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History of Putnam County, Ohio,
Outline Map, Fifteen Farm Maps
A History of the County; Lithographic Views of Buildings - Public and
Portraits of Prominent Men; General Statistics;
Miscellaneous Matters, &c.
Publishers, Chicago and Toledo
MALLAHAN - born in Hancock
county, May 27, 1853, came to this county, in 1872,
with his parents, Charles F. and Jane Downing
Mallahan. his father died Dec. 30, 1877.
J. T. Mallahan married, Nov. 5, 1876,
Rebecca A. Carr, born in this county, Nov. 7,
1856, daughter of Jacob M. Carr and
Elizabeth Sawmiller. Children: Norvil,
born Aug. 11, 1877; Chloe L. Dec. 30, 1878.
His father was elected commissioner of the county in
1877, and died before taking the office.
His grandfather and John Downing was under
command of General Hull when he surrendered
at Detroit, and saw General Cass break his
sword rather than surrender it to the British.
Business, farming. Postoffice, Ottawa.
Source: History of Putnam County, Ohio,
publ. 1880 - Page 230 |

- is a farmer and stock dealer in Blanchard
township, having come to this county with his
parents, David U., and Matilda (Brooks)
McCullough, in 1856. He was born in
Jefferson county, Ohio, Jan. 26, 1845. His
wife, Rebecca Jane, daughter of Squire and
Susan (Gable) Darling, who came to the county in
1855, was born in Richland county, Ohio, Mar. 14,
1844. They were married in this township, Dec.
29, 1864.
Post Office, Gilboa.
Source: History of Putnam County, Ohio,
publ. 1880 - Page 208 |
- farmer, was born in Hancock county, Ohio, May 7,
1855, and in the following year, his parents,
David U. and Matilda (Brooks) McCullough,
settled in this county. He was married Feb.
17, 1874, at Columbus Grove. His wife,
Maggie M., daughter of John and Elizabeth
(McDowell) Norton, was born in this county,
Sept. 23, 1853. They have three children:
Bessie M., Dec. 27, 1873; Selah M., Mar.
23, 1876, died Sept. 24, 1878; David U.,
Sept. 23, 1878. He has served as constable
in this township.
Post-office, Gilboa.
Source: History of Putnam County, Ohio, publ.
1880 - Page 208 |
- was born in Jefferson county, Ohio, Apr. 13, 1819,
and was married Jan. 7, 1844, in the county of his
birth, to Matilda Brook. His parents
were David and Frances McCullough, and his
father served through the war of 1812. Mr.
McCullough came to Putnam county in 1855.
He has held the office of township trustee in
Hancock county for five years, and the same length
of time in Putnam county; also justice of the peace
three years. He has had a family of eleven
children: Francis, born Apr. 24, 1839,
resides in Blanchard township; Elizabeth Ann,
July 25, 1843, now in Ottawa township; Andrew S.,
Jan. 26, 1845, now in Blanchard; George R.,
Sept. 27, 1846, deceased Mar. 2, 1854;
Maria Margaret, born Oct. 26, 1849, Ottawa
township; Catharine B., Oct. 17, 1852.
Hancock county; David T., May 7, 1855,
Blanchard township; John W. June 12, 1858,
died June 30, 1858; Reason F., born July
20, 1859; Alexander J., Oct. 15, 1864;
Sarah Jane, Feb. 5, 1866. The three last
named are at home. Occupation, farmer.
Post-office, Gilboa.
Source: History of Putnam County, Ohio, publ.
1880 - Page 208 |
son of Richard McElderry and Eliza Gailey,
who came into this county in 1864, was born in
Carroll county, Jan. 22, 1844, and settled in this
county in 1865. He married, Oct. 1 ,1865,
Elizabeth Tobey, born in Union county, Aug. 6,
1845, daughter of Harlow Tobey and Welthena
Phelps. Five children have been given
them: Sarah Lou Enna, born Aug. 1,
1867, died Apr. 25, 1874; Ora Welthena,
born Dec. 4, 1869, died Apr. 26, 1872;
Albert Eugene, Mar. 12, 1872; Annie Dell,
born June 8, 1874, died Jan. 21, 1875;
Charlie, Mar. 25, 1876. Mr. McElderry
served in the late war, from June 1, 1861, until
June 14, 1865; was a member of the Thirty-first O.
