
- K - |
Kame, Jacob, |
finisher, F. Foundery, |
res. North side Friend near canal bridge. |
Kannamaker, George, |
mason, |
res. South side South bt. South and Mound |
Karnes, Nancy, Mrs., |
seamstress, |
res. West side Third bt. Broad and Friend. |
Karshner, Ludwick, |
rs. N. E. cor. High and N. P. L. |
Karst, Christian, |
grocery, |
res. Bt. Gay and Long. |
Kees, Wm., |
carpenter, |
res. West side Front near Broad |
Keffer, Jacob, |
laborer, |
res. S. side 3d bt. 3d & 4th al'y. |
Keintz, Jacob, |
grocery, |
res. East side High bt. South and S. P.
Lane. |
Keller, Christian, |
baker, |
res. N. W. cor. New & 4th al'y. |
Kelley, Alfred, |
res. North side Broad near Fifth. |
Kelley, N. B., |
architect, |
boards at City House. |
Kelley, N. J., |
painter, |
res. South side Rich bt. Front and Scioto. |
Kelley, Peter, |
laborer, |
res. East side Third bt. South and Mound. |
Kellogg, George, |
res. South side Friend near Third. |
Kelsey, Wm., |
American Hotel, |
N. W. cor. High & State. |
Kelton, F. C., |
(Stone, K. & Co.), |
res. West side 3d near Rich. |
Kendle, John, |
blacksmith, |
res. North side Mound bt. Sixth and Fifth. |
Kennedy, Thos., |
State Librarian, |
res. E. side 4th near State. |
Kent, C. W., |
auctioneer, |
res. N. W. cor. High & Mound. |
Ketsell, Peter, |
laborer, |
res. In rear of City Hall. |
Ketshell, David, |
stone mason, |
res. N. W. cor. South and Fourth. |
Kidd, Anthony, |
grocer, |
res. W. side High N. of Broad. |
Kidney, Jacob, |
carpenter, |
res. S. E. cor. Water & North |
Kiffer, Margaret, Mrs. |
east end College. |
Kilbourn, L., |
(Fay, K. & Co.), |
res. In rear of store. |
Kime, John, |
carpenter, |
res. East side Front bt. Broad and Gay. |
Kimney, Mrs. |
res. North side Mound bt. High and #d. |
King, Maria, Mrs., |
seamstress, |
res. South side South bt. Third and High. |
King, Matthew, |
clerk at Greenwood's, |
res. Rear of store. |
King, Wm., |
clerk, |
res. N. W. cor. Fourth and Town. |
Kinkein, Frederick, |
laborer, |
res. N. E. cor. High and 5th alley. |
Kmball, H. H., |
(K. & Jones,) |
boards at H. Daniels. |
Knight, Catherine, Mrs., |
seamstress, |
res. West side High near City Hall. |
Knoder, Wm., |
housemover, |
res. South side Broad bt. Front and Scioto. |
Knoderer, Augustus, |
farmer, |
res. S. side Spring near 3d. |
Knoderer, Charles, Jr., |
wagonmaker, |
east side Front bt. State and High |
Knoderer, Charles, Sr., |
gluemaker, |
res. Near O. P. |
Knowels, N., |
carpenter, |
res. North side of Friend bt. Scioto and
Canal. |
Knup, Jhon, |
cabinet finisher, |
res. West side Third bt. South and Mound. |
Kolp, Jacob, |
laborer, |
res. North side S. P. Lane bt. 3d and 4th
alleys. |
Konell, John, |
wagonmaker, |
north side Mound bt. 6th and Seventh. |
Krag, Peter, |
grocer, |
rs. N. W. cor. High and South. |
Krauss, George, |
baker, |
res. West side High near Friend. |
Krayer, C. F., |
coap and Candle maker, |
res. S. W. cor. New and 2d alley. |
Krell, George, |
