter, |
res. N. s. Rich bt. Front and High. |
Bay, Thos., |
grocer, |
E. s. High near Broad. |
Bayler, J. E., |
saddler, |
bds. at City House. |
Baylor, Charlotte, Mrs. |
seamstress, |
res. N. side Friend near 3d. |
Beck, Fred'k C. |
stonemason, |
res. E s 3d bt South and Mound |
Beck, L., |
tailor, |
res. W. s. Front near Rich. |
Beck, Leonard, |
stone mason, |
res. North side South bt. 3d and High. |
Belford, Richard, |
guard O. P. |
res. west side Front bet. Last & North Lane |
Belsford, Sam'l. |
woolen manufac'r, |
res. N. side Town near 4th. |
Benner, Henry, |
stonemason, |
res. West side 3d bt. South and S. P. Lane. |
Bennignus, Fred'k |
tavernkeeper, |
res. N-W cor Friend and 7th |
Bentz, Fred'k. |
confectioner, |
res. W. s. High near Rich. |
Berck, Barnard, |
brewer, |
res. North side South bt. 3d and High. |
Betz, Charles, |
laborer, |
res. W. s. 4th bt. Spring & Gay. |
Betz, Christian, |
res. E. s. 3d bt. Spring and Gay. |
Biddle, Thos., |
carpenter, |
res. S. s. North bt. 3d & High. |
Bills, Mary, Mrs., |
washerwoman, |
res. E. s. Gay bt. 3d and High. |
Bills, Samuel, |
pumpm'k'r., |
res. N. E. cor. High & 3d al'y. |
Bisson, Morris |
sawyer, |
S-W cor Mound and 5th |
Blain, John T., |
clerk at P. O., |
res. west side Front bet. State & Broad. |
Blake, Benjamin |
coachmaker, |
res. west side Front bet. State & Broad. |
Blanchard, Davis, |
teamster, |
res. East side High bt. N. P. L. and 1st
alley. |
Blankler, Thos. |
laborer, |
W. s. 3d bt. 4th and 5th alleys. |
Boalinder, Wm., |
laborer, |
res. N. E. cor. High & 2d al'y. |
Boeshams, Wm., |
carpenter, |
S. W. Cor. New & College. |
Boner, Philander, |
brickmaker, |
res. S. s. Rich near Scioto. |
Bonsell, thos., |
school teacher, |
res. E. s. 3d near Town. |
Boos, L., |
laborer, |
res. S. E. Cor. Front & S. P. Lane. |
Booth, Ezra |
(B. & Minor) coachmaker, |
res. W. s. High near Broad. |
Boswell, Jacob, |
carpenter, |
res. N. s. Rich bt. 3d & High. |
Bosworth, S. B., |
teacher at Col. Inst., |
bds. At Mr. Hall's. |
Boulus, Peter, |
laborer, |
west side New bt. College and 5th alley. |
Bowen, Isaac, |
laborer, |
res. W. s. Front & Scioto. |
Bower, David, |
laborer, |
res. E. s. 3d bt. 4th and 5th alleys. |
Bowman, George, |
clockmaker, |
res. N. W. cor. Friend and 3d. |
Bown, H., Mrs., |
dressmaker, |
bds. At Mr. Jarvois'. |
Bown, Thos. |
painter, |
res. N side Rich bt 6th and 7th |
Bradford, Sam'l., |
boat capt., |
res. S. s. Scioto near Friend. |
Breit, John, |
shoemaker, |
res. East side High bt. South and S. P.
Lane. |
Breyfogle, Charles |
(Williams & B.) tailor, |
res. west side Front bt. Friend and Mound. |
Brickell, John, |
paver, |
res. N. s. Friend bt. Scioto and Canal. |
Brickell, John, Jr. |
farmer, |
res. Near new Penitentiary |
Brickell, John, Sr., |
farmer, |
res. near new Penitentiary |
Brickle, Michael |
laborer, |
res. N s Mound bt 3d & rth |
Bridgeman, John |
carpenter, |
res. S s Mound near 5th |
Bridleman, John R., |
blacksmith, |
res. Canal near Broad |
Brite, Mary, Mrs. |
washerwo., |
res. S. W. cor. 3d and Spring. |
Brockelhurst, John, |
res. E. s. High near Friend. |
Brockelhurst, Mrs., |
milliner, |
res. E. s. High near Friend. |
Broderick, John C., |
chairmaker, |
res. S. s. Town bt. 3d and High. |
Bronson, C. H. |
clerk, |
bds at H. W. Derby's |
Brooks, David, |
Eagle Hotel, |
E. s. High bt. Town & Rich. |
Brooks, John, |
res. S-E cor. Rich and 3d. |
Brooks, Reuben, |
dentist, |
W. s. Front near South. |
Brooks, W. B., |
grocer, |
bds. at J. Brooks'. |
Brotherlin, Adam, |
farmer, |
res. E. s. High near Spring. |
Brough, John |
Aud. State, |
res. E. s. High bet. State and Town. |
Brown, A. C., |
boot and shoemaker, |
res. East side High near Friend. |
Brown, J. M. |
(George & B.) grocer, |
res. N-E cor. High and Friend. |
Brown, James S. |
schoolteacher, |
res. S s Town near 7th |
Brown, John, |
carpenter, |
res. W. s. 3d near S. P. Lane. |
Brown, Wm., |
res. E. s. Front near Broad. |
Bruck, J. P., |
cabinetm'k'r., |
res. W. s. Front near Friend. |
Brunson, B. R. |
(B. & McLene), |
res. S. S. State near 3d. |
Brush, Sam'l. |
(B. & Gilbert) att'y. at law, |
bds. at S. Crosby's. |
Bryden, James, |
res. S. s. Rich b. 3d and High. |
Brydon, David |
carpenter, |
res. S s Friend near 6th. |
Buck, S., |
jeweler, |
res. op. State Offices. |
Buckeye House, |
north side Broad near High. |
Bullock, John |
carpenter, |
bds at A. Menely's |
Burdell, Wm., |
merchant tailor, |
bds at Neil House. |
Burkle, Vincen, |
tailor, |
res. N. W. cor. Friend and 3d. |
Burns, John, |
cook at Neil House, |
res. west side Broad near Front |
Burr, Levi J., |
res. S. E. Cor. Town and 4th. |
Bush, Francis |
wagonmaker |
res. S-W cor Friend & 4th |
Butler, Henry, |
carpenter, |
res. Front bt. Town & Rich. |
Buttalph, Thos. S., |
carpenter, |
res. E. side 6th bt. Rich and Friend. |
Buttler, T. B., |
clerk, |
bds. At City House. |
Buttles, A. |
(B., Comstock & Co.) |
res. . S. Rich bt. 3d and High. |
Buttles, Joel |
(B. & Runyon,) |
res. east side 3d bt. State and Broad |