
- E - |
Eagle Hotel, |
E. s. High bt. Town & Rich. |
Ebersole, C., |
Patternmaker, F. Foundery, |
res. S. W. cor. Fifth and Rich. |
Eckerman, Mrs. |
res. West side Sixth near Town. |
Edgar, Eleanor, Mrs. |
seamstress, |
res. West side Front bt. Mound and Friend. |
Edminson, M., Mrs. |
east side High bt. Town & Rich. |
Elbridge, Ira, |
grocer, |
near Neil House, res. In rear. |
Eldridge, C. F., |
grocer, |
boards at Wm. Eldridge's. |
Eldridge, J. |
tailor, |
res. Town east of Third. |
Eldridge, Wm., |
res. East side Third near Friend. |
Ellenbush, G., |
shoemaker, |
res. Near City Brewery. |
Ellis, Mary, Mrs. |
res. N. W. cor. Front and State. |
Ellis, R., |
hardware merchant, |
boards at Neil House. |
Elphinstone, George, |
stonecutter, |
res. West side Scioto bt. Friend and Mound. |
Emmick, Mrs. |
res. North side Friend bt. High & 3d. |
Emrick, Jacob, |
res. Easat side High near 5th al'y. |
Eneg, Michael, |
gardiner, |
res. East side Friend east of Seventh. |
Engler, George, |
laborer, |
res. West side Third bt. South and S. P.
Lane. |
Espy, J. M., |
res. South side Town bt. Third & High. |
Eswine, Daniel, |
farmer, |
res. S. E. cor. New & 5th al'y. |
Evans, Daniel |
coachmaker, |
res. S. E. cor. Front and Mound |
Evans, David, |
paver, |
res. South side North bt. Third and High. |
Evans, Mary, |
washerwoman, |
res. West side Seventh near State. |
- F - |
Faught, Simon, |
blacksmith, |
res. W. side Front bt. Broad and State. |
Fay, C., |
(F. Kilbourn & Co.), merchant, |
res. W. s. High near Town. |
Fenton, Joseph, |
cutler and repairer, |
res. W. side High near Rich. |
Ferris, Daniel A., |
N. W. cor. Rich and 4th. |
Field, John, |
exchange broker, |
res. N. W. cor. 3d & Town. |
Fiffer, Conrad, |
laborer, |
res. N. s. S. P. Lane near 4th. |
Fink, Fred, |
grocer, |
res. W. s. 3d bt. South & Mound. |
First Presbyterian Church, |
S. W. cor 3d and State. |
Fisher, George, |
drayman, |
res. N. s. S. P. Lane bt. 5th and 6th. |
Fishinger, Fred., |
milier, |
res. N. s. S. P. Lane, bt. 3d & rth. |
Fisk, B. F., |
res. N. s. North Pub Lane near New. |
Fleek, Henry, |
carpenter, |
res. E. s. New near 5th alley. |
Flennekin, Ann, Mrs. |
seamstress, |
res. E. side High near Rich. |
Flennekin, Mary, Miss |
milliner, |
bds. At Mrs. Flenniken's. |
Flintham, Wm., |
iron merchant, |
res. E. s. 3d near Town. |
Fober, Christian, |
tanner, |
res. West side Front near City Brewery. |
Ford, C. B., |
stone-cutter, |
bds at Buckeye House. |
Forman, D. S., |
cutter at Burdell's, |
bds. At Mrs. Grafton's. |
Foster, A., |
school teacher, |
res. W. s. Front bt. Rich and Twn. |
Fowler, John, |
mathematical instrument maker, |
res. W. s. 3d bt. Rich and Friend. |
Francis, Mrs. |
hatbinder, |
res. N. S. Mound near High. |
Frankenburg, A., |
grocer, |
res. E. s. High near South. |
Frankenburg, O., |
res. S. W. cor. High and 2d alley. |
Franklin Foundery, |
N. E. cor. Town & Canal. |
Franklin House, |
E. s. High bt. Frend & Rich. |
Fritts, John, |
guard O. P., |
res. Front bt. North & North Pub. Lane. |
Funston, John, |
soap and Candlemaker, |
res. W. s. High near South. |