carpenter, |
res. N. W. cor. 3d and South. |
Kwiz, George, |
laborer, |
res. . E. cor. New & Fifth al'y. |
- L - |
Ladley, Mark, |
baker and confectoner, |
res. Near City Hall. |
Lake, Mary, Mrs., |
seamstress, |
res. Cherry alley east of Front. |
Lamson, Nathan, |
(Gwynne & L., |
boards at Russell's. |
Langdon, J. A., Mrs., |
seamstress, |
res. North side Rich near Friend. |
Lantis, Benjamin, |
res. East side High bt. N. P. Lane and First
alley. |
Lantz, Conrad, |
N. E. cor. High and S. P. Lnae. |
Large, W., |
merchant, |
boards at American Hotel. |
Lashapelle, Francis, |
moulder, at Col. Foundery, |
res. South side North bt. Third and High. |
Lashley, Robert, |
blacksmith, |
res. S. W. cor. High and North. |
Latham, Bela, |
res. N. E. cor. Fourth and Long. |
Latham, Kesiah, Mrs., |
ers. N. W. cor. Gay and Third. |
Latham, W. H., |
(Thompson & L.), physician, |
boards at B. Latham's. |
Lathrop, H., |
physician, |
res. South side Town bt. Third and High. |
Lathrop, U., |
surveyor, |
res. E. s. Front bt. Long & Gay. |
Laugher, Jacob, |
tailor, |
res. South side State near market house. |
Lawson, David, |
drayman, |
res. North side Friend bt. Front and Scioto. |
Leavenworth, Lyman, |
carpenter, |
res. W. s. Third near Friend. |
Lee, Andrew, |
(W. R. & Co.), |
boards at Neil House. |
Legg, W. F., |
(Wright & L.), |
boards at City House. |
Leiby, Joseph, |
brickmaker, |
res. S. E. cor. Friend & 5th. |
Lenkupt, Adam, |
wagonmaker, |
res. East side Scioto near Broad. |
Lennox, Jas., Jr., |
millwright, |
res. E. s. Front bt. Friend and Rich. |
Lennox, John, |
millwright, |
res. East side Front bt. Mound and South. |
Lenox, James, Sr., |
millwright, |
res. E. s. Front bt. Friend and Mound. |
Lenox, William, |
machinist, |
res. Mound bt. 3d & 5th. |
Leonard, Lewis, |
res. E. s. High near Spring. |
Lewis, Frederick, |
pedler, |
N. W. cor. New and S. P. L. |
Lief, Jacob, |
carpenter, |
res. N. E. cor. High & S. P. L. |
Lief, John, |
carpenter, |
res. N. E. cor. High and North. |
Lief, Leroy, |
carpenter, |
res. N. E. cor. High & S. P.L. |
Lighter, Solomon, |
carpenter, |
N. s. N. P. L. bt. 4th & 3d. |
Lilley, Wm. B., |
shoemaker, |
res. S. W. cor. Front & Gay. |
Linderman, L., |
confectoiner, |
res. West side High near Town. |
Lion Hotel, |
W. side High near Town. |
Lishtennegger, F., |
clock and watchmaker, |
res. N. side Friend near High. |
Lloyd, E., |
mason, |
boards at Meneley's. |
Long, Albert, |
carpenter, |
boards, at Wm. Long's |
Long, Margaret, Mrs., |
washerwoman, |
res. Cherry alley east of Front. |
Long, Wm., |
res. West side Front bt. State and Town. |
Longwell, Mary A., Mrs., |
washerwoman, |
res. S. side Gay bt. Third and High. |
Love, James, |
blacksmith, |
res. N. E. cor Front and Cherry alley. |
Loveland, Hirma, |
harnessmaker, |
west side High bt. Broad and State. |
Lower, Jacob, |
laorer, |
E. s. Third bt. Mound & South. |
Luntz, Andrew, |
laborer, |
res. E. s. 4th bt. State & Town. |