
- S - |
Sackett, E. |
hatter, |
res. S-W cor 3d and Town. |
Sager, Wm. |
shoemaker, |
boards at Mrs. John's |
Salada, Fred |
blacksmith, |
res. E s Scioto bt State and Town. |
Sanamer, Michael |
cooper, |
res south side S P Lane bt Fourth and Fifth |
Sanborn, R. W., |
blacksmith, |
res. E s Canal near Friend |
Sandesron, W. F. |
res. S-E cor Front and Gay |
Saul, John J. |
grocer, |
res. W s High bt Friend and Rich. |
Savage, Wm. M. |
jeweler, |
res. E s High Com'l Row. |
Sawhill, N. |
res N-W cor Rich and Fourth |
Schenck, C. F., |
physician, |
res. E s High near Mound |
Schneider, A., |
confectioner, |
res. W s High near Town. |
Schott, Jacob |
carpenter, |
res. South side Rich bt Sixth and Fifth |
Schott, John A. |
mason, |
res. East side Third bt South and Mound |
Schouat, Wm. Rev. |
res. East side 5th near Town. |
Schwartz, Joseph |
oil mill, |
res. East side 3rd near South |
Scott, Ann, Mrs. |
boardinghouse, |
E s 3d near State |
Scott, Charles |
pub. O. S. Journal, |
res. N side Township bt 3d and High |
Scott, Mrs. Sarah |
seamstress, |
res. S. side of Gay bt High and 3d. |
Searls, Joel B. |
carpenter, |
bds at American Hotel |
Sedond Presbyterian Church |
W s Third near Friend |
Sefort, John |
res. S. P. Lane bt 3d and 4th |
Seibert, John |
bookbinder, |
res. E s High near Mound |
Sellers, Mrs. |
res. S-E cor Seventh and Town |
Selsam, George, |
laborer, |
res. S-W cor Front and S. P. Lane. |
Settler, John |
coffe-house, |
S-E cor High and State in basement, res.
Same. |
Shanf, V. |
laborer, |
res. E s Front near Mound |
Shannon, J. W. |
shoemaker, |
res. N s Friend bt Front and Scioto |
Sharp, A. |
tailor, |
res. N-E cor High and Long |
Sharp, Wm. |
cooper, |
res. S-E cor Mound and Front |
Shead, Jared |
mason, |
res. S-W cor High and 5th alley |
Sheaf, George F. |
carpenter, |
res. S-W Cor New and S. P. Lane |
Sheffield, C. G. |
produce dealer, |
res. N s broad bt High and 3d |
Sheldon, T. H. |
[Reed & S.] |
bds. At City House |
Sherman, L. H. |
combmaker, |
res. N s South near Front |
Sherman, Mrs. |
seamstress, |
res. South side Rich bt 4th and Third |
Sherman, W. D. |
combmaker, |
res. N s South near Front |
Sherwood, O. W. |
[S. & Co.] |
res. W s 3d near Rich. |
Shever, John |
tailor, |
res S side Mound bt 5th & 6th |
Shewry, Charles |
blacksmith, |
bds at Buckeye |
Shields, F. |
[S. & Osborn] merchant, |
res. E s High near Town. |
Shields, T. L. |
coffee house, |
res. Ns Town near High |
Shields, Thos. F. |
carpenter, |
res. N. s Friend bt 3d & High. |
Shilling, Wm. |
ploughmaker, |
res. S s Long bt 3d and High |
Shoafer, Daniel |
laborer, |
res. West died Fourth bt Mound and Friend |
Shoemaker, Adam |
tailor, |
res. W s 3d bt South and Mound |
Shoemaker, Frederick |
cabinetmaker, |
res. South side Friend bt Fifth and Sixth |
Shull, Andrew |
laborer, |
N side S P L bt 4th & 5th |
Siddner, Fred. |
grocery, |
res. Wharf bt Broad & State. |
Siefered, C. |
gardner, |
ers. S s N. P. L. bt 3d and High |
Silbernayl, Jacob |
brewer |
res. S-E cor High & ed al'y. |
Sisson, P. |
physician, |
res. E s High near Rich |
Sites, Adam |
whitesmith, |
res. S s Friend bt 3d & High. |
