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- A -

Abbe, Daniel, shoem'k'r, res. east side 3d bet. South and Mound.
Abbott, J. S., clerk at Post Office, res. S. E. cor. Front & Friend.
Acheson, Thos. (Sherwood & Co.) boards at American Hotel.
Adams, Demas,   res. east side 3d, near Broad.
Adams, James hatter, res. W. s 4th bet. Long & Spring.
Adams, Wm., tailor, res. east side High, near Town.
Adenton, Simon, carpenter, north side South Public Lane, near Third
Allen, C. W., pedler res. W. s. 3d bet. Rich and Town
Allspiker, George, Laborer, laborer, res. 3d bet. 2d & 3ed alleys.
Altman, John wagonmaker res. south side S. P. Lane, between Scioto and Friend.
Altman, Wm., pumpmaker, res. S-E cor. Town & 3d.
Ambos, P., confectioner, res. west side High opposite State Offices.
American Hotel,   N-W cor High & State. 
Amos, Walter Merchant Tailor res. east side Fourth, between Broad sand State.
Andrews, John W., att'y at law res. east side Third, between State and Broad.
Andrews, Sam'l. C., att'y at law, res. west side High, between Mound and Friend.
Antone, N., gardner res. High, near College.
Armbruster, John G. brushmaker, res. east side High, near Friend.
Armstrong, John tavern keeper west side High, between Town and Rich.
Armstrong, John G., carpenter, res. N. W. cor. Rich and Scioto.
Armstrong, Robert Land agent res. north side Broad, near Front.
Armstrong, Robert carpenter res. E s Front nr. Friend.
Armstrong, Wm., tailor, res. S s Town bet. High & 3d.
Asbery, Thos.,   res. N.W. cor High and Mound.
Aston, James Cabinetmaker res. N-W corner High & Gay
Aston, Thos. (Aston & S.)   boards at Wm. Aston's
Aston, Wm. (A. & Son) Soap & Candlemaker res. West side Front, between Gay  and Long
Auder, John laborer res. south side South, near High.
Aumock, C., pumpmaker, res. north side Mound, bet. 3d and High.
Avaider, John cupulo tender, Frank, Foundery , res. near Foundery.
Ayers, E. tinner boards at City House.

