- C - |
Cadwallader, Thos., |
Farmer and Mechanics' Tavern, |
S. E. Corner Broad and Scioto. |
Caffroth, John, |
hatter, |
res. West side Fourth bt. Long and Spring. |
Cain, Wm., |
laborer, |
res. S. W. cor. Fourth and Spring. |
Caine, A. J., |
tanner, |
res. South side North bt. Third & High. |
Caldwell, Thos., |
blacksmith, |
res. Friend bt. Front and Scioto. |
Campbell, Conrad, |
res. West side Scioto near Friend. |
Campbell, Eleanor, Mrs. |
res. S. E. corner Front and Gay. |
Campbell, James, |
laborer, |
res. East side High bt. Gay and Long. |
Carlisle, Abraham, |
carpenter, |
res. West side Third bt. Rich and Friend. |
Carpenter, T. B., |
merchant, |
res. South side Town, eight buildings. |
Carr, W. K. |
(Griffith & C.) merchant, |
boards at Wm. Flinthams. |
Carter, Francis, |
physician, |
boards at Russell's. |
Case, E., |
merchant, |
res. East side High near Mound. |
Casey, Wm. L. |
(C. & Vanvechten,) |
boards D. Adams. |
Cass, Peter, |
laborer, |
res. West side Third bt. South and Mound. |
Catholic Church, |
E. side Fifth bt. Town and Rich. |
Catley, R. P., |
physician, |
boards at Budkeye. |
Cavendish, John, |
coachmaker, |
res. North side Friend bt. Ffith and Sixth. |
Chairs, Henry, |
res. West side High bt. Broad and Gay. |
Champion, J. N. |
res. S. W. cor. High and Long |
Chapman, J. B., |
carpenter, |
res. Water, near O. P. |
Chapman, Seth T., |
boatman, |
res. Water, near O. P. |
Charilon, H. H., |
blacksmith, |
res. South side Spring near Fifth. |
Chase, Reuben, |
cooper, |
res. .N. E. cor. Friend & Scioto. |
Cherry, James L., |
rope maker, |
res. North side Long near Third. |
Cherry, James, |
bootmaker, |
res. N. E. cor. Front & Friend. |
Chesley, Alex., |
res. West side High bt. Broad and Gay. |
Chester, Simeon, |
Pedler, |
res. S.W. cor. High and first alley. |
Chittenden, Asahel |
res. North side Broad bt. Third and High. |
Cigler, David, |
laborer, |
res. East side Third bt. Spring and North. |
Cigler, Jacob, |
laborer, |
res. N.E. cor. 3d & 3d alley. |
City Hall, |
west side High near Gay. |
City House, |
S.E. High and Town. |
Clark, B. B., |
physician, |
res. West side High near Friend. |
Clark, Sumner, |
druggist, |
west side High near State, boards at
Russell's. |
Clinton Bank, |
S. W. Cor. High and State. |
Cloud, Robert, |
res. N. W. cor. Fraont and Mound. |
Cochran, John, |
printer, |
res. West side Fourth bt. Spring and North. |
Cohern, Reuben, |
laborer, |
res. N.E. cor. 3d & 3d alley |
Cole, Frederick, |
Aud. Of County, |
res. West side Front bt. South and Mound. |
Cole, George, |
editor Cross & Journal, |
res. North side Town near Fifth |
Cole, M. C., |
Union House, east side High bt. Spring and
North. |
Colgate, Chas., |
starch manufacturer, |
res. South side Town bt. Third and High. |
Collins, Peter, |
laborer, |
res. N.W. cor. New and south public lane. |
Collins, Samuel A., |
Butcher, |
res. S. W. cor. Rich and Fifth. |
Columbus Foundery, |
east side water, near Scioto Bridge. |
Columbus Herald Office, |
W. S. High bt. Rich & Friend. |
Columbus Insurance Company |
S. E. Cor. High and State. |
Compston, Sidney, Mrs. |
res. West side Front bt. Rich. And Friend. |
Constance, Frederick, |
laborer, |
res. West side New near fourth valley. |
Cook, Eliza, Mrs. |
washerwoman, |
res. West side Thirde near Town. |
Cool, Isaac, |
limeburner, |
res. East side Front, bt. Long and Gay. |
Cooper, A., |
Grocer, (Mops & C.), |
res. South side Friend near Third. |
Cope, John, |
stone cutter, |
res. Front bt. Spring and Long. |
Copert, John, |
laborer, |
res. S. E. cor. Friend and Fourth. |
Coulbourn, John H. |
carpenter |
res. West side High bt. First alley and
south public lane. |
Covert, John, |