Sites, Andrew |
physician, |
res. S s Friend bt 3d & High. |
Slade, Robet |
carpenter, |
res. N s Long bt 3d & High |
Slick, Jacob |
laborer, |
res. W s 4th bt State and Town. |
Sliffell, Conrad |
plasterer, |
res. W s South near Fourth |
Sloane, J. |
sec. of state |
boards at Neil House |
Slocum, E. N. |
saddle and harness maker, |
res. E s 4th bt State and Broad |
Slocum, G. W. |
saddle and harness maker, |
res. S s Rich near 3d |
Slusser, J. A., |
tailor, |
E s High near Rich. |
Smeltz, Philip |
plasterer, |
res. East side Third bt Mound and Friend |
Smethurst, James |
umbrella maker, |
res. W s High near Rich |
Smith, Frederick |
carpenter, |
res. N s South bt 4th and Third |
Smith, George |
cabinetmaker, |
res. E s 4th near South |
Smith, George |
shoemaker, |
res. N s Mound near Front |
Smith, George |
res. N-W cor Rich and Scioto |
Smith, George, |
shoemaker, |
res. E s Front bt. Mound and South |
Smith, J. S. |
exchange broker, |
res. W side High near Long. |
Smith, Jacob |
mason, |
res. W s Front near City Brew'y |
Smith, Nicholas |
stonemason, |
res. W s 3d bt Mound & South |
Smith, Thos. |
res. E s High near S. P. Lane |
Snider, Adam |
laborer, |
res. S-W cor High and South |
Snider, David |
stonemason, |
res. W s 3d bt South and Mound |
Snowden, Mrs. |
miliner, |
res. E s high bt Friend & Rich. |
Snowden, P. T., |
clerk, |
res. E s high bt Friend & Rich. |
Spade, David |
cooper, |
res. S s Mound bt 3d and High |
Spade, Fred. |
cartman, |
res. N s Rich bt. High and 3 |
Sparrow, Thos. |
att'y at law, |
bds at Dr. Sisson's |
Spelman, Spencer, |
carpenter, |
res. W s Front bt State and Town |
Sprague, E. H. |
machinist, |
res. E s Front near Spring |
St. Paul's Church |
S-E cor Third and Mound |
Stadden, R. |
res. W s Front bt Long and Spring |
Staley, George |
laborer, |
res. S s South near High |
Stanbery, C. |
att'y at law, |
res. W s 3d bt Friend & Rich. |
Starling, Lyne |
land dealer, |
bds at Russell's |
Starling, Lyne, Jr. |
clerk, Court Com. Pleas. |
res. S side State bt 3d and High |
Starr, John |
mason, |
res. South side Mound bt 4th & 3d |
Starr, Wm. |
pedler, |
res. South side Friend near Third |
Stauring, Henry |
res. E s High near South |
Stenmetz, Joseph |
cooper, |
res. South side S P Lane bt Fourth and Fifth |
Stevens, J. |
physician, |
res. E s High near Mound |
Stevens, James |
carpenter, |
res. East side Third t Friend and Mound |
Stewart, A. A. |
merchant tailor, |
bds at American |
Stewart, Adam |
[S. & Higgins] |
res. S s Town bt High and 3d. |
Stewart, F. |
[S. & Co.] |
res. W s 3d near Rich. |
Stewart, Robert R. |
printer, |
res south side Rich bt Sixth and Fifth |
Stine, Elisha |
millwright, |
res. S-E cor Scioto & Friend |
Stinmetz, Wm. |
saddler, |
res. N s S P Lane near 5th |
Stinsuelz, W. |
saddle and harness maker, |
E s High near Friend |
Stitt, Thos. |
bds. At R. Stadden's |
Stockel, Edmon |
tanner, |
res. N-W cor Front and Gay |
Stone, A. P. |
merchant, |
res. W s 3d near Rich. |
Stone, Dwight |
[S. & Townsend] merchant, |
res. N s Rich near 3d |
Stonnes, S. |
mason, |
res. S s Cherry alley east of Front |
Stotts, Abraham |
tobacconist, |