V. I.; in that time he was through twenty-six
different engagements. He had two brothers in
the same year - Joseph, member of the
Thirteenth O. V. I., and Jonathan, of the One
Hundred and Twenty-first O. V. I.; both were killed.
Mr. McElderry is now serving as
marshal of Columbus Grove. Business in
Source: History of Putnam County, Ohio, publ.
1880 - Page 223 |
- is a son of Theodore and Anna M. (Werseman)
Meyer, who came from Hanover, Germany, and
settled in this county in 1834. He was born in
this township, May 8, 1842, and was married at
Glandorf, Mar. 1, 1867. His wife, Bernadina,
whose parents also came from Germany, and settled
here in 1839, is a daughter of Herman H. and Mary
A. (Grote) Karhoff. Six children have been
born: John T., Apr. 30, 1868; Frank
B., Apr. 5, 1870; Mary T., Sept. 10,
1872; Marie, Sept. 8, 1874, deceased;
John Henry, Oct. 3, 1875; Anna M., May
12, 18_8. Occupation, farming.
Address, Ottawa
Source: History of Putnam County, Ohio,
publ. 1880 - Page 202 |
- was born in Germany, Aug. 26, 1833, and came to
this country with his parents, Theodore and Anna
M. (Mersemann) Meyer, 1834. He married at
Glandorf, May 1855, Anna M. Monning born in
Ottawa township, May 1, 1825, daughter of John
and Anna M. (Recker) Monning, who settled here
in 1835. Ten children have been born to them,
namely: John B. born Mar. 1, 1856, deceased:
John H. born Sept. 4, 1858; Bernard T.,
June 14, 1861; Joseph B., June 12, 1863;
Herman J., Apr. 7, 1866; Mary T., born
May 7, 1869, deceased; Anna M., Nov.
5, 1871; Theodore H., Oct. 3, 1873;
Bennadina A., Oct. 22, 1876; Katharina M.,
Nov. 5, 1879. All the living children reside
in Ottawa. Mr. Meyer's father was one
of the pioneer settlers of Ottawa township, and was
connected with the organization and early history of
Glandorf Church. Business, farming.
Post-office, Glandorf.
Source: History of Putnam County, Ohio, publ.
1880 - Page 202 |
was born in Stinefeldt, Germany, Nov. 1, 1842; son
of Carl Heinrich and Maria Anna (Tankelaye)
Meyer. Came to the county, May 2, 18_0.
Married at Glandorf, Aug. 27, 1872, Maria
Elizabeth, born Apr. 29, 1852, daughter of
Nicolas and Maria Elizabeth (Kessler) Baihel.
Her father was born in France, Sept. 10, 1812, and
her mother in France, Mar. 25, 1822. They are
blessed with two children: August, born Mar.
6, 1874; Anna, born Jan. 31, 1876.
Business, contractor and builder.
Postoffice, Ottawa.
History of Putnam County, Ohio, publ. 1880 - Page
202 |
born in German Empire in 1817, and settled in this
county in 1836. His wife, Frederika,
daughter of Frederick and Maria (Heschpler)
Prankenhorn, was also born in the German Empire,
in 1820. They were married in Allen county, in
1858. He served in the Mexican war.
Occupation, farmer.
Post-office, Delphos, Ohio.
History of Putnam County, Ohio, publ. 1880 - Page
212 |
- widow of Harrison Meyers since Oct. 22,
1878, was born in Seneca county, Ohio, in 1849.
Her parents, Peter and Elizabeth (Pruden)
Klingman, came to the county in 1850, and her
mother died in 1860. Henry and Elizabeth
(Ward) Meyers, her husband's parents, came to
the county in 1833. Harrison Meyers,
her husband's parents, came to the county in 1833.
Harrison Meyers was born in Allen
county, Ohio, in 1840, and he and his wife were
married in the same county in ___. There were seven
children: Elizabeth Alice, born May 17,
1864, resides in Allen county; William F.,
Apr. 5, 1866; Mary E., Aug. 18, 1868;
Sarah C., June 24, 1871; Ellen M., Feb.
26, 1873; Charles W., Mar. 26, 1876; Anna
J., Oct. 11, 1878. Her husband was school
director three years, and followed farming.
Address, Delphos, Ohio.
Source: History of Putnam County, Ohio,
publ. 1880 - Page 212 |
was born in Hancock county, Ohio, Sept. 23, 1850,
and came with his parents, Matthias and Margaret
(Greesinger) Miller, to this county in 1851.
