History of Fayette County,
Ohio & State of Ohio
By R. S. Dills -
Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers, Dayton, Ohio

Perry Twp. -
JOHN ORR, farmer and stock raiser, is a
son of John Orr, who was a native of Virginia, and came
to Ohio in 1818, settling on the waters of main Paint Creek, in
Marion Township. After remaining there two years he
removed to a farm on the north side of Sugar Creek, where he
remained until his death, which occurred in 1856. His wife
was a Miss Vance, of Kentucky, who preceded him to the
grave. They were the parents of seven children, four sons
and three daughters: Sophia, married, and died in
Kentucky; Samuel, married, moved to Indiana, and died;
Eleanor A., married and died in this county; William P.,
married, moved to Johnson County, Iowa, and has his second wife;
Elizabeth, married, moved to Indiana, and died; Andrew J.,
died unmarried; John, subject of this sketch.
John Orr, our subject, was born in Kentucky, in
1811. Came with his parents to Fayette County, in 1818.
Married Eliza Snyder, daughter of Henry and Elizabeth
Snyder, in November, 1831. In the spring of 1832 they
commenced keeping house on the farm on which they have resided
all their married life, and which he still owns, located on the
waters of Sugar Creek, on the Washington and Hillsboro pike,
some four and a half miles from Washington C. H. Here
Mrs. Orr died, after ten days' sickness, Nov. 2, 1880, aged
seventy years. She was a most estimable Christian
They were the parents of eight children, five sons
and three daughters: Henry S., married, moved to Kansas,
and died quite recently, in the forty-ninth year of his age;
Andrew V., married, and lives near Washington C. H.;
Nancy A., married to Christian Grove, and lives near
Washington C. H.; William H., married, and lives on the
original homestead now owned by his father; Elizabeth J.,
married, and lives in Iowa; Samuel O., unmarried, and
died in the army; John S., married, and lives in Concord.
Mr. Orr sold goods, from 1841 to 1857, in a room
just across the road from his house, which proved a financial
success. He owns a most excellent farm of one hundred and
sixty acres. In consequence of the death of his wife, he
made a public sale of stock, farming implements, etc., in April,
1881, and ceased housekeeping, after a married life of nearly
fifty years on the same spot of ground where he commenced.
They have been members of the Methodist Episcopal Church for
many years. and have seen all their children grown up to
manhood and womanhood, a respectable, honored, well-to-do
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page
815 |
Jasper Twp. -
DAVID M. OSBORN, farmer, is a native of
Clermont County, Ohio, and a son of David and Prisocia (Gatch)
Osborn. His father was born in Kentucky, about 1786,
and his mother was born in 1779. They were married in
Clermont County. Four sons and one daughter were the
result of this union. Our subject, the third, was born May
2, 1819, and came to Greene County, Apr. 5, 1833, where he
remained until Jan. 2, 1862, when he came to Fayette County, and
located where he now lives. He was married four times;
first, to Miss Cynthia Jackson, Feb. 22, 1838, who bore
him three sons and three daughters, and died Apr. 4, 1852, a
member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He then married
Mrs. Narcissa (Steward) Carpenter,
Mar. 17, 1853. There was one child by this marriage.
Mrs. Osborn died May 19, 1854, a member of the
Methodist Episcopal Church. He was married to Miss
Charlotte A. Furguson, Oct. 4, 1855, who bore him two
children, and died Mar. 28, 1859, a member of the same church.
He was married to Susanna Christy June 18, 1861.
They have one child. Mr. Osborn joined the
Methodist Episcopal Church when eighteen years of age, and has
held church offices since he was twenty-two, from steward to the
ministry. He was licensed to preach in 1860, and has since
preached and practiced the teachings of the Bible. He
served as justice of the peace of this township, and was
lieutenant of a militia company several years, ending about
1850. His son Elihu served as sergeant in Company
I, 31st O. V. V. I., during the late war, and was killed by the
Indians in Kansas, Aug. 25, 1873. Nathaniel C.
enlisted in the 25th O. V. V. I., which later formed the 12th
Ohio Battery, and served till the close of the war. Our
subject's grandfather (Gatch) was a member of the first
Methodist Episcopal conference, held in Baltimore. The
family is one of repute, which has been reared and educated in
the Methodist Episcopal Church.
* Source:
History of Fayette County, Ohio & State
of Ohio - By R. S. Dills - Publ. Odell & Meyer Publishers,
Dayton, Ohio - 1881 - Page 731 |
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