
- M - |
Maier, J. G., |
tailor, |
N. E. cor. High and College. |
Male, Lewis, |
laborer, |
res. N. E. cor. 3d and 5th alley. |
Markley, John, |
res. N. e. cor. 3d and South. |
Marple, Isaac, |
wagonmaker, |
res. S. s. Friend bt. High and 3d. |
Marquart, Daniel, |
clerk, |
res. E. s. High near Rich. |
Marshall, J., |
teamster, |
res. W. s. High near 5th alley. |
Martin, B. F., |
clerk, |
res. W. s. Front bt. Rich and Friend. |
Martin, B. F., |
clerk, |
res. W. s. Front bt. Rich & Friend. |
Martin, Samuel, |
printer, |
res. S. s. Long bt. 3d and High. |
Martin, Wm. T. |
county recorder, |
res. N. W. cor. Friend and Front. |
Mason, Albert, |
boatman, |
res. Scioto bt. State & Town. |
Matthews, F. J., |
att'y. at law, |
bds. At A. Buttles'. |
Matthews, Harvey |
tailor, |
res. E. s. Front near Mound. |
Matthews, V., |
stonecutter, |
res. S. s. Town bt. 6th & 7th. |
Mattoon, C., |
bookbinder, |
res. N. s. Town bt. High & 3d. |
Mattoon, Newton, |
bookbinder, |
res. W. s. 3d near Town. |
McClelland, Sam'l., |
tailor, |
res. S. W. cor. Rich and 4th. |
McCollum, Garrit, |
coachmaker, |
res. S. s. Rich, bt. 3d. And High. |
McCormack, F. A., |
res. S. s. Gay bt. 3d and High. |
McCormack, J. E., |
tailor, |
res. N. s. Town nar 5th. |
McCormack, John, |
tailor, |
res. N. Mound bt. High & 3d. |
McCoy, R. W., |
(W. A. McC. & Co.) merchant, |
res. S. s. State bt. 3d and High. |
McCoy, W. A., |
(McC. & Co.) merchant, |
bds. At American Hotel. |
McCraner, George, |
shoemaker, |
res. W. s. High near City Hall. |
McCullough, Jane, Mrs., |
seamstress, |
N. side State near Front. |
McCullough, L., |
res. E. s. High near State. |
McCune, James, |
clerk, |
boards at J. L. Gill's. |
McCune, John |
(Gills & M.,) |
boards at J. L. Gill's. |
McDaniel, Wm., |
mason, |
res. S. E. cor. 3d and Town. |
McDermith, George, |
mason, |
S. s. Rich bt. Front and Scioto. |
McDonal, E., |
blacksmith, |
res. E. s. Water bt. North and Long. |
McDonnell, James, |
laborer, |
res. S. s. N. Pub. Lane. |
McDowell, A. I., |
res. N. E. cor. Front and North. |
McElvain, J. V., |
clerk O. P., |
bds. At A. Backus'. |
McElvain, John, |
U. S. Marshal, |
rs. E., s. Scioto south of Friend. |
McElvain, Joseph, |
county treasurer, |
res. S. W. cor. Rich and Scioto. |
McElvain, Wm., |
mason, |
res. E. s. Scioto south of Friend. |
McFerson, James, |
teamster, |
res. N. E. cor. 3d and Long. |
McGuire, John, |
laborer, |
res. S. W. cor. Long and Front. |
McGuire, T., |
res. N. s. Rich bt. Front and Scioto. |
McKee, James M., |
grocer, |
bds. At Buckeye. |
McKee, John, |
cooper, |
res. W. s. Front bt. State and Town. |
McKee, Mrs., |
seamstress, |
res. N. s. State near Front. |
McKneisk, T. J., |
cab'ntm'k'r, |
res. S. s. South near High. |
McLane, J., |
(Brunson & McL.), |
bds. At S. Crosby's. |
McMasters, Hugh, |
grocer, |
res. W. s. High near Town. |
McMurdy, Mrs. |
boarding house, |
W. s. Front bt. State and Broad. |