His wife, Elizabeth, daughter of Barney
Erhart, was born in this county, June, 1855, and
they were married at Ottawa, Jan. 3, 1876.
They have had two children: Philomena, born
June 25, 1877, died Nov. 25, 1878; John M.,
Nov. 23, 1878. Farmer and stock-raiser.
Address, Ottawa, Ohio.
Source: History of Putnam County, Ohio, publ.
1880 - Page 241 |
of Henry and Catharine (Grassley) Miller, was
born July 17, 1845, in Fairfield county, Ohio, and
came to this county in 1868. His wife,
Minerva A., daughter of John and Mary Ann (Wininger)
Hummon, was born July 7, 1847, in this county,
and they were married Oct. 27, 1868. The
birth-roll comprises eight children: John H.,
born Oct. 2, 1869; Vida May, Sept. 2, 1870;
Ada Dell, Jan. 27, 1872; Edmund F.,
Aug. 24, 1873; Willie D., Dec. 29, 1875,
died Feb. 17, following; Harley J., Nov.
19, 18__; Nettie M., Apr. 2, 1877; Reuben
C., Dec. 19, 1878. He was a member of
Company E., Thirty-first Regiment O. V. I., and took
part in the following engagements: Dalton,
Dallas Gap, Pine Mountain, Kenesaw Mountain,
Chatthoochie River, Peach-Tree Creek, Atlanta,
Jonesboro, Savannah, Averysorough, Bentonville,
Goldsorough and Raleigh. Occupation, farming.
Address, Bluffton, Ohio.
History of Putnam County, Ohio, publ. 1880 - Page
235 |
- son of John Henry and Sophia C. (Egler) Cook
Miller, was born Mar. 11, 1838, in Putnam
county; his parents both deceased, the first named
1850, the last 1865. Settled in this county in
1837. His wife, Sarah Maria Clark, was
also born in Putnam county, Apr. 24, 1841, and is
the daughter of James D. and Elizabeth (Battenfield)
Clark who came to the county in 1837. They
were married, June 20, 1861, in the county of their
birth, and have eight children: Mary A., born
May 10, 1862; Elizabeth J., Apr. 1, 1864;
John Wm., Apr. 16, 1866; Margery A., Aug.
28, 1868; Lucy E., Apr. 2, 1871; James E.
and Clara E. (twins), Apr. 4, 1874; and
Eva Ann Nov. 9, 1878. His father-in-law
was one of the early settlers in Ottawa township;
had dug a well nineteen feet deep, and walled it
with boulders; the water failing, went down to clean
it, the wall caved in; his wife raised the alarm,
the nearest help was one mile; the few citizens of
Ottawa turned out en masse, and by hard work
and dug out, after being confined over six hours; he
was not seriously hurt; now lives in Michigan.
Business, farming.
Post-office, Ottawa.
Source: History of Putnam County, Ohio, publ.
1880 - Page 208 |
- whose parents, Matthias and Annie B. (Greensinger)
Miller, settled in this county in 1851, was born
in Hancock county, Ohio, June 28, 1848, and was
married at Glandorf, May 18, 1869. His wife,
Mary E., daughter of George H. and
Elizabeth (Parks) Reed, was born in Coshocton
county, Ohio, June 28, 1850. They have had six
children: John M., born Mar. 16, 1870;
Mary B., Oct. 18, 1871; Annie M., Feb.
4, 1874; George A., May 22, 1875; Nicholas
F., Feb .11, 1877; Elizabeth G., Oct. 28,
1878, died Sept. 20, 1879. He has
served as supervisor, trustee and school director
and is a farmer and stock-raiser.
Address, Ottawa, Ohio.
Source: History of Putnam County, Ohio, publ.
1880 - Page 238 |
- son of John H. and Annie M., was born in
Ottawa township, Dec. 3, 1842, and married in
Glandorf, Nov. 8,1865. His parents were
natives of Germany, and came into the county in
1835. His wife, Mary T. Meyer, was also
born in Ottawa township, Aug. 7, 1845. Her
parents were also natives of Germany, and came to
Putnam county in 1834. Children: John
H., born Feb. 7, 1867, deceased;
Bernard J., born May 28, 1868; Theodore M.,
Mar. 22, 1871; Mary T., Feb. 14, 1875;
Anna M., Feb. 3, 1878.