rin. Of Col. Ins., |
boards at City House. |
Cowles, Richard B. |
res. Neil House. |
Cowling, E., |
butcher, |
res. South side Friend east of Seventh. |
Cranbarger, Andrew |
res. S. W. cor High and Spring. |
Creary, Holderman, |
clerk, Aud. Office, |
res. West side Front bt. Long and Spring. |
Crips, E., |
shoemaker, |
east side Front near Rich. |
Crosby, Samuel, |
res. East side Third near State. |
Crosby, Wm., |
boarding house, |
south side Town, eight buildings |
Cross & Journal office |
N. W. cor. High and Town third story. |
Crum, Christian, |
res. South side Rich bt. Fifth & Fourth. |
Crum, F. |
at Post Office |
res. West side Third bt. Town and Rich. |
Crum, John, |
tailor, |
res. N. S. Mound bt. Sixth & Fifth. |
Crum, T. A., |
carpenter, |
res. South side Friend near Front. |
Crumley, Christian, |
laborer, |
res. N. E. cor. Fifth and S. P. Lane. |
Cullmann, Geo., |
confectioner, |
west side High near Rich., boards at Bruck's. |
Cupp, George, |
laborer, |
res. N. E. cor. High & third alley. |
Curtis, |
res. South side State near Third. |
Curtis, Samuel, |
physician, |
res. West side Front bt. South and Mound. |
Cushman, G. W. |
(C. & Howell,) |
res. South side Long bt. High and Third. |
Cutler, Samuel, |
clerk, Post Office, |
res. N. E. cor Front and Gay |
- D - |
Dalton, Isaac, |
carpenter, |
east side High near South. |
Dalzell, James, |
miller, |
res. West side Broad bt. High & Front. |
Daniel, John L., |
moulder, at F. Foundery |
res. Scioto bt. Broad and State. |
Daniels, H., |
carpenter, |
res. North side Town and 5th. |
Davis, Benjamin, |
shoemaker, |
res. N. P. Lane bt. Third and High. |
Davis, David, |
mason, |
res. South side North bt. Third and High. |
Davis, David, |
carpenter, |
res. North side North bt. Third and High. |
Davis, Mary, Mrs. |
seamstress, |
res. South side Broad near Front. |
Davis, Richard, |
paver, |
res. South side S. P. L. bt. Friend and
High. |
Decker, A. S., |
res. South side Rich bt. Sixth & Seventh. |
Decker, Amos, |
boards at M. Deckers. |
Decker, Jacob, |
laborer, |
res. S.W. cor Third & S. P. L. |
Decker, M. |
(A. S. D. & Co.) |
res. North side Friend bt. Third and High. |
Dellis, Eliza, Mrs., |
grocery, |
res. South side Broad near Front. |
Dening, G. S., |
thrashing machine maker, |
res. West side Front bt. Gay and Long. |
Dening, J. C., |
thrashing machine maker, |
res. West side Front bt. Gay and Long. |
Dennig, A. M., |
res. North side Rich bt. High and 3d. |
Dennig, George, |
res. North side Rich, bt. High and 3d. |
Denning, L., |
machinist, |
res. East side Scioto bt. Mound and South. |
Dennison, Wm., |
at'y at law, |
res. East side High bt. Gayand Broad. |
Derby, H. W., |
bookseller, |
res. West side High opposite State House. |
Derickson, Edward, |
cooper, |
res. South side Cherry alley near Front. |
Derth, Asa, |
pumpmaker, |
res. E. side Broad near Front. |
Deshler, D. W., |
cashier C. B., |
res. N. W. cor. High and Broad. |
Dewitt, Hiram, |
waggon maker, |
res. West side Front bt. Friend and Mound. |
Dickerson, B., |
clerk, |
res. Near Columbus Foundery. |
Dill, Greenley, |
brickmaker, |
res. S. W. cor. 3d & 3d. Al'y. |
Dippel, Lawrence, |
potter, |
S.E. cor. High and 3d al'y. |
Dixon, David, |
merchant, |
south side Broad near Scioto Bridge. |
Dobb, A. F., Rev. |
res. North side Rich bt. Third and High. |
Doherty, D. S., |
grocery, |
res. Canal bt. Broad & State. |
Doherty, Eliza, Mrs. |
rs. S. side State near Third |
Domigan, Wm., |
sheriff, |
res. At the jail. |
Dryer, Isban G., |
cabinetmaker, |
boards at City House. |
Duffey, John, |
editor, |
res. Est side Front near Friend. |
Durant, John, |
pedlar, |
res. North side Mound bt. High and Third. |