- B -

Backur, E., att'y. at law, bds. at Mrs. Backus'
Backus, Andrew, cab'mak'r., res. E. s. High bt. Town and Rich.
Backus, Temperance, Mrs.   res. east side Front bet. Long & Gay.
Bailey, James, carpenter, res. S. s. Rich bt. 3d and High.
Baine, John, confectioner, res. W. s. High near South.
Baker, Charles, clerk at Hayden & Co.'s. res. west side Front bet. State & Broad.
Baker, J. W., dentist, bds. at City House.
Baker, John, weaver, res. W. s. 4th bt. Spring & North.
Baley, Wiley, guard O. P., res. S. s. Broad near Front.
Ball, Aaron (B. Hand & Co.) res. west side 3d bt. State and Rich.
Bambrough, Wm., port. Painter, res. E. s. Long bt. 3d and High.
Baptist Church,   N-W cor. 3d & Rich.
Barcus, E., carpenter,  res. N. s. Rich bt. 3d and High.
Bare, Clemment, laborer, res. W. s. Front near S. P. L.
Barker, C. A., harnessmaker at Hayden & Co.'s, res. north side Town near 4th.
Barker, Philip carpenter, res. S. s. College near New.
Barker, Wm., carpenter, res. S. s. College near New.
Barnet, Isaac   res. south side friend near 3d.
Barnhart, Mrs.   res. N s Rich bt 6th and 7th
Barnhart, Daniel, mason, res. N. s. Town, near 4th.
Barns, Robert, butcher, res S-W cor Rich and 7th
Barns, Sam'l T. butcher, res S-W cor Town and 7th.
Barth, Andrew, weaver, res. N. W. cor. 3 and 2 alley.
Barth, N., Buck Tavern, S. s. Friend near High.
Bartol, Abner, office agent at Neil, Moore & Co.'s. bds. at Neil House.
Bates, J. L., (Swayne & B.) att'y. at law, bds. at A. Kelley's.
Batterson, Calvin R. Carpenter, res. S s Rich bt 4th and 5th
Batterson, Daniel, teamster, res. N. s. Town, near 4th.
Batterson, Eli B., carpenter, res. N. s. Rich bt. Front and High.
Bay, Thos., grocer, E. s. High near Broad.
Bayler, J. E., saddler, bds. at City House.
Baylor, Charlotte, Mrs. seamstress, res. N. side Friend near 3d.
Beck, Fred'k C. stonemason, res. E s 3d bt South and Mound
Beck, L., tailor,  res. W. s. Front near Rich.
Beck, Leonard, stone mason, res. North side South bt. 3d and High.
Belford, Richard, guard O. P. res. west side Front bet. Last & North Lane
Belsford, Sam'l. woolen manufac'r, res. N. side Town near 4th.
Benner, Henry, stonemason, res. West side 3d bt. South and S. P. Lane.
Bennignus, Fred'k tavernkeeper, res. N-W cor Friend and 7th
Bentz, Fred'k. confectioner, res. W. s. High near Rich.
Berck, Barnard, brewer, res. North side South bt. 3d and High.
Betz, Charles, laborer, res. W. s. 4th bt. Spring & Gay.
Betz, Christian,   res. E. s. 3d bt. Spring and Gay.
Biddle, Thos., carpenter,  res. S. s. North bt. 3d & High.
Bills, Mary, Mrs., washerwoman, res. E. s. Gay bt. 3d and High.
Bills, Samuel, pumpm'k'r., res. N. E. cor. High & 3d al'y.
Bisson, Morris sawyer, S-W cor Mound and 5th
Blain, John T., clerk at P. O., res. west side Front bet. State & Broad.
Blake, Benjamin coachmaker, res. west side Front bet. State & Broad.
Blanchard, Davis, teamster, res. East side High bt. N. P. L. and 1st alley.
Blankler, Thos. laborer, W. s. 3d bt. 4th and 5th alleys.
Boalinder, Wm., laborer, res. N. E. cor. High & 2d al'y.
Boeshams, Wm., carpenter, S. W. Cor. New & College.
Boner, Philander, brickmaker, res. S. s. Rich near Scioto.
Bonsell, thos., school teacher, res. E. s. 3d near Town.
Boos, L., laborer, res. S. E. Cor. Front & S. P. Lane.
Booth, Ezra (B. & Minor) coachmaker, res. W. s. High near Broad.
Boswell, Jacob, carpenter, res. N. s. Rich bt. 3d & High.
Bosworth, S. B., teacher at Col. Inst., bds. At Mr. Hall's.
Boulus, Peter, laborer, west side New bt. College and 5th alley.
Bowen, Isaac, laborer,  res. W. s. Front & Scioto.
Bower, David, laborer, res. E. s. 3d bt. 4th and 5th alleys.
Bowman, George, clockmaker,  res. N. W. cor. Friend and 3d.
Bown, H., Mrs., dressmaker, bds. At Mr. Jarvois'.
Bown, Thos. painter, res. N side Rich bt 6th and 7th
Bradford, Sam'l., boat capt., res. S. s. Scioto near Friend.
Breit, John, shoemaker, res. East side High bt. South and S. P. Lane.
Breyfogle, Charles (Williams & B.) tailor, res. west side Front bt. Friend and Mound.
Brickell, John, paver, res. N. s. Friend bt. Scioto and Canal.
Brickell, John, Jr. farmer, res. Near new Penitentiary
Brickell, John, Sr., farmer, res. near new Penitentiary
Brickle, Michael laborer, res. N s Mound bt 3d & rth
Bridgeman, John carpenter, res. S s Mound near 5th
Bridleman, John R., blacksmith, res. Canal near Broad
Brite, Mary, Mrs. washerwo., res. S. W. cor. 3d and Spring.
Brockelhurst, John,   res. E. s. High near Friend.
Brockelhurst, Mrs., milliner, res. E. s. High near Friend.
Broderick, John C., chairmaker, res. S. s. Town bt. 3d and High.
Bronson, C. H. clerk, bds at H. W. Derby's
Brooks, David, Eagle Hotel, E. s. High bt. Town & Rich.
Brooks, John,   res. S-E cor. Rich and 3d.
Brooks, Reuben, dentist, W. s. Front near South.
Brooks, W. B., grocer, bds. at J. Brooks'.
Brotherlin, Adam, farmer,  res. E. s. High near Spring.
Brough, John Aud. State, res. E. s. High bet. State and Town.
Brown, A. C., boot and shoemaker, res. East side High near Friend.
Brown, J. M. (George & B.) grocer, res. N-E cor. High and Friend.
Brown, James S. schoolteacher, res. S s Town near 7th
Brown, John, carpenter, res. W. s. 3d near S. P. Lane.
Brown, Wm.,   res. E. s. Front near Broad.
Bruck, J. P., cabinetm'k'r., res. W. s. Front near Friend.
Brunson, B. R. (B. & McLene), res. S. S. State near 3d.
Brush, Sam'l. (B. & Gilbert) att'y. at law, bds. at S.  Crosby's.
Bryden, James,   res. S. s. Rich b. 3d and High.
Brydon, David carpenter, res. S s Friend near 6th.
Buck, S., jeweler, res. op. State Offices.
Buckeye House,    north side Broad near High.
Bullock, John carpenter, bds at A. Menely's
Burdell, Wm., merchant tailor, bds at Neil House.
Burkle, Vincen, tailor, res. N. W. cor. Friend and 3d.
Burns, John, cook at Neil House, res. west side Broad near Front
Burr, Levi J.,   res. S. E. Cor. Town and 4th.
Bush, Francis wagonmaker res. S-W cor Friend & 4th
Butler, Henry, carpenter, res. Front bt. Town & Rich.
Buttalph, Thos. S., carpenter,  res. E. side 6th bt. Rich and Friend.
Buttler, T. B., clerk, bds. At City House.
Buttles, A. (B., Comstock & Co.) res. . S. Rich bt. 3d and High.
Buttles, Joel (B. & Runyon,) res. east side 3d bt. State and Broad



This Webpage has been created by Sharon Wick exclusively for Ohio Genealogy Express  ©2008
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