Mechanics' Hall, |
S. E. cor. High & Rich. |
Mechanics' Savings Institute, |
S. E. cor. High and State. |
Medary, Jacob, |
bds. At American Hotel. |
Medary, Samuel, |
editor Ohio Statesman, |
res. N. E. cor. Front and Gay. |
Medberry, N., |
res. S. W. cor. Friend and 3d. |
Mees, Conrad, Rev. |
res. S. E. cor High and 3d. Alley. |
Merrick, John C., |
clerk, |
res. N. W. cor. High and North. |
Merrick, John C., |
clerk, |
res. N. W. cor. High and North. |
Methodist Episcopal Church, |
N. s. Town bt. High and 2d. |
Mettles, Abrham, |
laborer, |
res. E. s. 4th near North. |
Metz, John, |
shoemaker, |
res. W. s. 3d near State. |
Middleton, Wm., |
ropemaker, |
res. N. W. cor. Front and Broad. |
Miers, Wm., |
laborer, |
res. N. E. cor. New and S. P. L. |
Miles, Thos. Y., |
plastere, |
res. W. s. 6th bt. Rich and Friend. |
Miller, Henry, |
brushmaker, |
res. W. s. 3d bt. S. P. Lane and South. |
Miller, John G., |
Post Master, |
res. N. E. cor. Broad & 3d. |
Miller, John, |
grocer, |
res. E. High near Long |
Miller, John, |
paver. |
res. S. s. Friend near 4th. |
Miller, Mrs., |
res. East end College. |
Miller, N. M., |
Ed. O. S. Rep., |
bgds. At Neil House. |
Milligan, John W. |
res. W. s. Front bt. Town and Rich. |
Mills, L., |
grocer, |
res. N. E. cor. Broad and Front. |
Mills, S. T., Rev., |
res. N. W. cor. Front and Town. |
MillsS, R. L., |
upholsterer, |
bds. At Franklin House. |
Minor, Daniel, |
(Booth & M.) coachmaker, |
res. E. s. 3d near Spring. |
Mitchell, A., |
(D. & A. M.) grocer, |
bds. At D. Mitchell's. |
Mitchell, David, |
(D. & A. M.) grocer, |
N. s. Broad bt. High and Front. |
Mitchell, Thos., |
shoemaker |
res. S. s. Friend bt. 3d & 4th. |
Moeller, L. J. |
Ed. O. S. Rep., |
bds. At Neil House. |
Mohl, John |
Wagonmaker, |
res. N. s. South near Scioto. |
Montgomery House, |
N. E. cor. High and South. |
Moodie, Thomas, |
cashier, Mechan. Sav. Inst., |
res. S s. Town bt. 5th & 6th. |
Moore, Peter, |
res. E. s. High south of city line. |
Morris, Asa, |
laborer, |
res. Near Penitentiary. |
Morris, Asa, |
laborer, |
res. Near Penitentiary. |
Morrison, Justin, |
res. N. s. Broad near 3d. |
Morton, Thos., |
res. W. s. HIGH bt. Long and Spring. |
Mosboh, Jacob, |
schoolteacher, |
res. E. s. 3d near South. |
Mosley, T. W. H., |
clerk, |
res. E. s. High Commer'l. Row. |
Murphey, Wm., |
grocer, |
res. S. E. cor. Broad and Front. |
Murray, F. W., |
printer, |
res. N. s. rich near 6th. |
- N - |
Neil House, |
W. side High near Broad. |
Neiswanger, C., |
farmer, |
res. W. s. Front bt. Long and Spring. |
Nereamer, C., |
boot and shoemaker, |
res. E. s. Front near Town. |
Nereamer, Jonathan, |
carpenter, |
res. W. s. Third near Town. |
Newfank, Theobold, |
res. E. s. High and City Line. |
Newman, A. F., |
carpenter, |
W. s. Third bt. Mound and Friend. |
Norris, A. A., |
boat captain, |
res. W. s. Third bt. Mound and Friend |
North, A., |
res. North side Town near Fifth. |