Post-office, Glandorf. Business farming.
Source: History of Putnam County, Ohio, publ.
1880 - Page 202 |


son of Peter and Barbara Muller, who died in
1855, was born in Germany, June 14, 1820, and
settled in this county in 1863. His wife
Johanna, daughter of Joseph Antony and Mary
Ann Flatz, was born in Austria, June 24, 1828.
They were married at Fremont, Ohio, in 1853.
Their children are: John born Apr. 14,
1854; Johanna, Feb. 25, 1857, now in Kansas;
Mary Anna, Feb 9, 1860; Edward, Oct.
13, 1862; George, Dec. 12, 1865; Josephine
Feb. 19, 1869; Joseph, Nov. 8, 1871;
died July 13, 1872; Catharine, Aug.
14, 1873.
Post-office, Dog Creek. Business, farmer.
Source: History of Putnam County, Ohio, publ.
1880 - Page 213 |
whose parents, Peter and Anna B. (Crouse) Myers,
settled in the county in 1834, was born Jan. 11,
1839, in this township. His father died in
1879, his mother in 1860. He has been twice
married. His first wife, Mary F.,
daughter of Zachariah and Susan (Mimison)
Metcalfe, was born in Van Wert county, Ohio.
They were married at Delphos, Ohio, Mar. 17, 1872.
His second wife, Maggie D., daughter of
Richard and DIana (Whites) Wilcox, was born in
this county Aug. 8, 1856. They were married
Jan. 9, 1876. He has three children:
Florence, born Aug. 22, 1873; Laura B.,
Feb. 20, 1877; Morton P., July 13, 1878.
He has been constable eight years, and has taught
seven terms of school. He served in the war of
the Rebellion, and was taken prisoner at Harper's
Ferry in 1862. He had a brother who was killed
at Independence, Missouri in 1861.
Business, farming and stock raising.
Address, Dupont.
Source: History of Putnam County, Ohio, publ.
1880 - Page 244 |
- whose husband died Feb. 16, 1875, continues the
farm in this township. Her maiden name was
Lydia Shank, and she was born in Toronto,
Canada, in 1821. Her parents, Michael and
Barbara (Wideman) Shank, settled in this county
in 1837. Her husband was born in Washington
county, Maryland, in 1793, and his parents, John
and Mary (Dolan) Myers came to this county in
1834, he coming here the following year. They
were married in this county in 1846, and had a
family of nine children, of whom seven are living:
Elizabeth, born Jan. 5, 1848, died in
1873; John H., May 23, 1849, living in this
county; Henry D., Sept. 24, 1851; Jacob S.,
Dec. 21, 1852; Peter M., Dec. 29, 1853;
Samuel W., Dec. 6, 1855; Maria L., July
31, 1858; Barbara, Oct. 15, 1860, died
1862; Joseph A., Oct. 19, 1862.
Postoffice address, Ottawa, Ohio.
Source: History of Putnam County, Ohio, publ.
1880 - Page 237 |
who settled in this county in 1871, is a son of
Samuel and Frances Myers, and was born in
Ashland county, Ohio, Feb. 12, 1833. His wife,
Charlotte J., daughter of William
and Saloma Plum, who settled in the county in
1874, was born in Bedford, Cuyahoga County, Ohio,
Dec. 25, 1840, and they were married in Ashland
county, Ohio, June 8, 1865. They have a family
of six children: Charles M., born Apr.
1, 1866; Milo E., Feb. 14, 1868; Albert A.,
June 16, 1870; Willie B., Dec.2, 1873;
Theron A., Feb. 24, 1876; Harvey E. B.,
July 6, 1878. Mr. Myers enlisted
on the 19th of April, 1861, and served through the
war of the Rebellion, receiving an honorable
discharge May 27, 1865. He participated in the
following battles: Phillippi, Laurel Hill,
Beverley, Cheat River, all in West Virginia;
Pittsburg Landing, Stone River, Chickamauga,
Chattanooga, Lookout Mountain, Mission Ridge, Gravel
Hill, Buzzard's Roost, Rocky Face, Resacca, Dallas,
Atlanta, Mill Springs, and Kenesaw Mountain.
Occupation, farming.
Address, Defiance Ohio.
