
- Q - |
- R - |
Rader, Mrs. |
res. East side Third and 4th alley |
Raigere, Henry |
laborer, |
res. S-W cor New & 5th al'y. |
Ramsey, Amos |
brickmaker, |
res. Friend near Blind Asylum. |
Ransom, L. |
canal com. |
res. N s Broad bt 3d & High |
Rapp, John |
shoemaker, |
res. S side South near High. |
Reader, W. A. |
cabinetmaker, |
res. N-E cor Friend and Fifth |
Reamensnider, L. |
cooper, |
res. E s High bt 4th and 5th alley |
Reaver, Adam |
teamster, |
res. W s High near City Hall |
Reed, A. |
[R. & Brother] piano fort seller, |
boards at Buckeye |
Reed, Isaac |
baker, |
res. N s Rich near Front |
Reed, J. C. |
[R. & Sheldon] tailor, |
res. E s Front near Friend |
Reem, John |
res. W s 4th bt Spring and North. |
Reem, Wm. |
teamster, |
res. W s 4th bt Spring & North |
Rees, Elizabeth, Mrs. |
seamstress, |
res. East side Third near Long |
Rees, Richard |
harnessmaker, |
res. E s Front near Long |
Reeves, J. R. |
boarding house, |
S-W cor High & Town |
Rhdes, Sylvester |
hatter, |
res. E s 3d near Gay |
Richards, C. A. |
watchmaker, |
res. W s Front ner
Rich |
Richards, Titus |
paver, |
res. N-W cor Mound and 4th |
Richards, Wm. |
[Wing, R. & Co.] |
boards at Neil H. |
Richey, George |
physician, |
res. W s Front near Town. |
Richey, James |
taylor, |
N side S P Lane bt Front and High |
Rickets, Jacob |
grocer, |
res. N s N P L bt 4th & 3d. |
Rickets, Mrs. |
res. East side 3d bt 2d & 3d alleys |
Riddel, B. |
res. West side Front near Town. |
Riddel, Mrs. |
N s Mound bt High and Third |
Riddell, Nicholas |
carpenter, |
res E s High city lane |
Rider, Joseph |
laborer, |
res. W-s Fourth bt Friend and Mound |
Ridgway, J., Jr. |
res. N s Broad bt High and Third |
Ridgway, J., Sr. |
boards at J. Ridgway's |
Ridgway, Thos. |
tanner, |
res. N s Broad bt Front and Scioto |
Rig, Francis |
laborer, |
res. N s Town near Fourth |
Riordan, George |
city marshal, |
res. E-s Front near Long. |
Riordan, Robert |
carpenter, |
res. S-W cor Front and Long. |
Ritter, B. |
laborer, |
west side New near College |
Roach, Henry |
teamster, |
res. West side Fourth bt Gay and Broad. |
Robbins, Thomas |
baker, |
res. S s Rich bt Front & Scioto |
Roberts, Thomas |
blacksmith, |
res. N-E cor Front and Mound |
Rockwell, E. |
Scioto Hotel at canal bridge |
Rohenbeck, John |
shoemaker, |
res. N s Town near 4th |
Roland, John |
wagonmaker, |
res. South side Spring bt Third and High |
Rose, Arthur |
boards at Neil House. |
Rose, C. C. |
res. Side Town Eight Buildings |
Rosenbaugh, G. F., Dr. |
res. S-E cor 3d and State |
Rosenfelt, John H |
music teacher, |
res. N-W cor 3d and North |
Rossell, R. |
res. W s High near State |
Rosson, E. F. |
bookbinder, |
E s High Com. Rowe 2d story |
Rowe, E. G. |
[Stone, Kelton & Co.] |
boards at Franklin House |
Rudesill, J. E. |
hatter, |
E s 3d near Mound |
Rudolph, P. |
carpenter, |
N-W cor New & S P Lane |
Ruggles, H. B. |
coach trimmer, |
res. E s Front near State. |
Runyon, Clark |
[Buttles & R.] |
res. S s Town bt High and Third |
Russell, James |
res. W s Front bt Friend & Mound. |