res. N s Friend near High |
Stotts, U. |
Montgomery House, |
N-E cor High and South |
Strickler, Jacob |
stonecutter and builder, |
res. E s Front bt Long and Spring |
Studer, George |
teamster, |
res. N-W cor Friend and Scioto |
Stump, John |
cooper, |
res. N s North bt High & Front |
Summers, Fred'k. |
Laborer, |
res. W side 4th bt State and Town. |
Swan, G. |
att'y at law, |
res. S s High near Broad |
Swan, George M. |
guard O. P. |
res. N-E cor Front & N. P. Lane |
Swan, Joseph R. |
judge Court com. Pleas, |
res. N. side Boad near 4th |
Swartz, G. |
pumpmaker, |
res. W s 3d near S. P. Lane |
Swartz, Lewis |
stonemason, |
res. E s 3d bt 2d alley & South Public Lane |
Swayne, N. H. |
[S. & Bates] att'y at law, |
res. S s Town eight buildings |
- T - |
Thomas, Salmon |
produce dealer, |
baords Amer. Hotel. |
Thomas, Wray |
[W. & K. T.] att'y. at law |
baords at Russell's |
Townsend, G. C. |
[Stone & T.] |
boards Amer. Hotel. |
Thomas, J. B., |
clerk, aud. State office, |
boards at American Hotel. |
Todd, H. |
dentist, |
boards at City House. |
Taylor, Wm. |
plasterer, |
boards at Menely's |
Thomas, K. |
[W. & K.] |
boards at Russell's |
Thomas, Wm. |
boarding house, |
E s High near Rich. |
Taylor, J. F. |
artist, |
N-E cor High and Rich |
Trinity Church |
north side Broad near High. |
Thrall, Walter |
att'y at law |
res. E s High near Rich. |
Trumbull, Adam |
res. E s Rich bt Front and High |
Taylor, John |
[T. & Son] |
res. E s Water bt Gay & Long. |
Trevitt, Wm. |
physician, |
res. N s Broad bt High and Front |
Thompson, Samuel |
grocer, |
res. N s Friend near Front |
Tylor, Asa, |
carpenter, |
res. N s Long near Front |
Thomas, Daniel |
res. N s N P L bt High & Front |
Tupper, Patrick |
res. N-E cor 3d and South |
Taylor, Isaac |
[Taylor & S.] |
res. N-E cor Gay and Water |
Trott, Benedict, |
mason, |
res. N-E cor. South and 5th. |
Troutman, Andrew |
laborer, |
res. North side S P Lane bt Sixth and
Seventh. |
Troxell, Jacob |
miller, |
res. N-W cor 4th & Long |
Turney, Jacob |
carpenter, |
res. N-W cor 4th & Town |
Thomas, Tarlton |
laborer, |
res. N-W cor New & S_ Lane |
Tompson, Jane |
laborer, |
res. S s Broad near Front |
Thomas, Thomas |
farmer, |
res. S s Broad near Front |
Turgeon, Peter |
printer, |
res. S s Broad near Front |
Taylor, E., Mrs. |
seamstress, |
res. S side Rich bt Fifth and Sixth |
Thomas, Geo. |
plasterer, |
res. S-E cor High & 1st al'y |
Thompson, John B. |
physician |
res. S-E cor High and Gay |
Turner, Henry |
farmer, |
res. S-E cor Rich and Fifth |
Trott, Martin |
cartman, |
res. South end New. |
Thompson, R. |
physician, [T. & Latham] |
res. South side Town near Third. |
Tipton, Thos. |
sausagemaker, |
res. S-W cor High and Spring |
Thomas, M. F., Mrs. |
res. W s High bt Fiends and Mound |
Thompson, H. |
dentist, |
res. W s High near Friend |
Taft, D. H. |
merchant, |
res. W side High near Broad. |
Thrall, M., Mrs. |
res. West s High bt Friend & Mound |
Thompson, Robert |
mason, |
res. West side Fourth bt Long and Spring |
Thorne, E. B. |
printer |
res. West side third bt Town and Rich. |
Tylor, W. J. |
pedler, |
west side Front near South |