
Gabeirl, Charles, |
grocer, |
res. S. W. corner 3d and North. |
Gale, E., |
Union Hotel, |
w. s. High near Rich. |
Galloway, Orris B., |
res. S. s. Rich near 7th. |
Gardiner, Mrs. |
res. S. s. State bt. Front and High. |
Garner, John, |
chairm'k'r., |
res. S. s. Town bt. 3ed and High. |
Garner, Thos., |
chairmaker, |
res. N. s. Town bt. 4th & 5th. |
Gaver, Elias, |
tailor, |
res. S. s. Town bt. 3ed and High. |
Gavins, E., |
baker, |
res. S. W. cor. Broad and Front. |
Geer, Geo., |
iron merchant, |
bds at American Hotel. |
George, Henry, |
carpenter, |
res. E. s. Scioto bt. South & Mound |
George, James |
(G. & Brown) grocer, |
res. N. s. Broad near High. |
German Evangelical Church, |
near N. W. cor. Mound and Third. |
German Lutheran Church, |
e. s. 3d bt. Rich & Town. |
Getler, Frederick, |
laborer, |
res. W. s. 4th near S. P. Lane. |
Getz, George, |
laborer, |
res. W. s. 3d bt. Mound & Friend. |
Gibbs, Jesse, |
pumpmaker, |
S. s. Broad near Front. |
Gilbert, M. J., |
(Brush & G.) att'y. at law, |
res. S. W. cor. High and Gay. |
Gill, W. A. |
(G. & McCune,) |
res. W. s. Front bt. Broad and State. |
Gillet, Horace S. |
teacher, D. & D. Asylum, |
res. S. side Rich. Bt. 5th & 6th |
Glazier, Joseph N., |
livery stable keeper, |
res. N. s. Town near 4th. |
Glenn, A. E., |
printer, |
res. N. s. Rich bt. 3d and High. |
Gliles, Christian |
laborer, |
res. E. s. 3d near Mound |
Glover, E., |
printer, |
res. E. s. Front bt. Mound & South. |
Godecke, Wm., |
res. N. E. Cor. Front and S. Pub Lane. |
Godman, Israel, |
cabinetmaker, |
res. W. s. 3d bt. Town and Rich. |
Goodale, L., |
merchant, |
W. s. High bt. Town and State. |
Goodline, Jacob, |
res. Bt. 2d alley and South Pub. Lane. |
Goodman, Peter, |
shoemaker, |
res. E. s. 3d near Mound |
Gootsel, Richard, |
laborer, |
res. N. E. cor. 3d and North. |
Grafton, Rachel, Mrs. |
res. S. s. Rich. Bt. 3d and High. |
Graham, John, |
surveyor, |
res. S. s. Friend bt. 3d & rth. |
Green, Andrew, |
teamster, |
res. S.E. cor. Front and S. Pub. Lane. |
Greenleaf, John, |
plasterer, |
res. W. s. Front near Friend. |
Greenwood, John, |
mer. |
W. s. High near Mound. |
Gregory, Mrs., |
res. N. s. Broad bt. 3d and High. |
Griffin, James, |
brushmaker, |
res. N. s. S. P. L. bt. 3d and 4th. |
Griffin, Mrs. |
res. E. s. High near Town. |
Griffith, Timothy |
(G. & Carr) merchant, |
bds. At American Hotel. |
Grove, Wm., |
res. S. W. cor 4th and Long |
Grover, Ira, |
res. W. s. 3d near Rich. |
Gwynne, E. |
(G. & Lamson) merchant, |
W. s. High near Stae. |
Haddock, Samuel, |
res. N. W. cor. Front and South. |
Hall, Edward, |
mason, |
res. N. W. cor. North and Third. |
Hall, Francis, |
coffeehouse, |
res. W. side Front near State. |
Hall, J. S., |
carpenter, |
res. North side Gay near Third |
Hand, Thomas B. |
(Ball, H. & Co.) hatter, |
boards at Buckeye. |
Handford, Z. |
res. North side Broad near High. |
Hanes, Hiram, |
chairmaker, |
res. E. side 5th near Friend. |
Hanna, Alexander, |
printer, |
boards at Wm. Thomas'. |
Hardy, Arnold, |
mason, |
west side Fourth bt. Broad and State. |
Hare, Jacob, |
res. North side Rich bt. 5th and Fourth. |
Harper, George, |
stagedriver, |
res. South side Town near Fifth. |
Harris, John, |
plasterer, |
res. North side Friend bt. Third and High. |
Harrison, Wm., |
blacksmith, |
res. West side Front bt. Friend and Rich. |
Harter, Jacob, |
carpenter, |
res. East side Front bt. Mound and South. |
Hartman, John, |
grocery, |
north side Broad near Front boards at G.