Source: History of Putnam County, Ohio,
publ. 1880 - Page 226 |
- whose husband died Aug. 27, 1859, was born in
Licking county, Ohio, May 8, 1816. Her father
and mother, Abraham and Catharine (Wishart)
Harden, settled in this county in 1832, and died
in 1858 and 1866, respectively. Her husband,
son of John and Mary (Dillon) Myers, was born
in Washington county, Maryland, Apr. 1, 1793.
His parents came to this county in 1832, he
accompanying them, and they died in 1840 and 1852.
She was married to Mr. Myers. Christmas
Day of 1833, and ten children were to them:
Adaline, born Aug. 19, 1836; Ann A.,
July 17, 1838; Samuel H., Feb. 22, 1840;
Jacob, Apr. 17, 1841; Abraham, Aug. 20,
1843; Susan, Sept. 26, 1845; Margaret M.,
Nov. 17, 1847; David, Nov. 29, 1849;
Huldah C., Sept. 17, 1852; Malinda, Sept.
21, 1857. Her grandfather, William
Harden, served through the war of the
Revolution; and her father, Abraham Harden,
served in the war of 1812 a short time, was taken
sick and sent home. Her husband was one of the
first commissioners of this county, and helped to
lay out the village of Kalida. Mrs.
Myers was the first white woman that was married
in this county, and her father kept a pioneer hotel
on the farm now owned by his son, George
Harden, in Blanchard township. Occupaton,
Address, Evansville, Putnam county, Ohio.
Source: History of Putnam County, Ohio, publ.
1880 - Page 244 |
- daughter of Peter and Sarah (Von Alten)
Heynsdyke, was born in Holland in 1812.
She was first married in Holland, in 1839, to
Daniel, son of William and Catharine (Lamar)
Dieleman. He was also born in Holland, in
1808 They had seven children: William,
born Mar. 10, 1840, deceased; Sarah,
Aug. 6, 1842, deceased; William, June
15, 1844, deceased; Sarah, Sept. 17,
1845, resides at Delphos, Ohio; William,
Sept. 1, 1847, resides at Dolphos; Catherina,
Aug. 8, 1849, resides at Dayton, Ohio; Peter,
Sept. 22, 1851. Occupation, farming.
Address, Delphos, Allen county, Ohio.
Source: History of Putnam County, Ohio, publ.
1880 - Page 212 |
was born in Washington county, Maryland, in 1817.
His parents, Peter and Elizabeth (Slice) Myers,
came to this county in 1835. His wife, Mary,
is a daughter of Michael and Barbara (Wideman)
Shank, and they came to this county in 1837.
She was born in 1822, in Toronto, Canada. He
settled in this county in 1836, and they were
married in 1842. They have had thirteen
children, of whom ten are living: Peter S.,
Born Sept. 10, 1843; Sarah, Apr. 11, 1845;
Abraham, Dec. 11, 1846, died in 1856;
John F., Sept. 22, 1848; Solomon J., May
20, 1850; David, Dec. 25, 1851; died
July 29, 1870; Susannah, Feb. 1, 1854;
Mary L., Dec. 11, 1855; Christian, Mar.
6, 1858; Jemima, Feb. 7, 1860; Sophia
Jan. 27, 1862; Martha A., Apr. 23, 1868;
Daniel, Dec. 31, 1865, died Jan.
8, 1866. Occupation, farming.
Address, Sheridan, Ohio
Source: History of Putnam County, Ohio, publ.
1880 - Page 237 |
- son of George Washington Myers and Martha
Matilda Blakeley, was born in Franklin county,
June 30, 1844, and settled in this county in 1851.
His wife, Clara Lea, daughter of James M.
and Viletta (Ritchie) Lea, was born in Hardin
county, Dec. 19, 1839. They were married in
Lima, Oct. 5, 1867, and have had three children,
namely: Lizzie Belle, born July 13,
1868; George Markwood, born July 7, 1870,
deceased; Martha May, born May 12, 1873.
Mr. Myers has served six years as constable -
three at Vaugnsville and three at Columbus Grove.
He served in the late war two years and seven
months, in Company D, One Hundred and Eighteenth O.
V. I.; was wounded at the battle of Resacca, Ga.,
May 14, 1864, and had his right arm amputated on the
10th of July following. At one time during the
service he lived on one ear of corn per day for
sixteen days. Mr. Myers is a
sewing machine agent of Columbus Grove.
Source: History of Putnam County, Ohio,
publ. 1880 - Page 223 |

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