Whites. |
Harvey, Elias, |
carpenter, |
res. Third bt. Gay & Broad. |
Harvey, G. B. |
res. West side High near Gay. |
Harvey, John A. |
(H. & Seibert) bookbinder, |
boards at G. B. Harvey's |
Hawe, P. J., |
printer, |
res. South side Broad near Front |
Hawley, J., |
physician, |
res. North west cor. High and Friend, 2d
story. |
Hayden, P. |
(H. & Co.) |
S. E. cor. Broad and Fourth. |
Hecock, ____ |
carpenter, |
res. N. E. cor. High & Mound. |
Heevey, Daniel, |
guard O. P., |
res. S. W. cor. Front and North. |
Heffner, D. F., |
clerk, |
res. North side Broad near Front. |
Heffner, S. T., |
res. North side Broad bt. Front and Water. |
Heindle, Henry, |
brickmaker, |
res. N. E. cor. 3d & 3d al'ys. |
Heintz, Adam, |
blacksmith, |
res. West side Scioto bt. Broad and State. |
Hemel, Adam, |
res. North side South bt. 3d and High. |
Heneman, Frederick, |
res. South side South bt. Front and Scioto. |
Henley, Sam'l., |
plasterer, |
res. N. side Rich. Bt. 5th & 6th. |
Hensel, Adam, |
grocery, |
res. N. E. cor. H. & Mound. |
Herd, Wm., |
painter, |
res. West side Front bt. Broad and State. |
Hess, Nicholas, |
blacksmith, |
res. N. W. cor. 4th & S. P. L. |
Hesser, John S., |
hatter, |
res. East side Scioto bt. State and Town |
Hettishammer, Valentine, |
grocery, |
res. East side Scioto near State. |
Hewett, Jeremiah, |
laborer, |
res. West side 3d near S. P. L. |
Heyl, Conrad, |
painter, |
res. S. E. cor. Front & Rich. |
Heyl, L., |
att'y at law, |
res. East side High near Friend. |
Heyl, Peter, |
laborer, |
res. N. W. cor. New & College. |
Hibbs, Adin G., |
miller, |
res. East side 3d near Mound. |
Hicks, David, |
baker, |
res. East side High near Friend. |
Hicks, John, |
laborer, |
res. East side Front near Broad. |
Hide, Warner, |
laborer, |
res. East side Third bt. Mound and South. |
Higgins, Clark, |
(A. Stewart, & Co. ), |
res. South side High near Mound. |
Hillery, Calvin, |
carpenter, |
res. N. W. cor. Front and Long. |
Hillery, Luther, |
carpenter, |
res. N. W. cor. Front and Long. |
Himrod, John, |
painter, |
res. East side Frotn near Rich. |
Hinderer, Gotleib, |
cabinetmaker, |
res. N. W. cor. Fifth and S. P. Lane. |
Hindershott, Peter, |
laborer, |
res. North side S. P. L. bt. Fourth and
Fifth |
Hindle, Mrs. |
res. North side Friend near canal bridge. |
Hines, Oliver P., |
mason, |
res. S. side Friend bt. 5th & 6th. |
Hinkle, John, |
cartman, |
res. N. E. cor. Mound and 5th. |
Hinkle, Wm., |
grocer, west side High near Friend, |
res. N. E. cor. Mound and Fifth. |
Hird. W,/. |
teamster, |
res. North side Mound near 4th. |
Hitchcock, H. L., Rev., |
res. North side Friend bt. 3d and High. |
Hitler, Jacob, |
prov. Store, |
res. W. side Front near Friend |
Hitz, Christian, |
laborer, |
res. North side Mound near 5th. |
Hodgkins, Mary Jane, |
res. S. E. cor. Fourth ans State. |
Hoffman, John, |
assistant W. O. P., |
res. East side Water near North. |
Hoffner, George laborer, |
north side Cherry alley east of Front |
Hoge, James, Rev. Dr., |
res. N. W. cor. Broad & 4th. |
Holdon, E. A., |
grocer, |
west side High near 1st al'y. |
Holt, J. S., |
boacksmith, |
N. side Friend near Fifth. |
Hook, Leonard, |
tailor, |
west side 5th near S. P. Lane. |
Hopcroft, Henry, |
painter, |
res. W. side Fifth bt. Friend and Rich. |
Horger, G., |
shoemaker, |
S. W. cor. High and S. P. L. |
Hosack, Robert, |
carpenter, |
res. East side Town east of Seventh. |
Hoster, L., |
brewer, |
res. South side S. P. Lane bt. Front and
High.' |
Howard, Elias, |
teamster, |
res. South side Gay bt. Third and Fourth. |
Howard, Hiram, |
capenter, |
res. East side Gay near 3d. |
Howard, Horton, |
constable, |
res. West side Third bt. Town and Rich. |
Howard, Jonathan, |
stonecutter, |
res. West side Third bt. Town and Rich. |
Howell, G. W., |
(Cushman & H.) |
res. North side Rich near Sixth. |
Howl, Charles, |
carpenter, |
N. side South near High. |
Hoyt, Enis, |
grocer, |
res. West side S. Pub Lane near New. |
Hoyt, L., |
res. South side Mound bt. 3d and High. |
Hubbard, Osmer, |
tailor, |
res. North side Cherry alley near Front. |
Hubbard, Wm. B., |
att'y at law, |
res. South side Rich bt. High and Third. |
Hubbell, R. H., |
state agent, |
res. West side Front bt. Broad and State. |
Huff, A., |
guard O. P., |
res. South side North near Water. |
Hughes, John, |
plasterer, |
res. South side Rich bt. Front and Scioto. |
Hulburt, Heland, Rev., |
res. N. E. cor. Fourth and State. |
Hume, Isaac, |
coachtrimmer, |
res. North side Gay bt. High and Third. |
Hume, Robert, Jr., |
clerk, |
boards at Whitehill's. |
Humphrey, E., |
res. S. W. cor. Gay and Third. |
Humphrey, L., |
(L. H. & Co. ) coppersmith, |
res. S. W, cor. Gay and Third. |
Hunt, John, |
blacksmith, |
east side High near 5th al'y. |
Hunter, Joseph, |
res. South side Rich west of Scioto. |
Hunter, R. J., |
guard, O. P., |
res. West side Broad bt. Front and Scioto. |
Hunter, Wm., |
drayman, |
res. East side High bt. Broad and Gay. |
Huntington, H. T. |
(Whiting & H.) bookseller, |
res. South side Statenear Third. |
Hurd, H., |
Buckeye House, |
north side Broad near High. |
Hutton, Wm., |
laborer, |
res. West side Fourth bt. North and Spring. |
Hymrod, Jacob, |
painter, |
res. N. side Rich bt. 5th and 6th. |